Male | 12
Pourquoi ai-je des douleurs récurrentes au poignet à 12 ans ?
J'ai 12 ans et plus cette année, j'ai des douleurs au poignet. ça va et ça revient

Chirurgien de remplacement articulaire
Answered on 6th Aug '24
Les douleurs au poignet sont courantes chez les jeunes et résultent souvent de mouvements répétitifs de la main, comme écrire ou faire du sport. À mesure que votre corps grandit, vos muscles et vos tendons peuvent prendre du retard, ce qui entraîne un inconfort. Pour vous aider, essayez de reposer votre poignet, d'appliquer une compresse froide et de faire des étirements doux. Si la douleur persiste, il est préférable de consulter unorthopédiste.
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Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1041)
How long after achilles surgery can i run?
In normal condition one can run 3 months after surgery. If any complications during/post surgery you need to speak with your orthopedist
Answered on 23rd May '24
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i am a 15 year old male and my knee has been swollen for 4 years now, i fell off an electric scooter, i just wanted to know why i am still swollen
Male | 15
It is concerning that your knee has been swollen for 4 years. This could be due to an untreated injury or another underlying issue like joint damage. I strongly recommend that you visit an orthopedic specialist, who can examine your knee properly and suggest the right treatment to reduce the swelling and prevent further complications.
Answered on 15th Oct '24
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I’m 12 and over this year i have been getting wrist pain. it goes and comes back
Male | 12
Wrist pain is common among young people and often results from repetitive hand movements, like writing or playing sports. As your body grows, your muscles and tendons might lag, leading to discomfort. To help, try resting your wrist, applying a cold pack, and doing gentle stretches. If the pain persists, it's best to consult an orthopedist.
Answered on 6th Aug '24
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I'm 20 years old male having muscle pain only in my arms and thys for a long time of about 4 years. The pain is like chewing when it starts paining I became slept and it's relaxing for the pain but whenever I woke up from sleep the pain became increase.
Male | 20
Such pains can be caused by various factors – for instance, insufficient stretching before exercise or tension. Drink plenty of water and gently stretch the affected muscles to relieve the discomfort. Besides, seek advice from an orthopedist who will consider your personal needs.
Answered on 7th June '24
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I am trying to find the starting point to getting my knees replaced
Knee replacement surgery is done to replace the damaged joints so patient is relieved of symptoms. The knee joint with an artificial knee called prosthesis made of metal, plastic, and ceramic. It helps to restore function of the damaged knee and relieve arthritis pain. Knee replacement surgery is advised if the pain is interfering with your daily activities and negatively affecting your quality of life. Types of knee replacement surgery Simultaneous bilateral knee replacement - When both knees are replaced at the same time. The primary advantage of a procedure is that there is only one hospital stay and one rehabilitation period to heal both knees. But rehabilitation may be slower. Also these patients may need assistance at home also. Generalized fitness is important here. Staged bilateral knee replacement- Each knee is replaced at a different time. These surgeries are done a few months apart. This staged approach helps one knee to recover before the second surgery. The main advantage of a this procedure is the reduced risk of complications and also requires a shorter hospital stay. However, since this procedure requires two surgeries, the overall rehabilitation period can be longer. Either surgery may involve any combination of total knee replacement or partial knee replacement. The risks associated with this surgery: infection, blood clots, failure of the artificial joint, heart attack etc. Post surgery care, rehabilitation is very important. Hope our answer helps you. This page might help you with regards to what you are looking for - Best Knee Replacement Surgery Hospitals in India.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have an injured knee and it hurts to walk and I believe its my LCL, do you think I need to see a docter?
Male | 18
When your knee hurts while walking and you suspect it's the LCL, it's best to rest and avoid activities that aggravate the knee. Ice packs will help relieve pain and swelling with ice. Besides, you may also consider using a knee support strap for additional help. If the pain persists or worsens, you should visit an orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment recommendations.
Answered on 24th Sept '24
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I am a 20 year old male. I have observed that the growth of my arm bone(both the hands) stopped in teen years which resulted in unusually thin arms. What should I do?
Male | 20
You have skinny arms due to delayed bone growth. This can be caused by factors like genetics, poor diet, or hormones. It's important to see your doctor; they can evaluate your condition and recommend treatment. In the meantime, focus on foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, as these help strengthen bones. Also, working out and lifting weights can build muscle and strengthen your arms. However, your orthopedist’s advice will be the most helpful, so ensure to follow it.
Answered on 12th Aug '24
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Having pain on fracture area I have kept my finger straight for one month.
Male | 15
You are going through a lot of pain in the area where you had a fracture and kept your finger straight for one month. This pain may be due to stiffness or weakness in the muscles around the fracture site. To help with this, you can gently do some simple finger exercises to improve movement and strength. Remember to go slowly and stop if you feel any sharp pain.
Answered on 27th Sept '24
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My mother is 39 year old female, she's been having pain in all of her joints for the past 4 months, it worsens with physical activities while pain alleviates with rests. I want to know who I should consult with for further treatment
Female | 39
As for your mother's complaints of painful joints, which are aggravated by activity and relieved by rest, they can be interpreted as potential signs of arthritis. Arthritis is a disease that is characterized by swelling and pain in the joints. Therefore, you need to consult a rheumatologist for further treatment. A rheumatologist is a doctor who specializes in the treatment of arthritis and other joint problems. They can assist in determining the origin of the discomfort and enable the correct therapy to be administered that will aid in the alleviation of the signs.
