Male | 43
Quels sont les symptômes de la fissure anale ?
On m'a diagnostiqué une fissure anale et je ressens des symptômes depuis début février. J'ai ensuite commencé à ressentir des douleurs en urinant début mars.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Les fissures anales sont courantes et peuvent être traitées avec des médicaments. Parfois, une intervention chirurgicale mineure est nécessaire. Une douleur intense pendant la miction peut être un symptôme d'une infection des voies urinaires ou d'une MST. Vous devriez donc voir unurologueafin d'être correctement examiné et traité.
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Questions & Answers on "Urology" (990)
I can't able to move my penis foreskin it is too tight and if I move it is painful
Male | 24
If I understand properly, you may have a condition known as phimosis, which is when the foreskin is too tight to be pulled back. This can make cleaning difficult and may cause pain. It is usually caused by inflammation or infection. Applying gentle pressure or using a cream prescribed by your doctor could help. If it doesn’t get better, they might suggest doing something simple like circumcision. You should speak to a urologist about what would work for you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I'm 23 years female who keeps getting uti even after taking an injection or antibiotics now I'm suffering again from it for almost 2 days if I drink lot of water it stops if I don't it comes back pls assist
Female | 23
A UTI can bring along symptoms such as frequent urine, a burning sensation while peeing, and urine that is cloudy or has a strong smell. The bacteria invade the urinary tract, thus causing the infections. Drinking more water, on the other hand, can help to displace the bacteria. In addition to drinking enough water and urinating after sex, wiping from front to back can help keep UTIs at bay. In the case of recurring UTIs, the doctor may suggest additional tests or long-term antibiotics.
Answered on 7th Oct '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Age 24 yr old. Sir Irection, nightfall , dhat rog , sperm count low , all sexual problem my body
Male | 24
Conditions such as weak erections, nightfall, and low sperm count are quite difficult. Stress, poor diet, or hormonal imbalance can be the causes of these problems. To assist, you need to reduce stress, eat healthy, and exercise regularly. Besides, sleeping enough is necessary. It is good to discuss with a urologist for further help.
Answered on 8th Oct '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
sir i go to the sex worker and i give her bolw job for 30 second and sex on the back side with condom now after 5 day my penis is burning what i do now ?
Male | 26
Burning when urinating, that uncomfortable sensation, may indicate an infection. Your urinary tract could have bacteria invading, causing irritation. Alternatively, a sexually transmitted disease could trigger similar symptoms. Staying hydrated helps flush things out, but seeking medical care is crucial.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I'm having varicocele on my right testicle is it safe to masturbate
Male | 19
Essentially, a varicocele occurs when the veins within the scrotum expand, causing them to fill with blood – but commonly without any symptoms. Some people might experience a kind of achy pain or heaviness. It is not harmful at all to masturbate when you have it. If the valves in the veins aren’t working properly this could lead to what causes them in most cases.
Answered on 10th Oct '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
21 year old female. I have been straining to urinate and even after urination I don't feel like I have voided. The bladder always feels tense. This has been going on for 8 years now and no significant health and family history.
Female | 21
Answered on 11th Aug '24
Dr. N S S Gauri
Urology related . Penis skin Winkled
Male | 22
Wrinkled penis skin may occur with age . Can also signal underlying condition. Better to see urologist. Peyronie’s disease could also cause wrinkles. Could result in painful erections. Urologist will perform exam and tests. Treatment may include MEDICATION or surgery. Don't hesitate to seek medical help. . . . .
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
i am 19 year old and i am suffering from varicocele
Male | 19
Varicoceles happen when veins in the scrotum swell and enlarge. This condition often results from abnormal blood flow patterns within those veins. For some men, varicoceles cause dull aching or heaviness around the affected area. Hydration, wearing supportive undergarments, and sometimes surgery are common treatment methods. But you should consult a urologist regarding your specific situation and appropriate options.
Answered on 12th Aug '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Sir, I am having UTI frequently. Iam experiencing chills for the the last two days and some bleeding is also seen. I am also a diabetic patient on metformin 1000mg twicw a day. Also on anti glucoma drops.
