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Male | 18

Retenir ma respiration a-t-il causé des lésions cérébrales ?

Bonjour! On m'a diagnostiqué un TOC il y a quelque temps, et l'une des contraintes liées à certaines pensées était de retenir ma respiration pendant un certain temps. Tout a commencé à partir d'ici. Je suis entré en médecine, je suis passionné par le domaine et j'ai toujours été élève de 10e. Ma question est de savoir si mon cerveau a été touché, s'il y a eu une hypoxie cérébrale. Il y a eu des moments où je retenais ma respiration pendant des périodes assez longues (jusqu'à ce que je sente que je devais le faire), d'autres fois où je ne respirais pas assez et j'avais cette sensation d'étouffement (la plus grande peur ici est que je ne sais pas exactement combien). J'ai passé une IRM cérébrale native, 1,5 Tesla, rien de négatif n'est ressorti. Cependant, à un niveau micro, ma cognition, mon intelligence, ma mémoire ont-elles été affectées ? La valeur SpO2 est maintenant de 98 à 99 %, dois-je consulter un médecin ? Je n'ai pas beaucoup dormi dans ma vie, je reste toujours éveillé la nuit pour étudier et je me demande si mon cerveau est plus sensible à ce genre de choses, et aussi je suis né prématurément. J'avais lu sur Internet que les gens pouvaient souffrir d'hypoxie sans le voir sur une IRM, cela m'a vraiment paniqué. Je commence l'université dans une semaine et j'y pense constamment. Si j'oublie certains détails, je ne me souviendrai pas de certaines choses, je penserai toujours que c'est parce que mon cerveau a été endommagé, pas que ce soit normal de ne pas me souvenir de tout. J'ai réussi à surmonter ces contraintes. Mais je pense qu’il n’y a pas de séquelles sur le cerveau. Que recommandez-vous? Je suis très paniqué à l'idée de me faire du mal à cause de certaines compulsions insensées. Je ne me sens plus moi-même, après avoir lu ou plein de choses sur Internet. Y a-t-il quelque chose à faire ?

1 Answer

Answered on 12th Sept '24

Retenir sa respiration pendant une longue période peut parfois provoquer des vertiges ou une suffocation, néanmoins, il est peu probable que vous souffriez d'une lésion cérébrale permanente. Votre cerveau, qui a besoin d’oxygène, se porte bien parce que vous recevez de bons niveaux d’oxygène. Si vous vous sentez inquiet, essayez des techniques de relaxation comme respirer profondément ou parler à une personne de confiance. 

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (709)

Doctor, can I take 1500 mcg vitamin b12 supplements to increase my brain function as I am a student.

Female | 15

Taking 1500 mcg vitamin B12 supplements may not be required if you do not have a B12 deficiency. B12 deficiency symptoms can involve such matters as depression, dizziness, and memory loss. A blood test is a way to see your vitamin B12 levels. Only in case of a deficiency, the correct dose will be pointed out by your doctor. 

Answered on 13th June '24

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Here is my story, Doctor. So, two years ago, I suddenly felt immense pain in my foot and got bedridden for almost three months. And then I rushed to a physician because at the time there was no neurologist in my city. The physician tested my vitamins and gave me some vitamins. It eventually got better and I was able to walk. I was overweight at that time and my physician told me that it's all because of weight. And then I lost almost 20 kilograms, but there was still feeling of socks. I don't feel any pain or anything, but I just feel like I'm wearing socks. Then after almost two years, I visited a neurologist with this and she tested my vitamins. She prescribed me vitamin D supplements since my vitamin D is at 12, but for one month. Nothing happened with this one month treatment. Then she did my NCV. She said my NCV reports are normal and has prescribed me some vitamins again. What do you think, how much time it would take to get completely cured?

Female | 21

Based on what you have told me, the peripheral disorder mentioned by the speaker is on track with peripheral nerve disease. In most cases, the feeling of socks on your feet could be easily attributed to peripheral neuropathy. You are lucky that your neurologist has done so many tests and that your vitamins and nerves are under control. Please continue to take the vitamins as per the doctor's prescription and remain patient. You will need some time to see improvements in your nerves. Also, keeping a check on your weight and living a healthy life will speed up your recovery while doing well.

Answered on 14th June '24

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I am paraplegic due to spine Tumour is it can be recovered may I walk again?

Female | 28

Spine tumour leading to paraplegia is a disease that requires specialist care. It is best to work with a neurologist or spine specialist who will evaluate your situation and advise you of any possible treatment alternatives. Recovery, that is to walk again is dependent upon the tumour type and extent of spinal cord damage.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am mayank rawat I am 21 year old I have a primary mitrocondial diseases doctor prescribed me to take vernance, coq 500 mg, riboflavin but I am taking it from so long but it's not working I thing I have access relative oxygen species producing in the body what's the treatment I am going through taugh time I have redness in hands and feet I experience tingling effect on hand and feet I also experience pain in whole body after these things happens I also have Neurogical problem

Male | 21

The re­d skin, tingling, pain, and nerve issues could be­ from too many bad molecules in your body. These­ bad molecules can hurt cells. To he­lp stop the bad molecules, e­at more fruits and veggies. Also, talk to your doctor about helper pills that may stop the­se issues from the bad mole­cules.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Aaj morning se sir me pain ho raha hai Vaisograin tablet bhi Li par koi releif nahi hua

Female | 24

Headaches can arise in many ways, for example, stress, lack of sleep, or even looking at screens for too long can cause them. It's better to lie in a peaceful place, drink a lot of plain water, and abstain from excessive screen time. If the pain persists, you need to go to a doctor and get a thorough checkup done.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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Iam 28 years Female. I took antidepressants for one month. After that iam facing jerking movement sensation in face and head.

Female | 28

The jerking movement sensations are a side effect of the antidepressant medication.Talk to your doctor they may recommend adjusting your dose or switching to a different medication. Donb't stop taking antidepressants without medical supervision as the discontinuation can lead to withdrawal symptoms.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My father has c3 and c6 spine problem he can't move their legs.he can be recover or not

Male | 40

It`s a very serious condition when the legs become immovable because of the c3 and c6 spine issues. One may have symptoms like numbness or weakness. This injury may lead to the sudden onset of conditions such as spinal cord compression. Recovery is possible with treatments like physical therapy or surgery, depending on the situation. 

Answered on 30th July '24

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Head pain problems back said too painful my self

Male | 36

Your head hurts and your back too. This can be a result of nervousness, worry, and you might not even notice your sitting or looking at a screen. Give yourself time to walk around, stretch, and perform relaxation methods. You can also apply a warm compress to the painful areas and exercise walking Somewhat slow, easy walking, and jogging are also good for the body. And if the pain is still there, let a specialist examine it.

Answered on 19th June '24

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