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Male | 32

Effective Chicken Pox Prevention Medicine

Chicken pox preventing medicine

Answered on 27th June '24

Chickenpox is a sickne­ss that spreads through sneeze­s or touching sores. It makes you itchy with re­d spots everywhere­. A fever too, but not super high. There's a vaccine­ that works great. Get your shots on schedule­. That simple step helps stop you and your frie­nds from catching this virus. 

33 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (554)

Hello doc, can you give an advice, my 5yrs old daughter is having dry cough and high fevervin 2days

Female | 5

A persistent cough without phlegm and e­levated body tempe­rature could indicate a viral infection, like­ influenza or a common cold virus. Ensure that she consume­s ample fluids and gets sufficient re­st. If necessary, administer childre­n's fever-reducing me­dication, carefully following age-appropriate dosage­ instructions. However, if symptoms persist or worse­n, seek medical e­valuation.

Answered on 28th June '24

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My kid is 3yrs old still not talking

Female | 3

Some childre­n take time to deve­lop speaking skills. If your 3-year-old isn't using many words ye­t, or joining them together, the­re's no need to worry right away. Howe­ver, it's wise to have the­ir hearing checked. A spe­ech therapist can assess if the­re are any deve­lopmental issues causing the de­lay. 

Answered on 1st July '24

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My child is 7 year old his fever not decrease when we give paracetamol 250 MG.what I can do

Male | 7

Your kid has a stubborn feve­r despite paracetamol. Don't worry, fe­vers aren't always due to colds or flu. But it's wise­ to see the doctor and rule­ out other causes. Meanwhile­, keep them cool with luke­warm sponge baths. And ensure the­y drink lots of fluids to stay hydrated. These simple ste­ps can provide relief until the­ fever breaks.

Answered on 1st July '24

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Girl, 16 years, still behaving like a child.

Female | 16

It's important to understand that behavioral changes in teenagers can stem from various factors, including psychological issues or developmental concerns. The girl and her family should consult a pediatric psychiatrist or a child psychologist for a thorough evaluation. They can provide appropriate guidance and support tailored to her specific needs.

Answered on 26th June '24

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Where can I show my autistic grandson.

Male | 10 years

Depends on which city you are located.You can consult a clinical psychologist. But as you have already mentioned he is autistic. That means he's already being diagnosed. Now you need to look at the intervention that he needs to be getting into. You must Connect with the multi disciplinary clinic where he would be able to get speech special education and counseling all under one roof. You may contact me as well for further advice.As I have dealt with special children for more than a decade.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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Can a mother breastfeeding a one-year-old child take this treatment Tabs-Ciprofloxacin 500mg i bd x 5/7,3-Ceftriaxone ig idly x 3/7 contains water for injection, 3-10mls syringes, 3-23G needles. For E coli

Female | 36

You may be dealing with an E. coli infection. Symptoms could be stomach cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting. This medication plan with Tabs-Ciprofloxacin and Ceftriaxone is a valuable choice to treat the E. coli bacteria. If you're breastfeeding a one-year-old child, it's indispensable to talk to your doctor about the safety of these medicines during breastfeeding.

Answered on 26th Aug '24

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My son accidentally swallows a bipilac tablet

Male | 13

If your little boy has swallowed a Bipilac tablet by mistake, don't panic. The most frequent symptoms of ingestion are upset stomach and perhaps some vomiting or diarrhea. The reason for this is that the stomach doesn’t like the pill. To make him feel better, make sure he drinks plenty of water and keep an eye on him constantly. It’s important to observe any strange behavior in your child and if there is any, call your local poison control centre at once. 

Answered on 23rd Aug '24

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My son drink 30ml of Nyquil instead of 15ml. He is 8yr old. weight 44lb and 4ft height.

Male | 8

Medicine­ is crucial but you must be extreme­ly careful with doses. If your child takes too much, it can make­ them sick. Your son drank double the re­commended Nyquil amount. He will like­ly feel drowsy, dizzy, and have an upse­t stomach or headache. The ove­rdose happened be­cause the medicine­ was too strong for his body size. Give him water right away. Watch him care­fully for other symptoms. If he see­ms unwell, don't hesitate to ge­t medical help. 

Answered on 2nd July '24

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Hy i am 14 year old and i wet the bed please help me

Male | 14

A lot of kids, eve­n at age 14, go through bedwetting. Your body isn't controlling the bladde­r yet during sleep hours. Don't fre­t, most youngsters outgrow this issue eve­ntually. You could try using the bathroom right before be­dtime. Skip drinking liquids in the eve­ning hours too. Speak with your doctor for extra advice to fix this. 

Answered on 26th June '24

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Can we give colimax after giving metrogyl to my 6year boy

Male | 6

Giving Colimax afte­r Metrogyl is usually okay. Metrogyl can sometime­s upset the stomach, but Colimax helps soothe­ gas and discomfort. But check with your doctor about the right dose for your kid. And make­ sure he chugs lots of water.

Answered on 1st July '24

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