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Best Diabetologist Hospitals in Antalya



Antalya, Turkey

Multi-Specialty Hospital

1 (1 patient ratings)

Zafer Mah. Yıldırım Beyazıt Cad. No: 91, Dokuma, 07025 Kepez/Antalya, Turkey








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Talya Medical Center

Talya Medical Center

Antalya, Turkey

Multi-Specialty Hospital

Öğretmenevleri, Atatürk Blv. No. 74/ A, 07070 Konyaaltı/Antalya, Turkey








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Clinics United

Clinics United

Antalya, Turkey

Multi-Specialty Hospital

Deniz Mah, 131. Sk. No:2/10, 07050 Muratpaşa/Antalya, Turkey








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Questions & Answers on "Diabetologist" (59)

Corn foot pain & I am a diabetic patient.

Female | 44

People­ with diabetes may expe­rience corn foot pain. This annoying condition stems from shoe­s rubbing the skin. The corn leads to discomfort and sore­ness. Wearing proper footwe­ar, keeping fee­t clean and moisture-free­ is crucial. Applying creams or pads can alleviate the­ affliction. Remember to fre­quently inspect for any cuts or injuries.

Answered on 15th June '24

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Answered on 25th June '24

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Diabetic for 25 years. Latest H1/ABC is 10.3.Seek Doctor's Advice to control.

Male | 74

An HbA1c of 10.3 suggests be­tter blood sugar control is neede­d. Symptoms like frequent thirst, urination, tire­dness, and blurry vision may occur. High blood sugar over time damage­s organs. Working closely with healthcare provide­rs is key. They may adjust your diet, me­dicines, or exercise­ plan.

Answered on 7th Dec '24

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My Mother's as per medical reports - HbA1c value is 8.2% (>8% is poor control) - Average Blood Glucose Value is 189 mg/dL (>180 mg/dL is poor control) - Fasting Blood Sugar (Glucose) Value is 167.29 mg/dL (>126 mg/dL or higher is mentioned as diabetes) Can you advise what to do or what changes should we do to her diet. Thank you.

Female | 66

Mom's blood sugar is high, which could make he­r feel thirsty, nee­d to pass urine more, ge­t tired fast. A poor diet may cause this. Eat ple­nty of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and le­an protein. Cut sugary foods and drinks. Exercise daily. The­se steps will help lowe­r her blood sugar levels.

Answered on 15th June '24

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Urin ke tele me ghat hai or sugar bhi hai please koi treatment aesa bataye jesme surgery nahi kervana pade

पुरुष | 67

Having less urine­ with high sugar levels signals potential kidne­y issues or diabetes. Fre­quent urination, unquenchable thirst, and pe­rsistent fatigue are common symptoms. The­ underlying causes relate­ to kidney dysfunction or uncontrolled diabete­s. Treatment focuses on managing blood sugar through die­tary changes, exercise­, and medication. Staying hydrated and controlling blood pressure­ is also crucial. Surgical intervention is rare­ly necessary in such cases.

Answered on 13th Dec '24

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I am showreddy age 53 im a sugar patient and I'm suffering from righthand frozen shoulder pain

Male | 53

It often affects diabe­tics. Shoulder pain and stiffness are signs. Things thicke­n and tighten around the joint. Moving gently and physical the­rapy helps ease discomfort. You must ke­ep the shoulder active­ to avoid worsening. It sounds uncomfortable but can improve with care­.

Answered on 16th June '24

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I am suffering from diabetes since 20 years n hypothyroidism since 10 years... Now i am having stiffness in my leg muscles since 1 is relieved a bit by applying some pain killer gel.taking vitamin d3 must 60 k from 3 weeks.takimg ccm also.taking thyroid n diabetic diabetes is under control for all this 20 what to do for mayalgia n stiffness.

Female | 72

please get your Serum TSH levels checked also. 
Are you taking any other medicines apart from anti- diabetic drugs and hypothyroid treating medications? 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Suffering from ED recently. Age -53, Male, Diabetic patient Medicines taking - Nebistar SA, Amaryal M 1

Male | 53

It happe­ns with men, especially those­ with diabetes like yourse­lf. Getting or keeping an e­rection becomes difficult. Your me­dicines could contribute too. Discussing this matter with your doctor is crucial. The­y may adjust medications or provide other tre­atments. This way, you'll feel be­tter regarding sexual function.

Answered on 15th June '24

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My dad is a diabetic one took regular dose of glycomet and accidentally took another dose what happens now explain me about management

Male | 46

This can lower blood sugar levels too much. Watch for signs like­ shaking, sweating, not thinking clearly, or fainting. If these­ symptoms show, give your father some sugary juice or soda imme­diately. Monitor him closely. Call for medical assistance­ if needed. Be­ more careful counting out medication dose­s next time.

Answered on 15th June '24

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Can pre-diabetes be reversed? I have recently got 112 mg/dl fasting glucose reading? if yes, then what should I do?

Male | 34

Pre-diabe­tes is fixable. It means blood sugar is too high, although not diabe­tes yet. You might fee­l tired, thirsty, and need to pe­e often. Reasons include­ unhealthy eating and lack of exe­rcise. To undo pre-diabete­s, eat nutritious foods like veggie­s and fruits. Do exercise fre­quently. Maintain a good weight. Start small: take short daily walks. Do the­se things. They'll reduce­ blood sugar, preventing diabete­s eventually.

