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Artemis Hospital Gurgaon Successfully Treated Brain Tumour of a Nigerian Patient

This is a story of a woman from Africa named Maria who was diagnosed with a brain tumor and faced severe headaches. With the help of ClinicSpots, a medical health tourism company, Maria was able to find the help she needed and get a successful surgery with a renowned neurologist in India. Want to know more? Let's read ahead to know Maria's story in detail!

By Aliya Anchan

22nd Feb '23


Patient Name - Maria

Gender - Female

Age- 54 yrs

Country Origin- Nigeria

Treatment- Merits Microsurgical Tumor Removal / Cyberknife Sessions

Symptoms- Severe Headache

Doctor-  Dr. Aditya Gupta

Hospital- Artemis Hospital Gurgaon


At the age of 54, Maria received the devastating news that she had been diagnosed with a brain tumor. The tumor caused Maria to suffer from constant headaches, difficulty in concentrating, and a decline in her mental health. These symptoms greatly impacted her daily life, causing her immense discomfort and distress.


Maria had been struggling with her health for a long time, Despite the overwhelming challenges, Maria remained strong and determined. She refused to give up and instead sought out the best medical treatment available to her.


One day, a relative of hers suggested contacting ClinicSpots, a medical health tourism company that connects patients with top doctors around the world. Maria was skeptical at first, but with nothing to lose, she reached out to the ClinicSpots executive.


The executive listened attentively to Maria's problems and reviewed her medical reports. After careful consideration, the executive recommended Maria consult Dr. Aditya Gupta, a renowned neurologist at Artemis Hospital in India. Dr.Aditya Gupta was renowned for his expertise in brain tumor surgery and had a success rate of 95%. 

The ClinicSpots executive was an angel in disguise for Maria and her husband. The executive took care of everything, from arranging their visa invitation letter and hotel accommodation to setting up their consultation with the top doctor in India. The executive made sure that the date of the appointment was convenient for Maria, taking into consideration her health and other personal commitments.


Maria was apprehensive but hopeful, and she took the executive's advice and made an appointment with Dr. Gupta. Upon her arrival at Artemis Hospital, Maria and her husband traveled to India, full of hope and anticipation.  They were welcomed by a team of highly skilled medical field executives who were dedicated to providing her with the best possible care.


After a series of tests, the doctor, Dr. Aditya Gupta, confirmed that Maria had a brain tumor and that it required immediate attention. The doctor recommended that Maria undergo Cyberknife sessions with radiosurgery evaluation, a cutting-edge treatment option that was sure to produce the best possible outcome. The surgery date was set, and Maria was full of hope and confidence.

The results 

Soon the surgery was done and came out successful, Maria was now feeling better as the headache improved. Maria and his husband stayed in India for 2 weeks.

Maria is grateful to the ClinicSpots for saving her from the terrible headache and giving them a healthy life to live ahead happily.


Maria's story serves as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there is always hope. With determination, courage, and the support of loved ones, anyone can overcome the greatest of challenges and emerge victorious. This story highlights the importance of the medical health tourism company that is ClinicSpot in helping people access the care they need, regardless of where they live. 



Note:  We respect our patient's privacy, so the name has been changed to maintain confidentiality.


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