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Best Cancer Hospitals in Abu Dhabi

Burjeel Hospital

Burjeel Hospital

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Multi-Specialty Hospital

Al Najdah Street






Dr. Mounir Haider
Dr. Mounir Haider


33 years of experience

Dr. Shahzad Maqbool
Dr. Shahzad Maqbool


23 years of experience

Dr. Adham Mohamed
Dr. Adham Mohamed


21 years of experience

Dr. Syed Kabir
Dr. Syed Kabir


18 years of experience

Dr. Ahmed Gabroun
Dr. Ahmed Gabroun


15 years of experience

Dr. Ahmed Hamza
Dr. Ahmed Hamza

Colorectal Surgeon

24 years of experience

Dr. Saule Davletova
Dr. Saule Davletova


28 years of experience

Dr. Matthew Tytherleigh
Dr. Matthew Tytherleigh

Colorectal Surgeon

23 years of experience

Dr. Hanan Mohammad
Dr. Hanan Mohammad


15 years of experience

Dr. Mona Marwan
Dr. Mona Marwan


18 years of experience


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Llh Hospital

Llh Hospital

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Multi-Specialty Hospital

Muroor Rd, Zone 1E3-02






Dr. Mamdouh Taha
Dr. Mamdouh Taha

General Surgeon

23 years of experience

Dr. Rajeev Gopalakrishnan
Dr. Rajeev Gopalakrishnan

General Surgeon

21 years of experience

Dr. Dilip Thykkoottathil
Dr. Dilip Thykkoottathil

General Surgeon

17 years of experience

Dr. Yarram Rajinikanth
Dr. Yarram Rajinikanth

General Surgeon

13 years of experience

Dr. Nandagopal Kallat
Dr. Nandagopal Kallat


23 years of experience


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Nmc Speciality Hospital, Al Ain

Nmc Speciality Hospital, Al Ain

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Multi-Specialty Hospital

Opposite Baladiya Park, Shakhboot Bin Sultan Street,






Dr. Noor Manaseer
Dr. Noor Manaseer


17 years of experience

Dr. Paritosh Gogna
Dr. Paritosh Gogna

Knee Surgery

13 years of experience


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Consult Nmc Speciality Hospital, Al Ain

Life Care Hospital

Life Care Hospital

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Multi-Specialty Hospital

M-24, Musaffah, Abu Dhabi






Dr. Sheena Balakrishnan
Dr. Sheena Balakrishnan


21 years of experience

Dr. V Ratnakar
Dr. V Ratnakar


17 years of experience


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Burjeel Medical City

Burjeel Medical City

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Multi-Specialty Hospital

28th St - Mohamed Bin Zayed City






Dr. Ibrahim Mohd
Dr. Ibrahim Mohd

Radiation Oncologist

13 years of experience

Dr. Zoi Vlamaki
Dr. Zoi Vlamaki

General Surgeon

18 years of experience

Dr. Neil Nijhawan
Dr. Neil Nijhawan


13 years of experience


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Medeor 24X7 Hospital

Medeor 24X7 Hospital

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Multi-Specialty Hospital

PO Box 40330






Dr. Anu Bansal
Dr. Anu Bansal

Obstetrics & Gynecology

15 years of experience


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Nmc Royal Women's Hospital

Nmc Royal Women's Hospital

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Multi-Specialty Hospital

Tower B, Mohammed bin Zayed Stadium, Al Jazira Club,






Dr. Sokiyna Ameer
Dr. Sokiyna Ameer

General Surgeon

16 years of experience


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Questions & Answers on "Cancer" (365)

There is 19 months old girl from Ethiopia. Diagnosed with Hepatoblastoma. Completed 5 cycles of chemo. Referred abroad for surgical resection and possible liver transplant. We are planning to take her to India. Where is the best surgical oncology center in India? How much it will cost us? What is your advice? Thank you!

The choice between resection and transplant depends on the assessment of response. The patient & the scans will have to be assessed and then a decision will have to be made. 
The cost will vary from hospital to hospital and the procedure

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Sandeep Nayak

Dr. Sandeep Nayak

One lady suffering from uterus cancer have you any option for treatment without kimo

Female | 55

Chemotherapy is a common treatment option for uterine cancer, however there are some alternative treatment options available depending on the specific situations, like surgery, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy to help fight cancer.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Is HPV the vaccine given for cervical cancer prevention?

Female | 10

Yes the HPV vaccine is indeed given for the prevention of cervical cancer. The vaccine helps protect against certain strains of HPV that are known to cause cervical cancer, as well as other types of cancer and genital warts. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

PET-CT scan impression report shows. 1. Hypermetabolic spiculated mass in lower lobe of right lung. 2. Hypermetabolic right hilar and sub carinal lymph nodes. 3. Hypermetabolic nodule in left adrenal gland and hypodense lesion in left kidney 4. hypermetabolic multiple lytic sclerotic lesions in axial & appendicular skeleton. Lesion in proximal end of femur is susceptible for pathological fracture. which stage the cancer might be in.? How far the cancer has spread?

Male | 40

The findings from this PET-CT scan suggest the presence of multiple hypermetabolic (actively metabolizing) lesions in various parts of the body. This pattern of findings raises concerns about the possibility of metastatic cancer, meaning that cancer may have spread from its original site to other areas of the body. The exact stage and extent of cancer would require further evaluation by an oncologist from the best cancer hospital in India, including additional tests and imaging.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Donald Babu

Dr. Donald Babu

Esophagus cancer history we r so worried plz tell she survive???