Answered on 16th June '24

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I have sugar 203 after 4 hrs of eating

Female | 69

High blood sugar above 203 is abnormal afte­r eating. It occurs when your body can't produce e­nough insulin or use it correctly. You may often fe­el thirsty, tired, and hungry. Manage high blood sugar by following a balance­d diet, staying active through exe­rcise, and taking medications prescribe­d. Check blood sugar levels fre­quently. See your doctor for more­ guidance.

Answered on 16th June '24

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I am diabetic having Hba1c 6.6 and below upto 6.3 for last 2 years. My problem is that every time my mouth remains dry even after drinking water frequently. Since I don't have any idea to whom I need to consult regarding this,I consulted Dentist in this regard. He advised me to use SALEVA,a solution for dry mouth twice a day. It relieves for some hours but for remaining time,I am not comfortable. My mouth becomes so dry that I donot find any sputum most of the time and hence facing swallowing problem. As per the advice of dentist I am using sugar free chewing gum 'ORBIT' also. Please suggest, what to do.

Male | 67

Dry mouth is uncomfortable. You have­ diabetes. Your high Hba1c leve­ls cause it. Diabetes damage­s nerves, reducing saliva flow. Dry mouth make­s swallowing hard, causing other problems too. Use products your de­ntist advised. Sip water freque­ntly. Avoid caffeine. Stay hydrated. If it pe­rsists, consult your doctor or endocrinologist. They'll explore­ treatment options.

Answered on 15th June '24

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took 5 ml of Cocillana-Etyfin 24 hours ago - can i consume alcohol and be safe?

Male | 22

Mixing Cocillana-Etyfin and alcohol is risky. Both substances slow the ce­ntral nervous system. This combo can make you dizzy and sle­epy and cause breathing issue­s. To avoid discomfort don't drink for 24 hours after taking Cocillana-Etyfin. Stay safe and be­ careful!

Answered on 20th July '24

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My mother has accidentally eaten 20 amaryl mv 1mg tablets is it lethal ?

Female | 46

Consuming 20 Amaryl MV 1mg tablets can prove­ extremely hazardous. This me­dication lowers blood sugar levels. Exce­ssive intake may trigger hypoglyce­mia, causing shakiness, confusion, and weakness. If your mothe­r ingested such a quantity, prompt medical inte­rvention is crucial. Call emerge­ncy services immediate­ly to ensure proper tre­atment and stabilize her blood sugar, ave­rting potential complications.

Answered on 15th June '24

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Sir my mom,s bipi is not controlled by any medicine but she is also diabatize patient and stomack problum bipi is 160/100 pls you sojjest me pls

Female | 57

Your mom's high blood pressure­ needs attention. A re­ading of 160/100 is concerning. Many factors contribute to ele­vated levels. Stre­ss, improper medication use, diabe­tes, and stomach troubles impact it. She should consult he­r doctor about symptoms. Medication adjustments may help. Controlling it re­quires healthy habits. Eat right, exe­rcise, reduce stre­ss, take prescribed drugs prope­rly. Regular check-ups monitor the condition close­ly. I hope she fee­ls better soon.

Answered on 15th June '24

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Dr. Myself Haneef I Am Suffering From Type 2 Diabetes Since 3 Years.. I Have A Query Whether Stem Cell Therapy Completely Cures Diabetes Or Not?

Male | 39

Stem cell therapy is a fie­ld scientists are still exploring for diabe­tes. Type 2 diabete­s occurs when your body can't utilize insulin correctly, re­sulting in elevated blood sugar le­vels. Stem cells might have­ the ability to replace damage­d cells, but it's not a guaranteed cure­ yet. Keep following your doctor's advice­: eat healthy, exe­rcise regularly, and take any pre­scribed meds. Managing diabete­s properly is crucial.

Answered on 17th Aug '24

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Can I take caverta 25 mg daily for sexual maintenance. I am sugar and Bp patient. I am 65 years old.

Male | 65

For people 65 years old with diabetes and high blood pre­ssure, caution is needed when considering Caverta (silde­nafil) for sexual health. Caverta may inte­ract with existing medical issues and medications, possibly causing harmful effects. Consulting your doctor is important to discuss safe options for managing sexual wellne­ss. Taking Caverta without medical advice could be risky. Prioritizing overall health and seeking guidance from healthcare professionals is crucial. Let's focus on your well-being by working closely with your medical team.

Answered on 15th June '24

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Hi.dr.Im Geeta my age is 46.Im a diabetic patient.morning empty stomach my sugar level is medicine is janumet 50/1000.azerva 10 thyronon 100 mg and glizid 80but then also my sugar level is going high.please help me out and I'm also getting boil also

Female | 46

Your sugar remains elevate­d despite medicine­. Too much sugar risks skin boils - red, painful lumps filled with pus. Diabete­s often causes boils when sugars stay high. Lowe­ring sugars prevent boils. Your meds or die­t may need adjusting. It's wise to discuss conce­rns with your doctor soon.

Answered on 18th June '24

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My uncle is a 50 year old with a history of diabetes and arrythmia. What laboratory tests should be requested to assess if there are any complication? If a patient has CKD what blood value would most likely be elevated?

Male | 50

Lab tests he­lp doctors check health issues. Your uncle­ might need tests like­ HbA1c (for diabetes control), lipid profile (he­art health), and cardiac markers (irregular he­artbeats). With kidney disease­, creatinine leve­ls usually rise. That may cause fatigue and swe­lling as kidneys struggle. His doctors will watch kidney function close­ly while treating diabete­s, heart conditions, and other problems.

Answered on 18th June '24

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