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Female | 47

Can you analyze my mother's stroke CT scan?

My mother suffering from stroke last 3 days i have a ct scan report please analysis on it.

1 Answer

Answered on 21st Jan '25

A stroke can lead to various symptoms, including weakness, confusion, or difficulty speaking. It happens due to disrupted blood flow to the brain, often from a clot or bleeding. The CT scan is vital for determining the type and extent of the stroke and guiding treatment. I strongly encourage you to share the results with her healthcare provider, as they can offer personalized insights and potential recovery plans tailored to her specific needs. Remember, professional medical support is crucial during this time. Be assured that there are effective approaches to assist her recovery journey.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (900)

I’m a 22 year old female I’ve been having a headache for the past two weeks making it 3 today .its so severe and I have to the doctor took tramadol Unimed pills today I’m now experiencing symptoms of ringing ears and lightheadedness after the pill .Could this be a sign that the pills are working?

Female | 22

The ringing in your ears and feeling dizzy after ingesting Tramadol Unimed pills may be consequences of the medication. It does not imply that the pills have a beneficial effect. These indications are likely to occur as a result of your body being adjusted to the drug. It is crucial to inform your doctor about these new symptoms so they can assist you in finding the best way to deal with your headaches without these side effects. 

Answered on 28th Aug '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Hi what causes fatigue , chest pain , pressure in my head , weakness in my left arm and leg , irregular heartbeat , I have bad dental and a lump at the base of my skull , low blood pressure

Female | 30

From what you describe, carotid artery dise­ase could be causing your issues. This condition blocks blood ve­ssels in your neck. It can lead to tire­dness, chest discomfort, head pre­ssure, and left arm/leg we­akness. The irregular he­artbeat, poor dental health, and skull base­ lump may relate. Reduce­d blood flow from the blockage could cause low blood pre­ssure. To properly address this, se­eking medical evaluation and tre­atment is vital.

Answered on 26th July '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I have epilepsy and are planning to pregnant.Have stop taking epilim for about 5 years cause when taking the medicine,my seizures occur often than when i stop taking it.Now my seizure occur around 5-6 times per years when i stop taking the medicine.

Female | 33

Epilepsy can be challenging at this time. It’s worrying that you have a few seizures each year. It may be a good idea to see a neurologist. They can help work out whether it’s safe for you to get pregnant while controlling your fitness. You need to strike the right balance for yourself and your unborn child too.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I am 52 years old, male. I have a tremor only in my right hand for 4 years and it has been diagnosed as Parkinson's. Which therapy methods are suitable for me? Is stem cell therapy an option for me? I would like to receive advice. Best regard

Male | 52

Your Parkinson's tremor has caused a shaking hand on your right side as the doctor has identified. This can make you shiver, get stiff muscles, or have difficulty with your movements. Parkinson's treatment is the administration of drugs, physical therapy, and as a rule, in a small number of cases, also surgery. Even though research has been done regarding stem cell therapy it is not regularly practiced as a primary therapy for Parkinson's. Follow the prescribed therapies that your doctor gives you. 

Answered on 11th July '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I am a 43-year-old woman experiencing sleeplessness. I consulted a neurologist who gave me sleeping pills, but I wasn't interested in taking them. I tried setting a proper sleep schedule and reduced screen time, but there have been no improvements.

Female | 43

Setting a proper sleep schedule and reducing screen time are good steps, but sometimes additional help is needed. Since the neurologist's treatment didn't suit you, I recommend visiting a sleep specialist. They can provide personalized advice and alternative treatments to improve your sleep.

Answered on 29th July '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

mild bulges of C3-4,C4-5 and C5-6 disc indenting the anterior subarachnoid space however not abuutting the cord

Male | 32

Your cervical discs have­ bulged slightly, exerting pre­ssure on the spinal cord area. Howe­ver, it's not severe­. This condition may result in neck, shoulder, or arm discomfort, numbne­ss, or weakness. Aging and spinal strain typically cause such issue­s. To alleviate symptoms, you might nee­d physical therapy, medication, or surgery in e­xtreme cases.

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Maigren ka elaj kya hai Or eski bjha se deth bhi hoti H kya

महिला | 23

Migraine can be managed with medications to relieve symptoms and prevent attacks. It's important to consult a neurologist for proper diagnosis and treatment tailored to your condition. Migraines rarely cause death, but severe cases may require medical attention to manage symptoms effectively.

Answered on 5th July '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

What to do in subdural hemorrhage

Male | 62

Subdural hemorrhage­ happens when blood collects be­tween your brain and skull. This usually follows a serious he­ad injury or fall. Symptoms include severe­ headaches, confusion, and difficulty walking. Affecte­d individuals require hospital testing for prope­r diagnosis. Treatment options involve me­dication or surgery to remove poole­d blood. Prompt medical attention preve­nts lasting brain damage. Such injuries must not be ignore­d, as complications may arise.

Answered on 28th Aug '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Drowsiness sleepy weakness

Female | 60

Feeling drowsy, sleepy, and weak can be caused by both physical and psychological factors. Please consult an expert to get yourself evaluated and treated..

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

What is the permanant treatment of migraine ?

Female | 24

There's no known permanent cure for migraines. Neurologists often recommend a combination of approaches to treat migraines based on the individual's specific symptoms and needs. The effectiveness also varies among individuals.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Mild to moderate numbness that comes and goes on right side of head and behind ear. It's been going on for 2+ hours.

Male | 20

Seek immediate medical attention from a neurologist to determine the cause, as it could be related to factors, some of which may require prompt evaluation and treatment. Don't ignore concerning symptoms, especially if they are accompanied by weakness, difficulty speaking, severe headache, or changes in vision.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

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