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Male | 19

Hi,doc.I feel weak on my limbs and it's associated with a cold and a fever which comes at night.

Answered on 23rd May '24

This could be caused by conditions like the flu, viral infections, malaria (if you've been in a high risk area), or other systemic infections. Get a proper diagnosis and treatment. Take rest, stay hydrated, and consider medications for fever, if adviced by your doctor.

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1305)

I took 14 paracetamol 3 day before.. what will happen to me.??. currently i am little sick

Male | 18

Taking 14 paracetamol tablets at once can be dangerous and can lead to liver damage or failure. Seek medical attention immediately if you are experiencing abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes).

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 31 year old male Had sex without protection Should I test HIV test?

Male | 31

Yes its recommended to get tested for HIV if you have had unprotected sex, regardless of your age or gender. You should get tested if you're concerned about it and practice safe sex going forward.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm 10 years old of age and I accidentally smoked a vape and I'm scared to vomit what do I do?

Female | 10

I am worried by the fact that you tried smoking a vape at such a young age. Nicotine in vapes often triggers nausea, vomiting and many other problems. If you are feeling any such issue talk your parents first, they will take you to doctor

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hey there, a virgo here (one of those people still believing in the value of marriage (only it's delayed to some degree) and what comes with it. This isn't meant as passing judgement but to avoid at times hurtful snarky remarks from DR.'s (unbelievable)) That sounds weird to open with it, however it is a vital info). I have been this past few months under a lot of stress at work, including very late remote computer work at night (until 3, even 5am) and dealing with unpleasant people(oh fun:)), my diet was indeed less leaning into the veggies and fruit. What brings me here seeking your advice? My period is sure taking its time (think it's around 54 days since beginning of last menstruation, so it's considered by now missed I guess.)gravitaain between nconstipatiaiton nto normalal to having this one tiimem momentaraty stomach ahache annd diarreah aiwiwith a miild passing fever). Last month regular blood work showed normal iron and HB levels. However, despite being within normal range the ferritin levels were at the minimum level while transferrin on the maximum level within its range. Had some more acne than usual (occasional small pimples on back of hands (a relatively new phenomenon from past years (with the increased stress and worries), ear, chest back face neck. Nothing too severe not a lot either (not as I used to) because I try and treat it keeping it at bay (but a bit more than usual, also not as usual in their location (nonetheless important). My question is what sort of test should I be asking, what sort of blood test to get to the bottom of it, and what should I do also to not augment stress that does not (!) help the situation? Please I'd appreciate your reply

Female | 38

Based on the symptoms you've described, it's possible that your delayed period and gastrointestinal issues could be related to stress and dietary changes. It's important to rule out any underlying medical conditions. I would recommend scheduling an appointment with a gynecologist to discuss your missed period and any potential hormonal imbalances. Also you need to consult with a gastroenterologist to evaluate your gastrointestinal symptoms. Avoiding stressors as much as possible and maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine may also help alleviate your symptoms.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Bed wetting problem bachpan se hai

Female | 18

It is common for kids to wet the bed even if they are a bit older. This is due to the lack of communication between the brain and the bladder during sleep. Stress or deep sleep can be the causes. Bringing kids to the restroom regularly, not allowing drinks at night, and showering kids with praise for dry nights can be great solutions. If the problem persists, talking to a doctor is a better option for more advice.

Answered on 31st July '24

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Hi. How to reduce uric acid levels. Any tablet. My uric acid levels is 7.2 (range:

Male | 43

This range is quite high and serious. The first step to lowering uric acid levels is to exclude high purine foods like red meat and sea foods and alcohol. Eating a diet with whole-grain cereals and foods rich in vitamin C could be much more effective. Please see a specialist for prescription

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Fever and cold nose drops

Female | 20

Cold, runny-nosed, run-down, and with a sore throat: often is accompanied by fever. The most frequent reasons for this are viral infections, allergies, or exposure to irritants. Together with adequate hydration, rest, and OTC drugs, such as antipyretics, fever medications, and throat soothers, you can manage discomfort. Besides that, if you use humidifiers, you will relieve the nasal congestion. If the fever does not subside within a few days, or if severe symptoms occur, I suggest that you to consult a general physician.

Answered on 12th Dec '24

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Fever above 103 & 104 from yesterday night. Consumed calpol but is not reduced.

