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Female | 25

What Are Effective Treatments for Recurrent Miscarriages in Young Women?

Hi Sir/Madam, I am Priyanka from Andhra Pradesh, India. My age is 25 , and 3 back I got married. My problem is I am facing with continuous miscarriages. Till now 3 miscarriages happened to me. Done many tests like anti bodies, genetical test etc. Can you please guide me for further medication or treatment for better recovery. As I don't want another miscarriage because I can't handle it anymore.

1 Answer
Dr. Nisarg Patel

Social Obstetrics And Gynecologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

Reasons that may lead to recurrent miscarriages include hormonal imbalances, infections, genetics, and anatomical abnormalities. Consultation with a gynecologist or infertility specialist who can determine what exactly the source of this problem is should be taken.

57 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4734)

Could vomiting up everything I eat or drink with frequent headache and sour back legs mean that I am pregnant?

Female | 20

If someone vomits everything they eat or drink, along with frequent headaches and pain in the back, this could be a sign of various things not just pregnancy. These symptoms may result from a stomach virus, food poisoning, or even migraines. Consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

I’ve had chalymdia several times, and I got treated twice and I was wondering if my iud might have chalymdia on it making me not get rid of it.

Female | 18

Chlamydia is a very common sexually transmitted infection (STI). Chlamydia is not caused by an IUD in your body. The infection is in your body, not on your IUD. You need to be treated properly according to what your doctor prescribes to be rid of chlamydia. The most important thing to do is to treat partners as well, thus preventing re-infection.

Answered on 13th Nov '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

I had stomach pain after fingering sex and my periods

Female | 21

I recommend you to consult a gynecologist who can evaluate your symptoms and advice you on it. Its necessary to find the cause of your pain.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

I missed my periods 2 4 days ago and I think I am pregnant and I haven't taken any pregnancy test

Female | 16

Sometime­s women miss periods. That could mean pre­gnancy. Other signs: feeling tire­d, sick, sore breasts, lots of urinating. Pregnancy happe­ns when an egg mee­ts sperm. To confirm if pregnant, take home­ test or get blood test done­. It's essential to know pregnancy status e­arly. 

Answered on 29th Aug '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

I had unprotected sex on 7th February and had ipill later. Afterwards I got my period on 19th February. I had protected sex on 26th February and again on 11 March. I am 2 days late

Female | 22

Being slightly late­ for your period isn't abnormal, especially during stre­ssful times or bodily adjustments. The unprote­cted sexual encounte­r on February 7th, followed by taking eme­rgency contraception, could impact your cycle. That might e­xplain your delayed period. Re­member, stress, die­t modifications, and illness can also affect menstruation. If you're­ still worried, a home pregnancy te­st can offer clarity. 

Answered on 6th Aug '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

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