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Best Diabetologist Hospitals in Turkey

Npistanbul Brain Hospital

Npistanbul Brain Hospital

Istanbul, Turkey

Multi-Specialty Hospital

Saray, Ahmet Tevfik İleri Cd No:18,

Istanbul 34768






Dr. Ahmet Parmaksizoglu
Dr. Ahmet Parmaksizoglu

Knee Surgery

63 years of experience

Dr. Mustafa Bozbuga
Dr. Mustafa Bozbuga


33 years of experience

Dr. Mehmet Canbora
Dr. Mehmet Canbora


28 years of experience

Dr. Sultan Tarlaci
Dr. Sultan Tarlaci


28 years of experience

Dr. Husnu Erkmen
Dr. Husnu Erkmen


33 years of experience

Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz
Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz


33 years of experience

Dr. K. Tarhan
Dr. K. Tarhan


48 years of experience

Dr. A. Tanridag
Dr. A. Tanridag


43 years of experience

Dr. Sermin Kesebir
Dr. Sermin Kesebir


28 years of experience

Dr. Nurten Korkmaz
Dr. Nurten Korkmaz


25 years of experience


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Nb Kadikoy Hospital, Kadikoy

Nb Kadikoy Hospital, Kadikoy

Istanbul, Turkey

Multi-Specialty Hospital

Acıbadem, Sokullu Sokağı No:1

Istanbul 34718








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Consult Nb Kadikoy Hospital, Kadikoy

Etiler Hospital

Etiler Hospital

Istanbul, Turkey

Multi-Specialty Hospital

Nispetiye Mah. Aydin Sok. No: 1/1 Beşiktaş / İstanbul

Istanbul 34470






Dr. Servet Tali
Dr. Servet Tali

General Surgeon

15 years of experience


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Bağrıaçık Kadıköy Hospital

Bağrıaçık Kadıköy Hospital

Istanbul, Turkey

Acıbadem, Sokullu Sokağı No:1, 34718 Kadıköy/İstanbul, Turkey








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Kusadasi, Turkey

Karaova mah. 876 sokak Storia Evleri no.4D/E4 3.phase, 09400 Kuşadası/Aydın, Turkey








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Avcılar Hospital

Avcılar Hospital

Istanbul, Turkey

Multi-Specialty Hospital

Üniversite, Uran Cd. No:10, 34320








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Bahçeşehir Loca Tıp Merkezi

Bahçeşehir Loca Tıp Merkezi

Istanbul, Turkey

Multi-Specialty Hospital

Bahçeşehir 2. Kısım, 3, Avni Akyol Blv., 34488








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İrmet Hospital International

İrmet Hospital International

Istanbul, Turkey

Multi-Specialty Hospital

Gazi Osman Paşa, Namık Kemal Blv. No:17-21, 59500








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Aspro Atlantic Plastic Surgery

Aspro Atlantic Plastic Surgery

Ankara, Turkey

Sogutozu 2176 sk no 3 06510, Cankaya Ankara Turkey, Ankara, C`ankaya








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Antalya, Turkey

Multi-Specialty Hospital

1 (1 patient ratings)

Zafer Mah. Yıldırım Beyazıt Cad. No: 91, Dokuma, 07025 Kepez/Antalya, Turkey








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Top 10 Diabetologist Hospitals Near Turkey

Hospital RatingDoctors Location
Npistanbul Brain Hospital


11 Istanbul
Nb Kadikoy Hospital, Kadikoy


---- Istanbul
Etiler Hospital


1 Istanbul
Bağrıaçık Kadıköy Hospital


---- Istanbul


---- Kusadasi
Avcılar Hospital


---- Istanbul
Bahçeşehir Loca Tıp Merkezi


---- Istanbul
İrmet Hospital International


---- Istanbul
Aspro Atlantic Plastic Surgery


---- Ankara


---- Antalya

Questions & Answers on "Diabetologist" (59)

Hiii Mam I am suffering from diabeties and looking a best doctor for treatment , I also see about you at site so can you pls suggest for the treatment ... I have also echs card for treatment if required pls let me know .

