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Male | 24

Can I Get Pregnant After Sex During Periods?

Hlw mam period me sex ke baad ladki pregnant hoti hain ?

1 Answer
Dr. Himali Patel


Answered on 22nd June '24

Menstruation, the process under which a girl loses an egg that hasn't been fecundated by sperm, is the typical cause of her having her period. However, if a girl goes unprotected during this period and has sex, then sperm can be united with the egg which will lead to a pregnancy. Besides this, pregnancy may also show symptoms such as missed periods, nausea, and fatigue. It is recommended to use a condom or any birth control pill to avoid pregnancy.

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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4875)

i had pinkish discharge like 2 week ago and now i have creamy milky white discharge today. does this mean im pregnant? should i take a test?

Female | 30

Pinkish discharge 2 weeks ago.. now milky white.. No, not necessarily pregnant.. Take a test to confirm.. Discharge changes are common. Consult doctor for concerns. HOWEVER, if the discharge comes with a FOUL ODOR or ITCHINESS, it might be an indication of an INFECTION.. In such cases, it is advisable to see a healthcare practitioner as soon as possible.. ALWAYS prioritize your reproductive health..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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So, I have been to a urogynecologist and she thinks I have an overactive bladder. I have had this sensation like I'm leaking. I feel like I leak while I'm standing, sitting, or bending really much at any time. Well, today I had to go to the bathroom and when I pulled down my pants white stuff went on the floor. But, When I urinated in the toilet it was yellow. I am wondering if the leaking feeling I have is just a discharge. I did go to the er for back pain and they said I have sciatica.

Female | 23

What you saw on the floor as a white substance may be discharge, but it is vital to eliminate other possible sources. I would recommend that you visit your urogynecologist for an accurate diagnosis and the appropriate treatment plan.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I had protected sex on Feb 8th and taken i-pill and got withdrawal bleeding after 5 days. Then again I had protected sex on Feb 25th and I took i-pill and didn't get the bleeding. Is it because I may get pregnant?

Female | 22

Not getting withdrawal blee­ding after taking the i-pill post protecte­d sex doesn't always mean pre­gnancy. The emerge­ncy contraceptive can sometime­s affect your menstrual cycle. Howe­ver, if you're still worried, you can take­ a home pregnancy test a fe­w weeks later to e­ase your mind.

Answered on 21st Aug '24

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I’m 23, I had my fallopian tubes removed but my period is 3 days late, is there a chance I could be pregnant even though I don’t have them

Female | 23

It is completely natural to be concerned about a late period, even after having your tubes tied. Here’s the thing though – not having a period can occur for many reasons besides being pregnant. Stress hormones changing up or certain drugs could all cause your menstrual cycle to go off kilter. Taking a test can help ease any worries so if this is something that is worrying you then go ahead and do it. 

Answered on 29th May '24

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Hi My periods just started. There is a Puja in one day. Is there any medication to stop my period for a day? Please advise. Thank you very much.

Female | 34

If you're looking to temporarily delay your period for a specific event, you might consider consulting a gynecologist near you for advice. They can provide guidance on options that might be available, such as hormonal birth control methods like combined oral contraceptives, which can sometimes be used to adjust the timing of your menstrual cycle.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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