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Male | 23

How to benefit from 500mg divalproex sodium tablets?

How too use divalproex sodium extended release tablets ip 500mg yousing what benifit

1 Answer

Answered on 13th Feb '25

Divalproex sodium 500 mg is used primarily to manage conditions such as epilepsy, bipolar disorder, and migraine prevention. It works by stabilizing mood and reducing seizure activity. Take the medication as prescribed, usually once daily with food to minimize stomach discomfort. Common side effects may include drowsiness or gastrointestinal upset. It’s essential to communicate with your neurologist about any adverse effects or concerns. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

Spinal implants is used for spinal cord injury

Male | 50

Spinal implants are typically not used to treat spinal cord injuries directly. Instead, they are more commonly used to stabilize the spine and provide support in cases of spinal fractures, deformities, or degenerative spinal conditions. Treatment for spinal cord injuries often focuses on rehabilitation, oral medication, and supportive care to maximize function and quality of life. However, in some cases where there's spinal instability due to injury, spinal implants may be used as part of surgical intervention to stabilize the spine and prevent further damage.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello guys, I am a male 24 years old. So in early 201 9 i started to get weird symptoms than at the end develop constant feeling of all started with just sinus pressure and dizzines,but it develop in to constant unsteadiness like i am walking on a boat 24/7.It does never stop not even for a single second. It does not matter if i am laying,sitting or walking the sensation is there always.This sensation is accompanied with sort of like bouncy vision which is constant same as the unsteadiness.lts hard for me to focus on objects because i have a sensation that they are moving or bouncing.This dual sensation varies in intensity depending on the day. Those both sensation are going on for 5 years.l have developed anxiety with it and often find myself panicking over this symptoms I did an MRI scan that showed no malignat changes on the brain and a C6-C7 discus hernia and relative spinal stenosis. I also went to few ENT doctors,that recommended me to do a deviated septum surgery which i got. They said it could be to air pressure in my ears and oxygen deficiency which ultimately did not prove to be right. I went to a few neurologist that all said the same,that there is nothing wrong according to them I also went to an eye doctor who said i do not have anything wrong with my eyes despite my bouncy vision.Even when i explained my symptoms she said that she had never heard of something like this On the recommendation of my ENT doctor i did caloric test that show the next parametars: Right ear showed 2.20 and left ear showed 2.50 (keep in mind i do not know what this means) I also have checked my blood vessels on my neck to check for circulation and it came out fine I am literally out of options and i do not know what to do next. Anyone out there with simillar kind of symptoms? Can anybody give me some advice for what to do next?

Male | 24

Answered on 30th July '24

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Maigren ka elaj kya hai Or eski bjha se deth bhi hoti H kya

महिला | 23

Migraine can be managed with medications to relieve symptoms and prevent attacks. It's important to consult a neurologist for proper diagnosis and treatment tailored to your condition. Migraines rarely cause death, but severe cases may require medical attention to manage symptoms effectively.

Answered on 5th July '24

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I am 13 year old female and I have a headache and nausea. It started in the evening I cried after that I felt dizzy. I slept and when I woke up I was dizzy and nauseous. Do you know why it is like that?

Female | 13

Feeling headaches and nausea could be from several reasons. You might get this when you’re very upset or stressed because you’ve been crying a lot. Being lightheaded might also make someone feel like throwing up. Perhaps you twisted oddly in sleep or didn’t have enough to drink yesterday. Try lying down in a quiet room for some time; have a glassful of water and eat something small if possible.

