Male | 22
Could I Have Something Lodged Causing Ear & Jaw Pain?
I have been dealing with increasing ear pain for 2 days, and I am deadly afraid that something is lodged inside. I have pain in my jaw when I attempt to eat solid food, this did not start until after my ear started as well.

General Physician
Answered on 4th Jan '25
Are you possibly interested in the problem with your ear and the pain in your jaw? These various symptoms include ear infections, fluid buildup, and the possible jaw joint problems, among others. Although the sensation of having something stuck can be disconcerting, it is advisable not to play a doctor and communicate with the doctor. I suggest making an appointment with your healthcare provider in order to be assessed. Their examination will reveal the exact problem you might be suffering from, they will solve your worries and offer the right type of treatment.
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Questions & Answers on "Ent Surgery" (297)
Hey I have a visible epiglottis and a little bit of tonsils at the back of my tongue I have had a heartburn but not anymore the epiglottis is still visible and so are the tonsils ( only 2 now) but they are not painful but I just feel like something is stuck on the right side my throat whenever I swallow saliva and a little bit of a burning sensation after taking an acid reflux medication. Is it normal or a sign of throat cancer
Female | 20
A visible epiglottis and slightly enlarged tonsils can be normal for some people, but the sensation of something stuck in your throat and the burning after taking acid reflux medication might need further evaluation. These symptoms are not necessarily a sign of throat cancer, but it's important to get them checked. I strongly recommend visiting an ENT specialist to assess your condition and provide the right advice.
Answered on 5th Aug '24
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I had strep and an ear infection. I went to urgent care twice. I took clindamycin for 10 days and the strep went away, so did the pain in the ear. It’s still clogged and I can’t hear much though (now 3 days past the last dose of antibiotics). There’s not pain, just pressure and little hearing. And when I yawn/blow my nose/etc it crackles like it wants to pop but it won’t clear. How long should I wait for it to clear before I go to a doctor again about it..?
Female | 25
The pressure and crackling you're feeling may be due to fluid trapped behind your eardrum, often after an infection. It usually clears on its own within a few weeks. In the meantime, you can try chewing gum, yawning, or performing the Valsalva maneuver (close your mouth, pinch your nose, and blow gently) to open the Eustachian tube. If the problem persists for more than a couple of weeks or worsens, it's best to see an ENT doctor for further treatment.
Answered on 18th Sept '24
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I am 13 year old girl I have pain in my ear and also swelling.
Female | 13
You might have some ear pain and swelling. When your ear aches and swells, it could be an ear infection. Ear infections can occur when tiny organisms like bacteria and viruses penetrate the ear. Go to an ENT specialist and they will prescribe you medication to treat the infection and improve your health.
Answered on 18th June '24
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Hello I’ve been having some hissing in one ear
Male | 23
If you hear a hissing noise in one ear, you may have tinnitus. It is a condition where you hear sounds like ringing, buzzing, or hissing without any outside noise making the sound. Tinnitus can happen for a few reasons. Very loud sounds can cause it. An ear infection might too. Or if you are very stressed, tinnitus can start. Try to avoid loud places and sounds. Find ways to feel calm and relaxed. But you should also go see an ENT specialist. They can check your ears and help figure out the best way to make the hissing stop.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am a 27-year-old female and I have dry throat and Malaria for 3 weeks. I've used malaria drugs and antibiotics but the dryness is severe I don't know what to do next.
Female | 27
Dry throat is a condition that can be caused by several factors such as dehydration, infections, or even side effects of medications. You should be glad to know that your proactive approach has already been able to help you. To alleviate your dry throat try drinking more water, using humidifiers, and sucking on lozenges. If still the dryness persists, think of going back to your doctor for further assessment.
Answered on 24th Oct '24
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Having pain in right side of lymph node under jaw from couple of days, the pain increases while chewing and swallowing food. I can feel the lymph node with my fingers it also has an aching feeling and the pain and uneasiness remains constant, have not taken any medicines yet.
Male | 40
It's important to get evaluated by an ENT specialist for the pain in your right lymph node under the jaw, especially if it worsens with chewing and swallowing. This could indicate an infection or inflammation that needs prompt attention. Avoid delaying and seek medical advice for proper diagnosis and treatment tailored to your symptoms.
Answered on 10th July '24
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My right side of tonsil is bigger than left side from last one year but since last year it was painless but from last one week it's pains while eating and swallowing and some white patch are also came there .
