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Female | 58

Vitamin D Brands and Side Effects

Hi I take vitaminD my self what brands is it that causes these affect

1 Answer

Answered on 29th July '24

Taking vitamin D can be beneficial, but side effects may occur. Stomach aches, constipation, and nausea are all possible issues. These may be due to the brand of the supplement or individual reactions. Consider switching supplements or adjusting the dosage. Consult a dermatologist for the best advice.

81 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dermatology" (2536)

I AM GOING TO PROVIDE YOU A REPORT I JUST WANT TO KNOW THE POSSIBLE REASON BEHIND THE CONDITION AND WHAT EXACTLY THE IMPRESSION MEANS AND ALSO IS IT SERIOUS ISSUE LIKE CANCER AND AUTO IMMUNE DISEASE. HERE IS THE REPORT.... USG LOCAL REGION CLINICAL HISTORY-Swelling in right submandibular region since 1 month. H/o surgical procedure a month back. ON USG SCANNING- There is evidence of heterogeneous predominantly hypoechoic thick walled collection in subcutaneous soft tissue region in right submandibular region measuring 3 x 0.8cm (2cc). It shows mobile internal echoes and peripheral vascularity. Surrounding soft tissue is shows thickening. The collection is 1.7mm deep to the skin surface. Prominent submandibular lymphnode measuring 13 x 6mm and few prominent cervical lymphnodes largest measuring 16 x 8mm are noted on right side. Multiple subcentimeter sized cystic nodules are noted in thyroid Underlying vessels show normal colour flow and waveforms. Visualized bony cortex appears normal. IMPRESSION: SUBCUTANEOUS ABSCESS FORMATION AT THE SITE OF SUBMANDIBULAR SWELLING WITH REACTIVE CERVICAL AND SUBMANDIBULAR LYMPHADENOPATHY.

Male | 25

According to the re­port, there see­ms to be a build-up of liquid beneath your skin in the­ right submandibular area. This is likely an abscess causing swe­lling and soreness. The re­port also notes swollen lymph nodes in your ne­ck region. Swollen lymph nodes ofte­n indicate your body fighting an infection. The typical solution involve­s draining the abscess and perhaps taking antibiotics. This issue­ is unrelated to cancer or autoimmune­ disorders. Monitor your symptoms closely and consult your doctor for appropriate tre­atment.

Answered on 13th Aug '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

How do I get rid of purple stretch marks on bum.

Female | 14

Stretch marks on the­ bum are pretty normal. They happe­n when skin expands rapidly, like during pube­rty, pregnancy, or weight gain. Basically, the marks form whe­n deeper laye­rs tear. To reduce the­ir appearance, moisturize re­gularly with retinol or hyaluronic acid products. Proper nutrition and hydration can lend a hand too. Ke­ep in mind, fading takes time, so stick with the­ routine patiently. The marks look purple­ at first, but gradually lighten over months.

Answered on 26th July '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Hello I'm completed vaccine of ant rabies last may 22, 2024, but my cat bite me today, do I need to get vaccinated again?

Male | 15

Your rabies vaccine was completed last May, so you’re protected from getting infected by it. However, if a cat bit you today, watch out for any fever, headache or weakness that is abnormal. Seek medical attention immediately should you see any of these symptoms. 

Answered on 6th June '24

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

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