Answered on 28th June '24

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I have been having severe head pain for over r years now which I have used different medications like pain relief, at times the head pain last for 3 days before I will feel little relief

Female | 26

Headaches that last long are tough. You might have­ migraines. They bring throbbing aches, noise­/light bothers you, feeling nause­ous. Stress, hormones, and foods can cause the­m. Try relaxing, sleep routine­, note triggers. If it doesn't e­ase, see a doctor. Managing migraine­s takes effort but help is out the­re.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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Hello sir, I have a pain in my left side skul part had so many years .but now thepain gets worst...more pain...that pain passes to the left sideof ear ,eye, throat, hand also ...and one more thing left eye is getting pain and falls tears also...what is this symptoms

Female | 26

You could be undergoing a migraine experience. Migraines can bring about severe pain in the head which is usually unilateral. It can then spread from the eye, ear, throat, and sometimes even to tearing. Going through the menopause, you may have seasonal hormonal changes. Most people feel that climate change can trigger migraines. To try to avoid migraines, note what triggers to look for, practice some relaxation techniques, and get over-the-counter drugs used with guidance under the care of your doctor could be some good ideas.

Answered on 22nd July '24

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I am 17 years old. I feel ache on my one side head and feel sometimes anxiety and sometimes feel pain in left side of body

Female | 17

You could be having some pain on the left side of your head leading to anxiety and pain in your left body side. Such signs may result from tension, lack of enough sleep, or dehydration. Drink water, have some sleep then try doing deep breathing exercises which can help reduce this pain. 

Answered on 10th July '24

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Hello sir my mother is having paralyzed stroke and she is having nerves problem also kindly update me is it possible to operate

Female | 62

A paralyzed stroke is a condition where the blood supply to a certain part of the brain is minimal. This may, consequently, lead to nerve complications that can result in paralysis. Performing surgery on the brain in the case of stroke-related issues is rarely the first line of treatment after a stroke. Rather, the physicians place more emphasis on rehabilitation therapy to restore the patient's ability to walk and do everyday activities. 

Answered on 12th Nov '24

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I am experiencing hair fall, double or blurred vision, balance disorder, slurred speech, dizziness, ringing in ears, fatigue,nausea and severe headache. do I have brain tumor?

Female | 16

In light of your stated symptoms, it is possible for you to have a brain tumor. But it is also necessary that you see a neurologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I hit my head around 3:46pm uk time it’s now 10:55pm uk time I banged my head on the top right part of my head basically on the top of my head right side It has cut my head around 1.5cm long It’s not deep etc looks nothing to worry about It bled quite abit but The cut etc looks nothing serious It’s stopped bleeding many hours ago now a lump as you can imagine I’ve took no paracetamol or any other medication But I have had 2 cans of beer and a cigarette Got in bed around a hour ago And I have a really thumping throbbing pain on the top of my head like a MINEGRANE or HEADACHE kind of feeling And I feel really drowsy and tired etc as it’s hurting my head Just worried about going asleep will I be ok As scared of as I see about head concussion and head injuries on the telly all the time ? Thanks

Male | 28

The ailments you mentioned, such as pounding pain, sleepiness, and fatigue are normal for a concussion. Drink no alcohol and take it easy, but don't sleep now. See if you can manage to stay awake for a few hours and check your symptoms. Go to the doctor in case the symptoms become more serious. 

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

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.I am 5 year old male and have duchenne muscular dystrophy ( DMD ) . i can't run and stair climbing .

Male | 5

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a complex condition that requires a multidisciplinary approach for comprehensive management. Several professional doctors may be involved in the care of someone with DMD to manage your condition and optimize your quality of life.. Physical therapy and rehabilitation areoften recommended for individuals with DMD to help maintain muscle strength, improve mobility, and manage symptoms. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 14th July '24

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How to recover from paralysis

Male | 68

Being unable to move a part of the body is what paralysis is all about. It can be caused by different things such as strokes, injuries or diseases like MS. Common signs include loss of sensation and/or inability to move. Your comeback will depend on the cause; if it’s due, to, for instance, a stroke then one may recover quicker than expected but usually physical therapy is always recommended. In addition, healthy eating habits exercise, and keeping a positive mindset go a long way in aiding recovery.

Answered on 4th June '24

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