Female | 53
You might have a UTI. Frequent urination, chills, and blood could mean bacteria entered your urinary tract. Diabetes and some medcines raise UTI risk. Be sure to see a urologist quickly for antibiotics to treat the infection and avoid problems.
Answered on 27th Aug '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I have urine problems from last 2 years
Male | 31
You should contact a urologist at once. They can find the root cause of your problems and be advised on the treatment options. Timely medical consultation may be beneficial in preventing more severe consequences.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I need advice on phimosis.
Male | 12
Phimosis is a condition where the foreskin of the penis being too tight that it cannot be retracted at all over the head of the penis. It is advised that you visit a urologist for more evaluation and treatment options. Do not try self-treatment because they may aggravate the situation.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I'm having a ejaculation that won't stop
Male | 56
You seem to have priapism, meaning blood stays trapped in your penis, resulting in a prolonged erection. This happens without sexual stimulation and can hurt. Possible causes are medications, blood clotting issues, or illegal drugs. If priapism occurs, immediately visit a urologist to prevent permanent damage.
Answered on 31st July '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
pulled testicle down while washing Now it’s hanging wont go up
Male | 23
You might have encountered testicular torsion, a condition of the testicle that twists and cuts off blood supply. This is an acute medical case and you should immediately see a urologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Hello I have got phimosis. I don't want my parents knowing however and I also don't want to get my fore skin cut. I have previously had an infected penis but it got dealt with very easily.
Male | 16
Consult with a urologist near you for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment options. Treatment for phimosis can vary depending on the severity of your condition. In some cases, conservative treatments like topical steroids or stretching exercises may help to alleviate phimosis.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
My testicle sizs right 3x2x2 left 2.5x2x1.7 volume 8cc left side 6cc is it normal
Male | 24
Many people have diverse testicle sizes. Yet, if there’s a significant difference in size, you should probably see a doctor. It might happen because of things such as an injury, infection, or even just some fluid-filled sacs. In case nothing hurts and there are no other symptoms – you can wait for a while and keep an eye on them. But if it starts to ache or swells up or anything else changes about how they look or feel, visit a urologist.
Answered on 13th June '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I’m not sure if it’s. A symptom of sti but I get like a sharp pressure pain and very light stinging when I wee and when holding in a wee. but in the mornings or when I have a full hydrated bladder it doesn’t hurt at all
Male | 25
The symptoms you're describing may indicate UTI or STI.... It's important to see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. Drink plenty of WATER and avoid holding in your urine.... Practice safe sex to prevent STIs. ....
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
In some times my testicular are pain
Male | 17
Testicle pain can have various causes, such as injury, infection, or a twisted testicle. Watch for swelling, redness, and fever along with the pain. If you notice these symptoms, see a doctor promptly. While waiting for an appointment, warm baths and supportive underwear might help. It's essential to understand the cause of the pain and see a urologist if needed.
Answered on 26th Sept '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I’m concerned about a penis curvature
Male | 20
An erect penis often curves slightly. However, significant curving makes intercourse difficult or painful, indicating Peyronie's disease. Scar tissue in the penis causes this condition. Symptoms involve pain, erectile dysfunction, and penile curvature. Consult a urologist if experiencing these symptoms.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
मैं 70 वर्ष की महिला हुँ मुझे कल से पेशाब करने में कड़क(दर्द ) का अनुभव हो रहा है कृपया उपचार बताये
महिला | 70
You may feel like you have a burning sensation. This is a common condition of various causes. But simple ways like drinking more water can help. Please consult a urologist if the problem persists.
Answered on 30th Sept '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Premature ejaculation when I going to masurbation
Male | 30
This problem can arise from several causes including psychological and physical problems. If you are dealing with this problem, it is advisable to consult a urologist or sex therapist who can assist in determining the root cause and administering appropriate treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
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Frequently Asked Questions
Is urological treatment in India high-quality and affordable?
How do I find the best urology hospital in Mumbai?
What organs do urologists treat?
How long is urology surgery recovery?
How long is urology surgery takes to recover?
What causes hematuria (blood in the urine) after TURP?
Can hematuria after TURP be treated?
How long does hematuria last after TURP?
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