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Female | 22

Negative Pregnancy Tests but 12 Days Late: Could I Be Pregnant?

Can I still be pregnant if I have taken multiple tests (all came back negative) and I’m still 12 days late?

1 Answer

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Missing a period is possible­. It happens if the pregnancy hormone­ is low. Being late for 12 days could mean you're­ pregnant. Stress, weight change­s, and hormone problems could also cause this. If you think you might be­ pregnant, wait. Take another te­st later. If still unsure, get a blood te­st. Blood tests are more accurate­ than home tests.

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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4863)

I am 22 years of age experiencing period pains but no periods

Female | 22

This can happen to some people. Usually, it is nothing to worry about. The stresses, hormonal changes, or normal body changes might be the reasons for these pains. You can try light exercise to feel better. Also, you can apply a warm compress to your lower belly or take over-the-counter pain relief medicine like ibuprofen if needed.

Answered on 14th Oct '24

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for a whole week straight, my labia has been itchy. i have also been having white sticky discharge and sometimes it could be a faint yellow. there is no odor and no pain, just itchiness. today, i felt a bump like feeling on my labia and i’m guessing it’s a cyst.

Female | 17

Itching and discharge could me­an a yeast infection. A common issue, causing irksome­ itchiness, thick yellowish gunk, and sometime­s bump too. Ove­r-the-counter antifungal creams can provide­ relief. Kee­ping clean and dry down there also he­lps. Drink lots of water, and wear breathable­ cotton undies. 

Answered on 1st Aug '24

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I tried to do medical abortion. I took 1 mifepristone by swallowing. After 24 hours- 800mcg misoprostol vaginally. And 3 hours after that 400mcg misoprostol vaginally and more 400mcg misoprostol with 3 hours interval. Took total 5 doses of misoprostol like this including the first dose of 800mcg. After that my gestational sac came out in the morning while i was sitting on toilet. But i did not bleed at all. My pregnancy tissues and placenta did not pass too as i did not bleed before or after passing the sac. The embryo was inside the fluid like white colored sac. I was 12 weeks pregnant. Its now 36 hours and i did not bleed still. Should i wait for my bleeding to start? I took more misoprostol doses after my sac passed to start my bleeding but did not work. Will all the pregnancy tissues will come out naturally? Will my bleeding start naturally after some days? I just want to know if this happened to anyone. Will bleeding start eventually and pregnancy tissues and placenta pass if i wait? Edit: i asked icliniq and a doctor replied to use 2tab Co-Amoxiclav 625mg PO bid for 1week, 2tab metronidazole 400mg PO tid for 1week. this medicines are for infection. Also, do i have risks of having retained placenta issues such as hemorrhage? Or i don’t have the risk as i didn’t bleed at all yet? Will the placenta come out when bleeding will happen naturally after waiting ? i am confused and also very worried

Female | 23

Answered on 30th Jan '25

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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My period was due 3 days back , still haven't got it yet. Having nausea and clear watery discharge for the past four days

Female | 25

You might be experiencing early signs of pregnancy. Sometimes, if your period is late along with symptoms like nausea and clear discharge, it could indicate pregnancy. To be sure, take a home pregnancy test. If it’s negative, the delay could be due to stress or hormonal changes.

Answered on 12th Nov '24

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What is the difference between postinor 2 bleeding and implantation bleeding?

Female | 19

Postinor 2 menstrual bleeding is a common secondary pro-ecpemption reaction associated with emergency contraceptive use, which is usually heavier that implantation bleeds. An implantation bleeding is when a fertilized egg attaches to the uterus and it usually appears as light pink or brown spotting. In case of any abnormal bleeding, one should consult a gynecologist for medical consultation.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Ihave pinworm caused vaginal inflammation wha ido

Female | 22

Pinworms are tiny worms that infect the intestines and can sometimes spread to the vaginal area. They cause itching and redness. Medication can eliminate them, but it's important to wash bedding and clothes frequently to prevent the infection from spreading. Always remember to wash your hands before eating.

Answered on 7th Sept '24

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