Male | 21
You might have tonsillitis, where your tonsils (the two lumps at the back of your throat) become swollen and inflamed. This can be caused by bacteria or viruses. The inflammation could be why you feel pain while eating and swallowing, and the white patches indicate an infection. It's important to see an ENT specilaist, as they may recommend antibiotics to treat the infection. Meanwhile, drink plenty of fluids and avoid very hot or spicy foods.
Answered on 22nd Aug '24
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i have allready opration vocal nodle in 2019 now 2nd time vocal nodle increas in same area.why now my voice is not clear.cancer test is nagetive is it clear in medicine pl advice me
Male | 54
Vocal nodules are injuries akin to calluses on the vocal cords that can be caused by either overusing your voice or speaking improperly. The result can be a hoarse or unclear voice. Fortunately, the result of the cancer test is negative. A voice therapist, avoiding vocal strain, and the rest of the voice can help you improve your voice.
Answered on 9th Sept '24
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I went to A&E in June with dizziness not feeling real/ dreamy. And I was told to get my ears syringed I’ve done this 2 times now and no improvement if anything I have gotten worse!! I have tried anti insimines as well. I’m booked in for blood tests and I’m really becoming depressed and upset because of this. I don’t feel real I have also left work I really want help!
Female | 19
It seems like you are greatly disturbed by the symptoms of dizziness and feeling unreal. The link can sometimes be found in inner ear issues, anxiety, or other conditions that you may have. Having found ear syringing to be ineffective, it's really reassuring to know that blood tests are being carried out; this is an important step in figuring out the situation. While anticipating the results, think about talking to a healthcare provider about your feelings, as they could try different therapies. Health of mental state, being good is no.1 on the list, so, please take the courage to seek help if necessary. You aren't by yourself in this matter, support is available.
Answered on 19th Dec '24
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Hello i am 18 yrs old and i think i am having an ear infection on my ear, i was scratching my outer ear and injured it and later on i am feeling pressure on my ear, theres no pain or whatsever and theres a pus or wax but not that much nor draining on my ear, it started on march 24 and i havent go to doctor yet since im poor
Male | 18
It’s common for there to be some pain with an ear infection, as well as pressure, pus, or fluid drainage, and no fever. Ear infections happen when germs get into the ear canal. To help with this problem, attempt to use some warm water to gently clean the outside part of your ear only – do not stick anything inside the ear. If it does not start feeling better soon, visit an ENT specialist because there could be something else going on besides an infection like an injury from scratching too hard.
Answered on 10th June '24
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I just have an academic question. Is antibiotics for ear infection met with PPI?
Male | 19
With an ear infection, you may feel pain, pressure, and muffled hearing. Antibiotics are commonly used to cure ear problems derived from bacteria. Among the medications used to treat ear infections, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are usually not included. Moreover, you are even encouraged to consult with an ENT specialist if you suspect any ear infection, and then a proper treatment plan will be recommended.
Answered on 18th June '24
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Hello doc, I’m fahmi from Ethiopia. I have sinus since when I was 10 and from the last 2 years it becomes so hard to breathe through my nose. I tried to change environment, the weather and different things but my nose still stuffy and closed. MRI shows I have infection on my top nose. Doctors just always gave me nasal drops for temporary relief. Now I have been using nasal drops for 2 years and sometimes it start adopting didn’t work by 2-3 drops and also some times it wants the stronger one like Oxymetazol to stay for longer like 8-10 hours. Please I need your help , thank you ????????
Male | 24
You may have chronic sinusitis. This is when your sinuses become swollen or inflamed. Breathing through your nose could become difficult because of this. Using nose drops gives temporary relief; however, they might not be helpful in the long run as the body would be used to them. It’s important to find out what causes these before suggesting remedies for them. Visit an ENT Specialist for more insight into the matter.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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sore throat headaches vary tarid
Female | 30
A sore throat accompanied by headaches can stem from various factors, such as viral infections, allergies, or even sinus issues. Symptoms often include discomfort while swallowing, fatigue, and nasal congestion. Staying hydrated and using over-the-counter pain relievers may help alleviate discomfort. Gargling with warm salt water can also provide relief. However, should your symptoms persist for more than a few days or worsen, please consider reaching out to a physician for further evaluation.
Answered on 10th Feb '25
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Hello. I am 21 years old male. Last night I took a tablet for tooth ache and after taking I was feeling that it is still stuck in my throat. After a hour I went to sleep with the same feeling that the tablet is stuck in my throat. I am a bit confused that while I am sleeping the tablet may have entered the windpipe instead of food pipe. Is it possible that it entered the windpipe while I am sleeping and not letting me know that it had entered the windpipe. I would be really grateful to know the answer.
