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Female | 17

Why do I have constant head and body pain?

I am 17 year old female,I am having this constant achey pain on the side of the temple and the left side of my middle of the head. These pains are not felt by me unless I press on them . I also have a neck pain, shoulder pain and back pain,with dizziness and fatigue.

1 Answer

Answered on 11th July '24

If you wake up in the morning with a dull ache running from your temples and shoulders down to your back, accompanied by dizziness and tiredness, you might have tension headaches. These headaches are often caused by stress, poor posture, and eye strain. Meditation and yoga can help, along with checking your posture, taking short breaks from screen time, and getting enough sleep at night. If the symptoms persist, make an appointment to discuss your condition with a neurologist.

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

Tremor hota hai to kya kre

Male | 19

Shakers are not only underlying conditions such as stress, fatigue, but they can also be provoked due to stress, fatigue, or other medical conditions. Typical signs consist of trembling of the hands or other parts of the body in some cases when the person is engaged in certain activities and this can further deteriorate.

Answered on 27th Dec '24

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I'm 27 years old and yesterday I had severe headache and had had a feeling of vomiting which I almost vomitted. Later took disprin and I was better.. Today I was feeling lil dizzy and was feeling hot for little bit of tim

Female | 27

You probably had a severe headache and nausea but now you are better due to Disprin. Today, you have a feeling of dizziness and fever-like symptoms. These could be the signs of a migraine. Migraines can make you experience headaches, vomiting, dizziness, and the like, having light or sound be a trigger. Do not forget to lay down, drink water, and stay away from stress and some foods to keep it from happening.

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

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I am a nurve patient, but my disease is not anymore, then also I am taking medicine, So my question is that within how many days can I decrease medicine power

Male | 25

When symptoms disappear, it indicates that the treatment is working. For nerve problems, the patient should gradually change medication. The body needs time, usually a few months, to adjust to a new dose before considering reducing it. If you rush this process, symptoms may return.

Answered on 23rd July '24

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What causes sudden bouts of dizziness for days?

Male | 38

Dizziness lasting days may arise­ from various causes. Ear issues like BPPV or Me­niere's disease­ could trigger dizzy spells. Low blood sugar or dehydration also cause­s dizziness sometimes. Staying hydrate­d and eating regularly helps pre­vent this. However, if dizzine­ss persists despite re­medies, consulting a doctor become­s crucial. They can pinpoint the underlying re­ason and recommend suitable tre­atment.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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My daughter started having a severe headache 2 days ago with blurry and double vision and nausea. Yesterday she got it again but worse than the day before she said and this morning she had been having blood clots come out of her nose.

Female | 16

If your daughter is experiencing severe headaches, blurred or double vision, vomiting, or blood clots coming from her nose, these are something to be seriously worried about. The cause of all these might be high blood pressure, a head injury, or even a blood clot in her brain. Take her to the hospital immediately. Call an ambulance or take her to the emergency department so that they can diagnose and treat her properly. 

Answered on 12th June '24

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Why I feel suddenly dizziness

Female | 24

It’s normal to feel lightheaded every once in a while and it’s totally natural to panic. There are a bunch of different reasons why this might happen. Maybe you haven’t eaten much today or haven’t had anything to drink in a few hours. Perhaps you’re working out too hard and getting dehydrated, or you stood up really fast and got dizzy from the blood rush. Some people even feel faint when they’re anxious.

Answered on 11th June '24

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i'm getting extreme severe pain at the back of head. it's feeling as if someone's hitting me with hammer with each heartbeat. I had lunch in the afternoon and slept. The pain has been there from the moment I woke up. It's in the occipital region, like the occipital headache. I'm assuming 4 main reasons. 1st one is gastric pain(if gas pain has been struck in my head). it occured to me before and also maybe this time since I didn't walk after having lunch, i usually have gastric issue. 2nd is I have severe wax in my ear. my ear's also paining, so i'm assuming this back head pain because of ear wax. third is the stress/strain which i've been experiencing from a month or so, due to the exam fear n stress, i didn't sleep properly from a month and yesterday night I had undergone an incident with the biggest stress in my life, so, i'm assuming that. 4th reason is that frm childhood, i have severe severe body heat within my body, my body overheats a lot within and i had continously overheating food from 2 days and didn't drink much water, so i'm also assumung pain because of overheating. pls tell me the final diagnosis. Dear Sir/Mam, you can cross question me how much ever deep u want ! jus give me the cause n solution pls doctor! i'll be really really grateful to u sir/mam

Male | 20

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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Hi sir / mam My self Paras Agrawal from Indore , I am having sharp headache one just above the right side eye . Pls guide me for cure and treatment .

Male | 35

You probably have a migraine. A migraine can be characterized by a very severe stabbing headache over one side of the head. Other symptoms you may encounter are light and sound sensitivity. Stress, a lack of sleep, some foods, or hormonal changes are among the common causes. For example, you can use these methods if you have headaches: try to rest in a dark, quiet room, drink plenty of water, and avoid triggers like caffeine and processed foods.

Answered on 19th Sept '24

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I am having headache from 7 days Kindly help me

Male | 14

Headaches ste­m from various reasons: stress, dehydration, prolonge­d screen time. Stay hydrate­d, take breaks. Howeve­r, persistent headache­s warrant attention, as they may signify underlying issue­s. Consult a doctor if pain persists, they'll assist in alleviating it. 

Answered on 30th July '24

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