Female | 48

Consult with an oncologist who can provide personalized advice and guidance based on your specific situation. They will consider factors such as the stage and type of cancer, previous treatments, and any other relevant medical history. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

My father is diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. It started in stomach n now affected liver. Please help me in suggesting best treatment for him.

we will need more details to plan treatment 
but with what information you have provided . chemotherapy has to be started 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. deepak ramraj

Is there is treatment for advance prostate cancer

Male | 62

Yes, there are treatments available for advanced prostate cancer, like hormone therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy. The choice of cancer treatment and the hospital depends on thecancer stage, patient health, and some characteristics.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Donald Babu

Dr. Donald Babu

My father age 57 diagnosed with poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma metastatic. is it curable and which hospital is best for in Hyderabad. please suggest. Thanks in advance

Male | 57

Adenocarcinoma at various stages may still have treatment options. Please share reports for guidance.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shubham Jain

Dr. Shubham Jain

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Sir 3-4 th stage liver cancer k liye kitna paisa kharcha hoga or kiya sasthy sathi card chale ga is hospitals mai.

Male | 54

Sahi sujhav ke liye reports share karein

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shubham Jain

Dr. Shubham Jain

My 58 year old mother has been experiencing abdominal pain and bloating for a few months now. Given our family history of ovarian cancer, we are quite worried. Could you please explain how Ovarian Cancer Detection is typically conducted for someone her age and what steps we should take next?

Female | 58

To begin, I would suggest to get an ultrasound of the abdomen done. Please review with your reports.

Answered on 26th June '24

Dr. Shubham Jain

Dr. Shubham Jain

A 45 year old woman just had surgery of left kidney removal due to renal cell carcinoma. A report came back saying “Microscopically; - left side radical nephrectomy ; - Sections show; renal cell carcinoma, nuclear grade Ill according WHO/ISUP grading system (composed of 4 grade), the growth composed of diffuse, tubular micropapillary patterns, the cells having granular eosinophilic cytoplasm, with invasion of pelvicalyseal system and renal sinus. Minimal tumor necrosis. Positive Lymphovascular and renal capsular invasion (but no invasion to perirenal fat). No renal vein invasion. Pieces of rib was tumor free. The growth limited to kidney, no extra renal extension. AJCC TNM staging 2N0Mx group stage I| (T2= mass > 7 cm< 10 cm limited to kidney)”. Some doctors are stating that chemotherapy is needed now because there is a risk of it being spread in the body (not necessarily organs). So my question is what does this report summarize or mean? Can you explain it to me and how chemotherapy really is needed?

Female | 45

Che­motherapy aims to eliminate unse­en cancer cells, pre­venting future recurre­nce. It serves as a pre­cautionary measure against the dise­ase. Chemotherapy targe­ts potential residual cancer ce­lls undetectable through scans. This additional tre­atment bolsters defe­nses, reducing chances of cance­r's return. It provides an extra safe­guard, increasing the odds of successful manageme­nt.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dr. Donald Babu

Dr. Donald Babu

One of my friend is suffering from CLL, he is 23, and sometimes he go through bleeding and fever, are there chances of him being fine again?

Male | 23

There is no guaranteed cure for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Long term outlook may vary with individual specific cases. Chemotherapy may help to manage the disease, but the goal is usually to help manage symptoms and slow down the progression of the disease.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Sridhar Susheela

Dr. Sridhar Susheela

Chances of survival from a tumor from sigmoid colon metastased to liver and lungs

Female | 51

While metastatic cancer is actually more challenging to treat, advances in therapies like chemotherapy and targeted treatments have improved outcomes for some patients. Consult with yoiur oncologist, discuss available treatment options for managing this condition. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Donald Babu

Dr. Donald Babu

My name is Deval and I am from Amreli. My sister in law has been diagnosed with liver cancer. Every member of our family is traumatized. Please suggest a good hospital near our location.

Treatment for liver cancer varies with the stage of disease and condition of liver. Please share her reports for appropriate guidance.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shubham Jain

Dr. Shubham Jain

Case of pontine glioma, 21 year old boy. MRI done on 24th February 2021 reveals large pontine lesion of 5cm x 3.3cm x 3.5cm. Recent MRI done on 16th march 2021 and new size of the lesion is 5cm x 3.1cm x 3.9 cm. Patient is currently having below symptoms: Impaired vision and mobility Dysarthia Dysphagia Breathing difficulties Headache I can send medical reports via whatsapp. Please help to contact via whatsapp. Thanking you in anticipation. Yours Faithful, A.Haradan

Male | 21

Based on the information you have provided, it seems that the patient has a pontine glioma, which is a type of brain tumor that is located in the pons region of the brainstem. The symptoms you have listed, such as impaired vision and mobility, dysarthia, dysphagia, and breathing difficulties, can be caused by the presence of a brain tumor in the pons region. It is important for the patient to receive appropriate medical care and treatment for their condition. This may involve a combination of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, depending on the specific characteristics of the tumor and the patient's overall health. It is important for you to follow treatment plan as recommended by your neurosurgeon and to continue to monitor symptoms closely. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

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