Male | 21
When a tablet feels stuck in the throat, it is usually in the esophagus instead of the trachea. You would cough a lot if it got into the windpipe. Sometimes, it can be a feeling of something getting stuck in the throat because the tablet is dissolved for some time. Drinking water may assist it in its journey downward. However, if you experience difficulty breathing or acute pain, get medical treatment as soon as possible.
Answered on 22nd Oct '24
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I had a runny nose 2 days ago so I took panadol that has 30mg pseudoephedrine. It stopped running within 1 hour. But yesterday I woke up in the middle of the night with a blocked nose and it would only clear up when I stood up. Today I still have a congested nose no mucus. When I close my mouth I can’t breathe through my nose at all
Female | 25
It sounds like you may be experiencing nasal congestion, which can result from various factors such as allergies or a mild viral infection. The blockage while lying down could be due to gravity affecting nasal drainage. Staying hydrated and using a humidifier may help ease your symptoms. Over-the-counter saline sprays are also beneficial for relieving congestion. If your symptoms persist or worsen, I recommend consulting a general physician to rule out any underlying issues.
Answered on 10th Jan '25
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I have been dealing with increasing ear pain for 2 days, and I am deadly afraid that something is lodged inside. I have pain in my jaw when I attempt to eat solid food, this did not start until after my ear started as well.
Male | 22
Are you possibly interested in the problem with your ear and the pain in your jaw? These various symptoms include ear infections, fluid buildup, and the possible jaw joint problems, among others. Although the sensation of having something stuck can be disconcerting, it is advisable not to play a doctor and communicate with the doctor. I suggest making an appointment with your healthcare provider in order to be assessed. Their examination will reveal the exact problem you might be suffering from, they will solve your worries and offer the right type of treatment.
Answered on 4th Jan '25
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डॉक्टर साहब मुझे हर दो तीन दिन छोड कर सुबह से बहुत छींक आने लगती है और नाक से पानी बहना और आँखों से पानी आता है नाक के अंदर जलन और खुजली होने लगती है सभी से मैं बहुत परेशान हूं कृपया मुझे इसके बारे में कुछ कारण बताएं और कुछ उपचार दें
Male | 21
You appear to be suffering from a typical cold or allergies. Sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes can be due to allergens like dust or pollen. Nasal congestion and itching can also be due to a viral infection. To help ease your symptoms, try drinking plenty of water, resting, and using over-the-counter antihistamines. If symptoms persist or worsen, the best option is to consult an ENT doctor.
Answered on 25th Sept '24
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I have whistling sound in my left ear for last two months.this problem started after using hydrogen peroxide in this ear.i have consulted to ent specialist.after checking the dr said to me don't worry ear drum is in ok condition.somd tablets I have used but no relief got
Male | 32
Persistent whistle in your left ear may be related to fluid or sensitivity following hydrogen peroxide exposure. While it's reassuring that your eardrum is intact, this sound could come from issues like Eustachian tube dysfunction or residual earwax. It’s important to stay in touch with your ENT specialist, as they can provide targeted treatments or further evaluations if necessary. In the meantime, try avoiding irritating substances and keep your ears dry.
Answered on 10th Feb '25
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I am a 24-year-old bachelor student. I have been experiencing a persistent runny nose, frequent sneezing, nasal blockage, and difficulty breathing through both nostrils as one is always blocked alternately. These symptoms worsen when I consume cold drinks or fruits. Additionally, physical exercise and changes in the environment exacerbate my condition. This has been ongoing for the past year, and despite seeking treatment from 2-3 doctors, including homeopathy, I have not found relief. Now, I am exhausted from the ongoing symptoms and would like to identify the root cause and pursue appropriate treatment.
Male | 24
You might have allergic rhinitis, triggered by things like pollen, dust mites, or certain foods. Seeing an allergist can help identify your triggers and recommend treatments such as avoiding allergens, taking medications, or getting allergy shots. Proper treatment is important for feeling better and enjoying life without discomfort.
Answered on 26th Sept '24
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First of all, I woke up with a weird feeling in my mouth. My saliva was extremely dry…I had to try take water but then I realized something shocking. It was initially tough to swallow my saliva like I had a sore throat but that wasn’t it. I felt my uvula come towards my tongue when I tried to gag. I checked the mirror and saw that my uvula got very long just overnight
Male | 24
Uvulitis is when your uvula swells up. The uvula hangs at the back of your throat. Infections, allergies, or snoring while asleep can cause it. You might feel something in your throat. Swallowing may be difficult, and your throat might hurt. Drinking lots of water helps. Gargling warm saltwater soothes. If symptoms don't go away, see an ENT specialist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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