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Female | 21

How can I manage Chiari Malformation symptoms affecting my study time?

I was diagnosed with chiari malformation type 1 two years back. I had done foramen Magnum decompression. After this surgery my pain in hands, back ,numbness, tingling all persist as it is. But now a days for past 3 days i am experiencing headache after 9.30 pm. Which affects my study time. I feel sleepy after that. Headache is insidious in onset. Even though pain I am experiencing for 24×7 hurts me but I am used to with that pain. But headache is not so sever but altogether these symptoms affects me badly. Due to this disease i cannot able to study well. Can you help me out? Please

1 Answer

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Headaches are the result of either changes in the flow of the fluids around the brain or irritation of the nerves. This is a new symptom for you; tell your neurologist about it. Keep them informed of all your symptoms; this will allow them to decide on the most suitable treatment for your general health care.

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

Tingling feet and hand, back pain

Male | 30

The tingling sensation on toes and hands and spine pain could be symptoms of nerve damage or pressure. It is best to see a neurologist who may perform tests to determine the cause and provide suitable treatment. Ignoring these symptoms only means that there will be more complications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Treatment for parkinson disease

Male | 44

Treatment for Parkinson's disease focuses on managing symptoms and improving quality of life. This typically involves medication to increase dopamine levels, physical therapy to improve mobility, occupational therapy to enhance daily living skills, and speech therapy for speech and swallowing difficulties. 
In advanced cases, deep brain stimulation may be considered. Exercise and stress management, are also important. The treatment approach is normally tailored to each individual's needs and may require regular adjustments and monitoring.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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But my memory issues will take how much time to resolve after Inter parenchymal bleed it's been already 2 months I haven't forgotten completely but I can't literally recall my past events and remember new events accordingly everything I miss out the dates and times

Male | 23

You are worried about your memory after bleeding within the brain. It is not uncommon for people to have these types of problems with their memories following such events. Some of the symptoms may involve having trouble remembering things that have occurred recently or forgetting appointments altogether; also clock watching could be difficult too. This can affect anyone at any age.

Answered on 29th May '24

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Sir my name is venu gopal and I am 26 years old sir I am sweating only one side of my face and hands what is the reason sir

Male | Kasam venu gopal

Sweating excessively on one side of your face and one hand may be due to Frey’s syndrome, which is a condition that develops as a result of damaged nerves from surgery or injury. The key sign is sweating when you eat or see food. You can try antiperspirants or medication, and if necessary, have botox injections. Don’t forget to drink water and avoid spicy foods too often.

Answered on 3rd June '24

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मेरो टाउको पछाडी २ दिन भो धेरै नै भारी भाको जस्तो भाको छ र टउ्को नी धेरै दुखीराको छ

Male | ३७

तपाईंले टाउकोको पछाडिको भारीपन र पीडाको अनुभव गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने, यसले तनाव, मांसपेशी संकुचन, वा अन्य स्वास्थ्य समस्यासँग सम्बन्धित हुन सक्छ। आराम गर्ने, हाइड्रेटेड रहने र राम्रो निद्रा लिने प्रयास गर्नुहोस्। ताजा फलफूल, तरकारी, र समुन्नत आहारलाई प्राथमिकता दिनुहोस्। यदि दुखाइ निरन्तर रहिरह्यो वा अन्य समस्याहरू देखा परेमा, चिकित्सकसँग जाँच गर्नुहोस्। विशेषज्ञ संगको परामर्श तपाईंको स्वास्थ्यको साँचो मूल्यांकन गर्न मद्दत गर्नेछ। याद गर्नुहोस्, तपाईँको स्वास्थ्य महत्त्वपूर्ण छ, र सही मार्गदर्शनले तपाईंलाई चाँडै राहत पाउन मद्दत गर्नेछ।

Answered on 9th Mar '25

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I have migraine and Hello. OK, so the symptoms are my headache has become more frequent, like more frequent. Before it used to come like in two weeks once, but now it is like in a gap of two days maximum something. And it has become more intense, very intense. It has become like, you know, very, very much intense. Secondly, the painkiller doesn't seem to help at all.Before it used to work, now it doesn't help.Lastly, not exactly Lastly, it lasts much longer. You know like Pehle, it used, it used to go away in one day, but now it lasts for two to three days. And then I'm also experiencing ear pain which is behind my ears also and then inside the ear also, like my whole ear is paining with ear behind also.Then I get extremely nauseous, OK, and then sometimes even a bit dizzy. And then I have sensitivity to light and sound OK, motion sensitivity one side.It paints more and there's more frequent other side. It is not frequent. Doesn't mean it is not there. It happens other side also. It pains but one side is more frequent.And then while in headache I do try to sleep it off, but due to pain sleeping it off becomes difficult and if by chance I get sleep then there are chances it will go away. And then after it goes away still there is weakness, like I feel extreme weakness. What can it be?

Female | 18

The type of headaches you are having, which more often than not, are very intense, with earache, dizziness, and hypersensitivity to light and sound, all symptoms suggest a likely migraine. Migraines occur when your brain is hypersensitive to the things that your body would normally be able to cope with such as stress, lack of sleep, or even something you eat. To achieve the goal of migraine control, you can use a headache diary, stay hydrated, be well-rested, and avoid the triggers. Even if the symptoms get more serious or become a major obstacle in your everyday activities, it's always a good move to seek medical advice from a healthcare practitioner. 

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

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Dear doctor please help my mom having brain weak nerve which cause her depression she is in depression doctor did ECT and give medicine but she having head pain how long it take my mom to recover her nerve strong and cure head pain will depression medicine cure weak nerve and head pain will my mom again recover like earlier and when how long it take her please doctor

Female | 47

 Although medications and electroconvulsive therapy are effective in alleviating depressed state, she can still be feeling sick. Recovery is on a personal level and it depends on the specific individual, yet sticking to treatment is vital. If watched closely the antidepressants could not only help feeling better but also bring down pain. Please engage in regular communication with her healthcare provider for the best outcome, monitor if the medication is effective and require adjustments if necessary. 

Answered on 7th Dec '24

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