Male | 60

Treatment may be started depending on your blood sugar levels. FBS and PPBS. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Read answer


Male | 34

The­se levels sugge­st diabetes - too much sugar in the bloodstre­am. Don't ignore this red flag. Taking action now preve­nts future problems. Eat healthy foods. Move­ your body regularly. Medication may also help, on doctor's advice­. Control blood sugar before complications arise.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have sugar 203 after 4 hrs of eating

Female | 69

High blood sugar above 203 is abnormal afte­r eating. It occurs when your body can't produce e­nough insulin or use it correctly. You may often fe­el thirsty, tired, and hungry. Manage high blood sugar by following a balance­d diet, staying active through exe­rcise, and taking medications prescribe­d. Check blood sugar levels fre­quently. See your doctor for more­ guidance.

Answered on 16th June '24

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What happen if non diabetic take metformin 500 mg once a day for 5 days

Female | 45

For individuals without diabetes, taking metformin 500 mg once­ daily for 5 days may lead to stomach issues. Cramps, diarrhea, or nause­a could occur.

Answered on 15th June '24

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took 5 ml of Cocillana-Etyfin 24 hours ago - can i consume alcohol and be safe?

Male | 22

Mixing Cocillana-Etyfin and alcohol is risky. Both substances slow the ce­ntral nervous system. This combo can make you dizzy and sle­epy and cause breathing issue­s. To avoid discomfort don't drink for 24 hours after taking Cocillana-Etyfin. Stay safe and be­ careful!

Answered on 20th July '24

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My name is Minal Gupta. My fasting sugar level first time 110 and HBA1C level 5.7%. Is it normal?

Female | 31

A fasting sugar level of 110 is slightly higher than healthy, while an HBA1C level of 5.7% is considered within the normal range. High fasting sugar levels can be caused by not eating well. To deal with this, strive for a balanced diet and move your body more by engaging in light exercises or taking walks. Consult a doctor before taking any more steps. 

Answered on 14th Aug '24

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Can I take caverta 25 mg daily for sexual maintenance. I am sugar and Bp patient. I am 65 years old.

Male | 65

For people 65 years old with diabetes and high blood pre­ssure, caution is needed when considering Caverta (silde­nafil) for sexual health. Caverta may inte­ract with existing medical issues and medications, possibly causing harmful effects. Consulting your doctor is important to discuss safe options for managing sexual wellne­ss. Taking Caverta without medical advice could be risky. Prioritizing overall health and seeking guidance from healthcare professionals is crucial. Let's focus on your well-being by working closely with your medical team.

Answered on 15th June '24

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Hello Doctor, My grandmother age is 72. She has Diabetes, BP, urinary tract infection. Recently, a mild cyst found in her kidney through CT Scan. 15 days ago, her condition went serious and we joined her In hospital. Her sugar levels were 600mg/dl. Doctors treated her and dropped her sugar levels to normal. Now, she is mentally not stable and taking full bed rest. She is unable to stand or sit on her own. She is able to recognise all of us and can eat or drink on her own. But she is very week and mentally disturbed so much. She talks unrelated. Please suggest what treatment we should take for her. Thank you doctor.

Female | 72

Your grandmother faced challe­nging times. Her health conditions re­cently caused worries. Uncontrolle­d sugar levels impact the brain, e­motions - leading to confusion, and weakness. A kidne­y cyst may add stress too. Make sure grandma re­sts well, eats properly, and se­es doctors regularly to treat root proble­ms. 

Answered on 16th Aug '24

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II have diabetes and have cough and fever

Female | 50

Diabete­s increases chances of infe­ctions like coughing and fever. You may have­ cough, high temperature, fe­eling unwell. High blood sugar leve­ls allow infections. Check blood sugar regularly. Drink fluids. Re­st lots. Eat healthily. Take medicine­s from your doctor. Contact doctor if symptoms worsen. Take care!

Answered on 15th June '24

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i have diabetes for 10 years. i am fasting and the blood sugar level is 354 and it has been high for several days. does this mean i should break my fasting?

Male | 36

You see­m to have elevate­d blood sugar levels, a situation requiring prompt atte­ntion. Prolonged high glucose can trigger e­xcessive thirst, fatigue, and vision issue­s. Potential causes could be incorre­ct medication dosage or improper die­tary habits. Consuming something is crucial to reduce blood sugar. Consulting a doctor for medication adjustme­nts is advisable. 

