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Female | 18

Why am I experiencing pain during sex and an itchy vagina, and what at-home treatments can I try?

Hi there, I’m a sexually active female for reference. I have been sexually active for 5 months now and have never had an issue with pain related to sex. This was until the last couple of days. My boyfriend and I had not seen each other in 3 weeks and I just returned home from my trip. We decided to celebrate by having sex. Our celebration ended when I started feeling this immense pain. My boyfriend believes that it could have been from there not being enough lubrication. This pain has continued tor 3 days now, even hurting while not having sex. Sex definitely heightens the pain and discomfort. We have not had sex sense the pain started because it hurts too bad. It even hurts when it is being rubbed. The pain is located surrounding the opening of my vagina, both inside and out, seemingly on the side furthest from my butt. Does that make sense? This is a concern of mine and I was wondering if there was a logical explanation and perhaps an at home treatment? Along the same lines, not sure if they are related. My vagina has been very itchy. I have not noticed any irregular discharge. What may be causing this and what can be done? Also, I just recently started two new supplements. I notice my vaginal discharged had an odor. I started the “Rae’s vaginal balance” supplement and the “Azo cranberry” supplement in hopes to rectify the situation. Is there a reason why I stink and what can I do to fix the issue?

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

It seems like you might be having pain during intercourse because of dryness; however, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist in order to rule out any underlying medical issues such as infection or endometriosis. The itching and smell, which can also be caused by an infection or imbalance of your vaginal flora. It is preferably to be referred by gynecologist for a proper diagnosis and plan of action.

92 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4770)

Can gestational diabetes cause depression during pregnancy?

Female | 29

This happens becuse of added stress and health concerns.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Bhogle

Mera misscareg 1 month 2din ho gaya lekin abhi tak period nahi aaya hai kya kare

Female | 25

After a miscarriage, it is normal for your menstrual cycle to take some time to return to its regular pattern. The time it takes for your periods to resume can vary from person to person. 

In most cases, it may take a few weeks to a couple of months for your menstrual cycle to return to normal after a miscarriage. This delay is often due to hormonal changes and the body's natural healing process.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Which material is best for TKR knee replacement...cobalt chrome/titanium or CERAMIC

Female | 65

the test should be performed not sooner than a week after a missed period. But any abdominal pain or irregular bleeding should be immediate cause for alarm and you need to be evaluated by a gynecologist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

I tested positive and took abortion pill but light bleeding is abortion successful

Female | 26

You should see a gynecologist to check on the success of the abortion. Light bleeding, on the other hand, could be a post-abortion result that can be confirmed by visiting a professional. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

I am suffering from white discharge doctor after period

Female | 18

It's quite common to undergo a period discharge in white color after your period. It may be your body's self-cleaning method. Yet, if the discharge has a potent stench, is thick and lumpy, or triggers itching or burning, it might be a symptom of a yeast infection. These infections are generally treated with over-the-counter medications such as antifungal creams or suppositories. The use of water and cotton underwear that can breathe easily as well as drinking is the key to your body healing faster.

Answered on 21st Oct '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

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