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Female | 22

La contraception d’urgence est-elle efficace après un rapport sexuel non protégé accompagné de diarrhée ?

J'ai eu ce qui peut être considéré comme un rapport sexuel non protégé le 27 août (c'est parce que je souffrais de diarrhée qui réduisait l'efficacité et la protection de ma pilule combinée habituelle). Le partenaire s'est retiré deux fois, nous nous douchons entre les deux et nettoyons. J'ai pris une contraception d'urgence dans les 24 heures (marque : andalan postpil) et j'ai eu une dernière diarrhée près de 3 heures plus tard (un peu moins je pense) après avoir pris la pilule. La contraception d’urgence sera-t-elle efficace (j’ai également un IMC de 30,5) ou dois-je prendre une autre pilule d’urgence ?

1 Answer
Dr Himali Patel


Answered on 3rd Sept '24

La pilule contraceptive d’urgence est un moyen très efficace de prévenir une grossesse. En dehors de cela, vous avez pris la pilule d’urgence, ce qui était la bonne solution, et vous avez souffert de diarrhée, ce qui peut réduire l’efficacité de la pilule. Faites attention à tout symptôme inhabituel et si vous êtes inquiet, il est toujours préférable de consulter un médecin.gynécologue.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3803)

Iam 20 year female, I have a 26 day menstrual cycle. Every month 11th I have my menstrual period. This month 10th I had an unprotected Sex and it was my first sex. On 11th I didn't get my menstrual period. On 12th afternoon at 3 pm I took levonorgestrel pill. After that on 13th I felt dizziness and from 2 days iam frequently urinating. Now today the date is 16th it's been 5 days I have put on the pill. But I didn't get menstrual period. Iam very afraid. I don't want to get pregnant. Iam unmarried. Please check my situation.

Female | 20

The indications of instability, as well as frequent urination, are the side effects that come with the intake of a levonorgestrel pill, in some cases. One of the repercussions of this pill is an alteration in your menstrual cycle, i.e., a late period. More often than not, it is a typical reaction to developed bleeding, i.e., the moment after the pill is consumed when the period is expected. Keep a cool head and try to avoid getting stressed out, because stress has an impact on your period. If you did not have your period after the first week or two, it is advisable to take a pregnancy test to be 100% sure.

Answered on 17th July '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

After unprotected intercourse she missed her periods 15 days but she take unripe papaya and pine apply the. Ripe papaya juice but still not have any symptoms

Female | 21

15 days delayed periods after unprotected intercourse can be a sign of pregnancy or may be some other health issue. Please talk to your gynecologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

My wife and i have had intercoure Nd her periods due date is supposed to be today and she isn't feeling any such signs for it except for lower back pain which is mild she says we fear she is having pregnancy what to do?

Female | 18

it could be a sign of PMS or implantation. Nevertheless, pregnancy is not proven without a pregnancy test or seeing a gynecologist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

Hello, What tests are required for both men and women before getting pregnant?? Just to make sure that everything is alright..

Female | 30

both partners may get hiv ,hbsag ,rpr , tests ,female may get thyroid profile , rbs , optimum diet ,preconceptional folic acid , healthy lifestyle to be maintained

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ankita Mago

Dr. Ankita Mago

Ive been having dried up blood spotting for 3 days and i only had cramps for the first day i know im not pregnant since im 15 and i never had sex theres also some brown spotting when i wipe after i pee (kinda like when period is done)

Female | 15

Dried up blood spotting, cramps, and brown spotting can have various causes, even if you're not sexually active. It's possible that this could be related to hormonal changes, irregular periods, or other factors. Irregular are common, especially during the early years of menstruation.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

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