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How to prevent albinism during pregnancy?

2 Answers
Dr. Shweta Shah


Answered on 23rd May '24

 Albumin is a protein and it’s not normally secreted in urine . It it’s seen then , there are many causes like less proteins in blood , less hemoglobin , pregnancy induced hypertension or preeclampsia . It’s not in your control to reduce the albumin

But if your gynecologist takes care of these causes it will be under control

33 people found this helpful

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Social Obstetrics And Gynecologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

The main ways to prevent albinism during pregnancy are obtaining genetic counseling and testing. If there is a family history of albinism or if one worries about passing the gene, make an appointment with a genetic counselor to evaluate risks and consider testing options such as chorionic villus sampling CVS) or amniocentesis. Knowledge about the medical history of your family and consulting a genetic specialist can assist in identifying potential risks. However, it’s critical to understand that not all cases of albinism can be prevented due to the complexity of genetics. Overall, the decision to include testing or counseling should be made after discussing with health care practitioners depending on specific situation and issues.

39 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4875)

Mam mujhe one month period aata hai phir 8.9 month nhi aate

Female | 18

For irregular periods visit a gynecologist for proper treatment. It can happen due to hormonal imbalances or conditions like PCOS. You can improve the condition with making lifestyle improvements, using medications if needed.. Seek personalized guidance from a gynecologist to address your unique situation.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I had unprotected sex with my friend during her periods. is there is any chances of pregnancy to occur

Male | 42

The odds of becoming pregnant during your period are typically slim; nevertheless, the occurrence is not impossible. Manifestations of gestation may involve skipped periods and vomiting. To avoid pregnancy and STDs, the use of a condom is essential every time you have sex. Testing for pregnancy may help assuage your fears if they're there. 

Answered on 1st July '24

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Hi doctor .... i have unprotected sex with my boy happend on 25th march i used unwanted 72.. 2 days later i feel very sleepy and spotting...white bleeding.....sometimes stomach pain ....feel eaty spicy food .... very very afaid of pregnancy doctor....all those symptoms are related to get pregnancy doctor?? Morning i feel very sleepy doctor all this are side effects doesn'teffect doctor ....even after used of unwanted 72 will i become pregnancy???

Female | 19

Unwanted 72 is an e­mergency contraceptive­. You did right taking it after unprotected inte­rcourse. Sleepine­ss, spotting, stomach ache, and increased hunge­r are normal side effe­cts. These aren't pre­gnancy signs. The pill works by preventing pre­gnancy. Your body needs time to adjust. Stay hydrate­d and relaxed. The symptoms will pass. 

Answered on 31st July '24

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Cricpill tab safe during 5th month pregnancy

Female | 30

I would recommend that pregnant women avoid taking whatever medicine without consulting her doctor at least in the fifth month of pregnancy. Before using any medication during pregnancy, it is advisable that one should make sure to consult a gynecologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello! I just had a question cause I can't find a clear answer. I'm 16 and me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex two nights in a row while I was on my period both times. Both times being the 2nd and 3rd day of my period. He didn't ejaculate in me but would I get pregnant from pre-cum though I have me period?

Female | 16

You can get pregnant during periods. It needs to be highlighted that it is possible for pre-cum to bear sperm so that is why the possibility is very low.  If you are pregnant, you may see symptoms such as nausea, and painful breasts. It could be down to missing your period and simple diseases like nausea and breast tenderness can be the first sign.

Answered on 5th July '24

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My endometrial thickness is 3-4 mm in thinken 18th day after my periods. Is it normal?

Female | 23

A normal endometrial thickness is usually between 3 to 4 mm, approximately 18 days after periods finished in women of reproductive age. It is advisable to contact a gynecologist who can evaluate you and recommend the best option for you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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