Answered on 4th Sept '24
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hi. i have extreme joint pain in all my joints. i have anxiety and depression too. please help me
Female | 24
Having severe pain in all joints, worries, and low mood could mean rheumatoid arthritis. This happens when your immune system fights your joints by mistake, causing swelling and pain. It's crucial to consult an orthopedist for proper tests. They'll explore treatments like medicines and counseling to control symptoms, allowing a better life quality.
Answered on 15th Oct '24
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I got injured we were playing football and someone s foot on my foot so from night to no my foot is swelling continuously
Male | 20
A sprained foot might be the issue. When someone steps on your foot, the tissues get strained, causing swelling. Pain and difficulty moving your foot are common symptoms. To manage, resting, icing the area, and elevating your foot are helpful strategies. However, if swelling and pain persist, seeking medical evaluation from an orthopedist is crucial for proper assessment and treatment.
Answered on 19th July '24
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I am a 29 year old male with a knee injury not sure how it happened but it’s swollen to become twice the size of my knee on the right It hurts to put pressure on it and it feels like my muscles on the outside of the knee are swollen causing the issue
Male | 29
Based on your description, you may have a knee sprain. A sprain occurs when the ligaments in the knee are stretched or torn. It includes swelling and pain, especially when you try to move your knee. Try to rest your knee, put ice on it, and elevate it. Furthermore, you can also utilize pain relievers. If it doesn't improve, go to an orthopedist.
Answered on 23rd Sept '24
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My left side hurts all the way up into my back stabbing and pinching pain and makes me feel like I’m going to pass out
Female | 22
When your side hurts badly, reaching up to your back with stabbing, pinching pain, several issues may cause it. A strained muscle, kidney stones, or pancreas problems could be reasons. To identify the cause, you should visit an orthopedist. They'll examine you and recommend treatment.
Answered on 31st July '24
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My wife is suffering from Osteo- Arthraritis for long at knee and ankel of both legs.Calcarious symptom appears. Problem: Difficult to walk,Severe pain at knee,ankel.More acute in sleep. Treatment: Physiotherapy done .No relief. How to get cured shortly.
Female | 58
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hi doctor. I had complete tear of ACL on September 2022 and underwent ACL reconstruction and lateral meniscus repair on October 2022 It was almost 6 months post op.. but i slightly neglected my rehabilitation and i used to do the exercises only once in a day when I used to meet my physiotherapist. Due to this i couldn't achieve complete extension and flexion. On one day my physiotherapist asked me lie down on my stomach and forceful ly pushed my knee to achieve beyond my comfort (i was able to achieve around 100 degree flexion ). From then i am having severe pain and i am unable to straighten my leg and also i am unable to stand straight. On consulting my surgeon.. without a much of physical examination he said it os just muscles spasm .. saying if any other complications were there my legs would have swollen.. since there was no swelling he concluded that it is spasm and adviced me to take Hifenac and take complete rest along with icing. The pain as subsidied alot but not completely. I am worried a lot..
Male | 20
Communicating your persistent symptoms to your healthcare team is important. In the meantime, stick to your rehabilitation plan, consider a second opinion if needed, and remain patient during your recovery as it can contribute to a better outcome for you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am having very sharp and constant pain shooting from my outer elbow down to my pinkie and my thumb/ index finger. It's causing tingling and numbness to those fingers. I've tried putting ice packs on it but it makes the pain worse. And a little of the ulna looks to be protruding a little bit more then my other elbow. I have it at rest at the moment and the pain is constant
Female | 44
Ulnar nerve passes through a tunnel at the elbow - the cubital tunnel. When compressed, it can lead to symptoms like pain, tingling, and numbness in the ring and little fingers. The protrusion in your ulna bone might be worsening the compression. To manage this, try keeping your elbow in a relaxed position. Avoid resting it on hard surfaces or bending it excessively. See an orthopedist for proper diagnosis and treatment recommendations.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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How to sleep with ankylosing spondylitis?
With ankylosing spondylitis the major issue is stiffness it’s best to be in a functional position knee slight bend and on your sides keep pillows in between your knees and also keep the torso in straight line. If this doesn't give you relief you can consult Orthopedist near your area
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Yesterday I was playing football ⚽️ and while playing football on ground with my friends I fall while changing direction my ankle was not rolled but still it started paining and while playing I can't feel the pain more and played for some time but after coming the pain increases I saw that my ankle was swollen and it was paining just above the bone not directly on the bone but just above it I want to clarify that it is just a sprain or fracture one more thing the pain is just above the ankle (feel most of the pain only on that area but the whole arear is equally swollen) and not spreading to whole ankle or leg
Male | 15
There's a chance your ankle sprain happened while playing football. Stretched or torn ligaments cause sprains. You likely have pain, swelling, and trouble moving that ankle. The pain location suggests a sprain over fracture. Avoid excess weight on it. If pain persists or worsens, see an orthopedist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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This is Mohana, 36yrs old. I have severe lower back bone(bottom spinal cord) pain. I cannot even sit and get up, its paining a lot. I have gastric problem.My left leg knee is producing crackling sound and creating difficulty in climbing stairs
Female | 36
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I had shoulder pain 2 weeks back and I met the ortho who asked me to get MRI done as i could barely move my arm. I have been diagnosed with tendinosis in shoulder. I'm on medication and started physio. I want to know how long will it take to heal. I'm in pain since last evening.
Female | 35
When your shoulder tendons have tendinosis it means they're damaged. Doing too much with your arms or just getting older can cause it. The time it takes to get better is different for everybody. As long as you take the medicine and do the physio that should help. Pain can come and go while you're getting better, so don't worry if it starts hurting again. Feel better!
Answered on 28th May '24
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