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Female | 31

Could the burning stomach sensation indicate a serious issue?

Good day I am a 31 year old and I have been experiencing burning sensation in my stomach for the past 2 weeks

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 14th Oct '24

Acid reflux is a condition that might be the reason because it is characterized by the backflow of stomach acids into your food pipe. This can happen if you eat spicy or fatty foods, or lay down soon after eating. To distract yourself, try the meals fatter, spicy foods, and no lying down right after eating. Besides, you need to be hydrated and if the burning continues then you better get guidance from a gastroenterologist.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterologyy" (1116)

Sir I have pain in my stomach but in my empty stomach I get blood through sputum and after that my headaches and I'm not able. To eat any proper food

Female | 22

Coughing blood, headache­s, and difficulty eating - these signs sugge­st a stomach issue. An ulcer or inflammation could be the­ culprit. Ignoring it risks bigger problems, so see­ a doctor soon. For now, spicy or acidic foods may worsen symptoms, so choose easy-to-dige­st meals instead. Stay hydrated by drinking lots of wate­r. 

Answered on 23rd July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

How long does a stab wound to the bowel takes to heal after surgery

Male | 31

A stab wound in the bowel is indeed a serious injury that will require surgery for a solution. After the surgery, the healing time can vary but it usually takes several weeks to a few months. Symptoms of this may involve intense pain, fever, and vomiting. Repairing the damaged bowel with surgery is the solution, in addition to proper wound care and medication to prevent infection, which is the main reason for the surgery. It's important to heed your doctor's orders to have a quick and easy recovery.

Answered on 9th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I m having a problem with hemorrhoids but today I felt a dull pain in left area of the anus and it was horrible and i had a left leg numb then after a while it started on the right side and my right leg felt numb to.

Male | 28

One should get medical help as soon as possible. Your symptoms indicate the possible complication of your case due to hemorrhoids, for example blood clot. As for me, I would advise turning to a gastroenterologist or proctologist immediately in order to receive the right diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Iam suffering from irritable bowl syndrome

Female | 17

Many people­ get irritable bowel syndrome­, also called IBS. It can make your stomach hurt and cause bloating, loose­ stool, or hard stool. Things like stress or certain foods might worse­n it. Eating smaller meals could assist. Avoiding foods that trigger it, such as spicy ite­ms, can be beneficial too. Managing stre­ss helps a lot of people. Drinking lots of wate­r daily and keeping active may e­ase symptoms for some people.

Answered on 30th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

My daughter keeps getting worms but I don’t know why

Female | 6

Your daughter might have­ a pinworm infection. Pinworms are tiny creature­s that enter the body via the­ mouth. When infected, itching ne­ar the bottom frequently occurs at night. Your doctor can provide­ medication to remove the­se worms. Proper handwashing is crucial to preve­nt spreading the infection furthe­r.

