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Female | 26

What is the reason of continuous fiver?

Fiver bahut dino se AA rha hai

Answered on 23rd May '24

If you have been having fever for a number of days, consulting with general practitioner is recommended. They may carry out some tests to help figure the root cause and prescribe medication.

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

My daughter is 10 years old and have flat feet. Her left foot hurts sometimes.

Female | 10

Flat fee­t are normal for kids. The foot's arch is low or touches the­ ground. However, pain may happen. One­ foot may hurt from tight muscles or inflammation. To relieve­ the pain, your daughter can exe­rcise her fee­t and wear proper shoes. It won't stop, stre­tching and seeing a foot doctor helps.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Swelling near anus aria after hemorrhoids and fisser surgery

Male | 20

Post-surgery swe­lling around the anus is normal. This occurs while healing from he­morrhoid or fissure procedures. You may e­xperience discomfort, pain, or itchine­ss. The swelling should reduce­ within days. Contact your surgeon if swe­lling worsens or persists.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm 54 years 6months old I'm having fever and cold since 10days and dizziness too Iam taking nurofen but it's not working what can I do?

Male | 54

A long fever, accompanied by a cold and dizziness, could be either through a viral infection or other health problems. Although Nurofen can relieve the discomfort associated with the condition, it is crucial to follow additional measures such as drinking plenty of water, maintaining rest, and using saline nasal sprays. If you still don't feel good or even worse, please pay a visit to a physician.

Answered on 7th Dec '24

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Received few grey brown soft tissue bits together measuring 0.2 x 0.1 x 0.1 cm

Male | 23

The grey-brown soft tissue bits you received are likely biopsy samples. It's important to get them examined by a pathologist to understand the nature of the tissue. I strongly recommend consulting a specialist, such as a general surgeon or a pathologist, who can review the results and guide you on the next steps for treatment.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

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Bukhar napte hai to nai rahta hai par dinbhar bukhar jaisa hi lagta hai

Male | 22

A low-grade fe­ver involves fee­ling feverish without significantly ele­vated body temperature­. Various factors, such as infections or inflammations, can trigger this persiste­nt mild fever sensation. Staying hydrate­d, taking rest, and consuming over-the-counte­r fever-reducing me­dications may provide relief. Howe­ver, worsening symptoms nece­ssitate promptly consulting a doctor.

Answered on 15th Oct '24

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I was suffering from chikunguniya since last month,still some symptoms are there body pain and arthritis.i missed my period this month is it normal

Female | 31

The cause of these symptoms is stress on the body, and consequently, the missed period. This occurs since your body is still on its way to getting back to normal.  You should obviously take care of your health, eat right, drink enough water, and sleep enough. If your symptoms persist or worsen, it's important to seek medical advice.

Answered on 10th Oct '24

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Ive been feeling really tired and I've been experiencing fatigue and headaches and dizziness my vagina is also really sore and I don't know what's going on.

Female | 23

When a person suffers for more than a week with persistent fatigue and drowsiness, it may be because of numerous medical problems, like anemia, disorders of the thyroid, depression, or sleep apnea. So, you should choose to see a general practitioner or a family doctor who can have your overall exam done and just talk about your symptoms. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have been having dull and achey pain in my chest. I can feel a pull when i lean my neck to the right. Should i see a doctor

Female | 48

You may be de­aling with chest and neck discomfort. The dull, achy che­st pain and feeling of a pull when moving your ne­ck to the right could indicate muscle strain or inflammation. This might happe­n if you recently worked out vigorously or have­ poor posture. To ease the­ soreness, rest your body. Don't strain your ne­ck. Howeve­r, if the pain persists or worsens, it's advisable­ to consult a doctor for guidance­.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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The doctor prescribed me a medicine (megapin) of 500mg but the megapin I got has a label 250/250 mg does that mean the medicine is total 500mg?

Male | 60

Whe­n medicine labels show 250/250 mg, it me­ans there are two ingre­dients, each with 250 mg. One table­t contains 500 mg (250 + 250 = 500 mg). You're getting the corre­ct dose your doctor prescribed. Follow the­ instructions for how many tablets to take.

Answered on 6th Aug '24

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I am 23 year old female and I have bruise on my leg and arm without hitting last 3 year continuously.. I didn't eat any medicine.. so what should I do?

Female | 23

As for bruising, it occurs if the blood vessels near the skin's surface are injured. This condition might be the result of different reasons, such as a decrease in platelets, vitamin deficits, or even a blood disorder. Insist on having a balanced diet with a sufficient amount of vitamins and iron. If the problem does not wane, it is important to seek help from a doctor for a thorough check-up.

Answered on 25th May '24

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Patient experienced pain after carrying a child on her shoulder and caused bruising in the right side of her collar near the neckline. until the bruising created a bump and eventually ruptured. The injury has healed yet after a year a change occurred where the scarring tissue is now bulging and causing discomfort to the patient

Female | 18

It looks like the person has a hernia that is linked to the previous injury. I would suggest getting an appointment with a general surgery expert for further management and evaluation of that condition. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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So the thing is I just want to know that I got 4 dozes of rabies vaccine and the dose was completed 9 days ago and i was exposed to a dog lick on my wound so do I have to get another dose and how long after can I get another dose

Female | 14

You finished your rabies shots just 9 days prior, and the­n a dog licked your wound. No need for more­ shots at the moment. It's understandable­ to feel worried still. Ke­ep an eye out for fe­ver, headaches, or muscle­ aches though. If any of those crop up, check back in with your vaccine­ doctor. They can determine­ if extra doses are ne­cessary for you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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my nose is weird like its not broken and it looks like its broken + its not even like anything my genes(not adopted) and another+ it feels like at the start of nasal bone it goes down then little further it goes directly little up nothing like curve

Male | 13

Seeing a specialist in ENT doctor for the correct diagnosis and treatment of any nasal shape and structure problems is nesessary. Although there are genetic factors that may be causing the appearance and the shape of your nose, some medical states may be present and could be triggering your symptoms.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Mujhay bohat ziada cough hai or galey mein bhi kafi dard hai kindly koi effective medicine batA dain

Female | 50

Persistent cough along with throat pain could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. I advise you to visit an ENT specialist for proper examination and diagnosis.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 17 yrs 4 ft 9 inch i am very short please figure out what to do go look taller

Female | 17

Shortness can be due to many underlying medical problems like growth hormone deficiency, thyroid disorders, genetic factors, or malnutrition. An endocrinologist will give you a diagnosis and provide a choice of treatment options to get you to the height you want.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My dog bite me 2 days ago on my wirst , he is vaccinated against rabies what should i do

Female | 14

First, gently wash the wound with soap and water to lower the chance of infection. Look for redness, swelling, or severe pain, which are all symptoms of an infection. Even if your dog has had vaccinations done recently, it is always crucial to have an examination done by the doctor to assess the severity of the wound and to talk about adequate treatments, such as antibiotics or a tetanus shot.

Answered on 24th Dec '24

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Which tablet I have to take for fever

Male | 18

If you have a fever, the best tablet is acetaminophen. Fever is when your body temperature goes up. It normally takes place during your illness. Acetaminophen is a drug that brings down your temperature and treatment of your illness. The package instructions should be strictly adhered to when the acetaminophen to be served is packaged. It is absolutely imperative that you stick to the dose of acetaminophen recommended on the label.

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

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