Male | 61

A fever of 103 to 104 indicates an infection, such as the flu, a bacterial infection, or a urinary tract infection. Taking Calpol can help, but if it doesn't, you might need a different medication. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids, rest, and stay cool. If the fever doesn't decrease, seek medical help.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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I accidentally stabbed myself with a pencil, what should I do?

Female | 16

The first thing to do is to clean the wound with soap and water. Put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding and cover it with a clean bandage.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have vitamin deficiency my doctor I telling me took injections should I took it

Male | 22

If your doctor has recommended that you take injections to address your vitamin deficiency, it is important to follow their advice. Vitamin deficiencies can lead to health problems, and injections are necessary to quickly and effectively address the deficiency.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm getting lite fever and sweat I consulted a doctor and I take injection for fever and cold injection but still I got sweat what happened to me

Male | 20

You see­m unwell, even afte­r taking medicine. Feve­r and sweating often indicate infe­ction. Sweating keeps your body's te­mperature regulate­d. The injection's effe­cts may take time; be patie­nt. Stay hydrated, rest well, and make­ yourself comfortable. If symptoms persist or worse­n, consult your doctor promptly.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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Please can you name specific medicine that she can take

Female | 22

To provide the best guidance, identifying specific symptoms is key. For common conditions like headaches, over-the-counter options such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen may help. Anxiety might be eased with medications prescribed by a professional after evaluation. Each medication carries possible side effects; hence, consulting a healthcare provider is crucial for personalized advice. They can assess the underlying causes and propose tailored treatments. Prioritizing your well-being is essential, so please reach out to a doctor to discuss your situation further. 

Answered on 10th Jan '25

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How I can stop habit of eating dry walls is there àny substitute for dry walls,

Female | 50

People might consume drywall due to underlying problems such as nutritional deficiencies and a condition called pica, during which one eats non-food items. Healthcare providers are the best people to consult if any health issue occurs. You can help this habit by eating healthy snacks like fruits and veggies rather than junk food.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

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What should I do if I have a swollen purple foot that only does turn purple while walking or sitting down? But not when I'm lying.

Female | 17

This could be a sign of underlying conditions such as peripheral artery disease, deep vein thrombosis, venous insufficiency, cellulitis, or other circulatory or vascular issues. For a proper evaluation and diagnosis timely medical attention is crucial to identify the cause and prevent potential complications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Diet plan for weight gain

Female | 20

Regularly e­ating full, nutritious meals will help you gain weight he­althily. Nuts, seeds, avocados, and healthy fats provide­ calorie-rich nutrients. Yogurt and nut butter make­ great snacks. Aim for three me­als daily, plus snacks in between. Incre­asing daily calorie intake this way supports weight gain. Don't forge­t to drink lots of water too.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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1.Can I wash my hair and bath in dengue If yes then by cold or hot water 2.from the end of third day my pain goes away and fever also not happen in dengue is it a miracle to recover in 3 days

Female | 23

Washing hair and bathing with lukewarm (not too hot/cold) wate­r is fine if you have dengue­. Three days without feve­r or pain might mean you're improving. High feve­r, awful muscle/joint aches, rashes - typical de­ngue signs. Rest up, hydrate, and che­ck with a doctor if concerned.

Answered on 28th June '24

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I accidentally swallowed a bit less than half a cap full of Crest Pro Health Advanced fluoride mouthwash and i need to ask some questions

Male | 21

Swallowing a relatively small amount of fluoride mouthwash such as Crest Pro Health Advanced is hardly an impending doom. But if you show any signs of abdominal pain, vomiting or breathing difficulties then immediately go to the hospital.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am feeling tired and weakness

Male | 36

Weakness and exhaustion can happen for many reasons. It might be due to lack of rest, poor diet, or not enough physical activity. Sometimes, it could be caused by low iron levels or other deficiencies. To stay healthy, eat well, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. If the symptoms continue, consult a doctor to check for any underlying health issues.

Answered on 18th Sept '24

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Bukhar aa raha he baar baar tin din Sr

Male | 36

You've had a fe­ver returning for three­ days. Fevers often happe­n from illnesses like colds or flu. Othe­r fever signs are chills, body pain, he­adaches. To feel be­tter, rest lots. Drink plenty liquids. Take­ over-the-counter me­ds like acetaminophen to cut fe­ver. But if fever pe­rsists, see a doctor.

Answered on 26th June '24

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