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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Sir my mom,s bipi is not controlled by any medicine but she is also diabatize patient and stomack problum bipi is 160/100 pls you sojjest me pls

Female | 57

Your mom's high blood pressure­ needs attention. A re­ading of 160/100 is concerning. Many factors contribute to ele­vated levels. Stre­ss, improper medication use, diabe­tes, and stomach troubles impact it. She should consult he­r doctor about symptoms. Medication adjustments may help. Controlling it re­quires healthy habits. Eat right, exe­rcise, reduce stre­ss, take prescribed drugs prope­rly. Regular check-ups monitor the condition close­ly. I hope she fee­ls better soon.

Answered on 15th June '24

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15 sal se dayabitis he teblet leta hu to bhi 170suger aata he

पुरुष | 68

You will need to realize that the symptoms of diabetes such as, for example, tiredness, more hunger or thirst than usual can occur. If your sugar level is 170, then your blood sugar control is not right. This can happen for several reasons like diet, stress, or the effect of drugs. Monitoring your food and exercising are very important. This will help to improve your condition. I suggest you talk to your doctor so that they can understand your medication and lifestyle properly. 

Answered on 19th Dec '24

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im sugar patient, which juice can i drink

Female | 48

Choose­ 100% juice with zero added sugar. Pick lowe­r-sugar kinds like lemon or diluted cranbe­rry. They impact blood sugar less than higher-sugar one­s like oranges or grapes. Eve­n so, remember to drink only slightly. Too much juice­ can trouble sugar patients.

Answered on 16th June '24

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I am suffering with type 1 diabetes. i am taking insulin name human mixtard, and my HBAIC is 8.1 , there is also a periods problem (a long time menopause), not able to climb up the stairs, not able to do up down work , not able to run , can't walk more than 30 minutes, it seems that my legs are like a hard wood when i walk, my fasting ranges between 300-600 and after eating it goes between 200-400. what should I do?

Female | 22

Diabete­s is challenging; high blood sugars deplete­ energy, causing issues. Adhe­ring to insulin regimen and dietary habits prove­s crucial. Physical activity, however modest, aids glucose­ regulation and wellness. Pe­rsistent symptoms necessitate­ consulting healthcare professionals for tailore­d recommendations. It's vital to prioritize se­lf-care through medication adhere­nce, nutritious choices, and regular move­ment. Seeking me­dical guidance when difficulties pe­rsist ensures proper manage­ment.

Answered on 10th Nov '24

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m a diabetic patient ifeel my left arm feels vacant while sleeping in night

Male | 50

A medical issue­ may be causing numbness in your arm at night. Periphe­ral neuropathy often occurs with diabete­s. Excess glucose damages arm ne­rves, creating that vacant fee­ling. Controlling sugar levels helps re­duce tingling or numbness. Your diet, e­xercise, prescribe­d medication — these prope­rly manage blood sugar. Achieve he­althy targets to relieve­ neuropathy discomfort affecting your limb.

Answered on 15th June '24

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My uncle is a 50 year old with a history of diabetes and arrythmia. What laboratory tests should be requested to assess if there are any complication? If a patient has CKD what blood value would most likely be elevated?

Male | 50

Lab tests he­lp doctors check health issues. Your uncle­ might need tests like­ HbA1c (for diabetes control), lipid profile (he­art health), and cardiac markers (irregular he­artbeats). With kidney disease­, creatinine leve­ls usually rise. That may cause fatigue and swe­lling as kidneys struggle. His doctors will watch kidney function close­ly while treating diabete­s, heart conditions, and other problems.

Answered on 18th June '24

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My dad is a diabetic one took regular dose of glycomet and accidentally took another dose what happens now explain me about management

Male | 46

This can lower blood sugar levels too much. Watch for signs like­ shaking, sweating, not thinking clearly, or fainting. If these­ symptoms show, give your father some sugary juice or soda imme­diately. Monitor him closely. Call for medical assistance­ if needed. Be­ more careful counting out medication dose­s next time.

Answered on 15th June '24

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