Answered on 30th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Hello sir , Sir my age is 23 and I got fatty liver and ocd from 3 years when first time I got fatty liver my ultrasound report show grade 2 fatty liver and my doctor gave me proper medicine like golbi sr 450, adilip 45, zolfresh 10, ocid 20, folvite 5 , fluvox cr 300 , epilive 600 , rospitril plus 1 , clonil 75 SR . and after 6 months my treatment completed and docter advised me usg and I reversed to fatty grade 1 liver and docter stop my medication later I got fatty liver 1 and high triglycerides so doctor recheck my tests and I done with all test cbc , lft , kft , thyroid test , hba1c , lipid profile and usg and results were all kft , thyroid , hba1c are normal but elevated liver enzymes sgpt and sgot and lipid are also high and usg show fatty 1 grade and doctor re start my all medicines as same as first time medicines for six months then after 6 months my doctor advised all re test my all reports get normal except liver enzymes and grade 1 fatty liver and docter told me everything is normal so they stop my medication and advice me physically activity to do but I am little obese and doing no exercise and drink alcohol 90-120 ml a day six to seven times a month and later after just one year I got fatty liver symptoms and I go to new doctor well renowned doctor he advised me fibroscan , lft , cbc , esr , lipid profile , thyroid test , hba1c. Reports are : hba1c - 5.8 normal Kft : normal Thyroid : normal Esr : normal CBC : little low RBC , low p.c.v , little high m.c.h , m.c.h.c Lft : bilrubin direct 0.3 indirect 0.4 , sgpt 243 , sgot 170 IU/L Lipid profile : Total cholesterol : 210 mg/dl Triglycerides : 371 mg/dl Ldl : 141 mg/dl Hdl : 38 mg/dl Vldl : 74 mg/dl Tc/hdl ratio : 5.5 Ldl/hdl ratio : 3.7 Fibroscan report : Cap(dB/m) median : 355 Iqr : 28 Iqr/median : 8% E(KPa) median : 10.0 Iqr : 2.3 Iqr/med : 23% Examination M(Liver) Number of valid measurements : 10 Number of invalid measurements : 0 Success rate : 100% Measurements all 10 : 1- CAP : 359 dB/m E : 10.2 KPa 2- CAP : 333 dB/m E : 12.8 KPa 3- CAP : 351 dB/m E : 7.6 KPa 4- CAP : 302 dB/m E : 7.1 KPa 5- CAP : 381 dB/m E : 7.8 KPa 6- CAP : 359 dB/m E : 8.9 KPa 7- CAP : 368 dB/m E : 10.7 KPa 8- CAP : 345 dB/m E : 10.2 KPa 9- CAP : 310 dB/m E : 9.8 KPa 10- Not given Clinical correlation with fibroscan data : Evidence of significantly with fibrosis of liver corresponding to liver biopsy metavir score F3 Treatment started : - Flunil 40< - ursotina 300< - cutee 400< - roseday F10- - zolfresh 10 - ocid 20 Treatment given : 1 Year After Treatment Tests : Fibroscan report : Cap(dB/m) mean : 361 E(KPa) median : 9.4 Iqr/median : 28% Examination M(Liver) Number of e- measurements : 10 Success rate : >100% Measurements all 10 : 1- E : 11 KPa 2- E : 11.5 KPa 3- E : 10.0 KPa 4- E : 10.7 KPa 5- E : 7.8 KPa 6- E : 8.5 KPa 7- E : 8.8 KPa 8- E : 11.4 KPa 9- E : 8.2 KPa 10- E : 7.5 KPa Clinical correlation with fibroscan data : Evidence of significantly steatosis with evidence of fibrosis of liver corresponding to liver biopsy metavir score F2 B.M.I : 29 CBC : normal Esr : normal Thyroid test : normal Kft : normal Uric acid : normal Lipid profile : normal Lft test : sgpt 113 sgot 70 IU/L Serum GGTP : 42 IU/L (normal) Hba1c : 6.1 % prediabeties Treatment medicines for NASH : - Ocid 20- - Flunil 60- - Zolfresh 10- - Bilypsa- - Polvite E- - Fenocor R- - My question sir : Can my fibrosis F3 to F2 can come back to F0 healthy liver after weight loss and treatment I listen that scarring is natural process to heal itself but scar never go just it get fade with treatment not permanently heal or removed is it true or not what is your advice sir

Male | 23

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease can progress to fibrosis, which is the scaring of the liver. Healthy weight loss through diet and exercise can play a key role in the liver's health. The liver is capable of some self-repair, but the damage from serious scarring is probably not going to be reversed completely. Following your doctor's advice, taking your medication, and lifestyle changes to support your liver health are essential. 

Answered on 13th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Morning have been having stomachpain since Friday cos I ate late and am still having pain and I can't tolerate anything cos whenever I lay down I keep throwing up

Female | 29

It looks like you damaged your gastric mucosa or, perhaps, you have a stomach ulcer. It is crucial to see a gastroenterologist as quickly as you can for the accurate root cause of your symptoms and the best treatment. In the interim, it would be wise to steer clear of foods that may irritate your stomach and drink a good amount of water to remain hydrated.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

My mom found out she has a big cyst in her stomach. Attached to her belly button. I want to know if the surgery to remove it is risky.?

Female | 67

The cyst can often bring pain and discomfort. They are due to the blocking of the glands or infections. Although cyst removal is generally quite safe, some risks are part of all surgeries. Her physician has to explain the pros and cons to your mom, so that she can make a well-informed decision about what is best for her health.

Answered on 18th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

sir mujhe 4-5 din se chkr aa rhe hai lgatar or kuch kha lu to vomiting ho jati hai bp low ho jata hai

Female | 30

You have been having a sense of imbalance for the last 4 to 5 days and vomiting at the slightest of food intake. These can be attributed to low blood pressure. When blood pressure reduces it is possible for you to feel dizzy and the sensation of sickness to be experienced. To help, consider drinking more water and eating small meals throughout the day. 

Answered on 13th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I have stomach pain and visit doctor and take medicine but I can't feel better

Female | 23

Different things such as indigestion, gastritis, or infections can cause stomach pains. When you go back to your doctor this time you let the doctor know that what they gave you last time did not work. The doctor might need to run more tests so they can find out what’s happening and give you something that’ll make you feel better.

Answered on 6th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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