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Female | 16

Why do I have huge lower abdominal pain?

huge pain in lower abdomen..

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 9th July '24

Feeling a burning or cramping sensation in your lower abdomen is unpleasant and can be symptomatic of a variety of conditions. It is possible that the cause of such pain could be indigestion, gas, constipation, a menorrhea. Try drinking more water, eating food high in fiber, and taking an over-the-counter pain reliever, If it continues or becomes worse, though, don't slough it off on your own. You should take an appointment with a gastroenterologist to ensure that treatment is not delayed.

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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1421)

I FEAR DOCTORS!!! I was put in a coma in 2016 & was near death the 3rd day. I didn't come out of the coma till the 7th day. I found out last year, that my diagnoses was kept from me. I was told in 2016, it was only bc of trigeminal neuralgia, septic shock and ARDS. HOWEVER, I learned last year that I was also diagnosed with pulmonary edema, emphysema, a mild heart attack, a cyst on my right kidney, a damaged liver, they removed my gallbladder .... along with the Septic Shock, trigeminal neuralgia and ARDS!! I also saw that I was overdosed on the 3rd day in the coma on 1 of my epilepsy meds. I've been an epileptic since about a year old from a spider bite. So, throughout my life I've taken multiple meds. In 2016, I was taking 400mg of Lamictal, 300 mg of tegretol (which i was overdosed on in the coma) & I was also on 500mg of Dilantin then. I went to the hospital for weeks bc, my chest had been killing me, I had trouble breathing bc it hurt to take a breath, I got wicked headaches often, dizzy spells & body weakness. I was put in the coma the next day. Again I was only told about the Septic Shock, trigeminal neuralgia and ARDS. Shortly after the coma, my neurologist put me on 600 mg of Lamictal, 400mg of toprimate, 2000mg of levetiracetam & 1800 mg of felbamate. In 2019, my old neuro told me i had "mental issues". Throughout the years since, I've had sepsis 1 time & Septic shock twice. After I moved & found a new neurologist I learned that toprimate & Lamictal weren't for my type of epilepsy. Although i have seizures often, they were not helping my epilepsy or any of my health. I saw a neuro physiologist after my VNS battery was changed & he diagnosed me w late stage 1 alziemers due to the seizures, meds & 2 brain surgeries on my temperol lobe and agreed that Lamictal & toprimate weren't helping. My neurologist took me off toprimate but wanted to have my kidneys, liver & heart checked before he took me off Lamictal bc both levetiracetam and Felbamate can mess w those & taking me off Lamictal he plans on upping one of those. So he put me on Lamictal xr to help stop my dizzy spells & had me see a cardio, a pulmonary, a liver doc and a kidney doc. They saw the scaring on my heart & an irregular heart beat, the cyst on my right kidney, emphysema & my liver scared, w fatty tissue and enlarged to 21cm. When they asked me about pains and or unusual issues i had, I only told my neuro physiologist first, bc I remembered what my old docs put me through. Ive not been completely diagnosed bc my liver will swell up for weeks (& I know when it does bc pains r indescribable), but then the swelling will go down. I've chest pains when my liver swells, I also have periods when it hurts all around my stomach & back to stand up straight or sit straight up. My periods been irregular for years. I'll be incapable of eating sometimes bc of pain all around my stomach. The right side of my back is excruciating sometimes. I'm incapable of holding urine & sometimes I don't feel I have to go or realize I'm going. My urine is red every few weeks but will go back to almost orange or sometimes ... it'll look like water. My new doctors have seen it all in urine tests. My feet swell up sometimes to where my legs will hurt when I where socks bc theyre too tight. I don't get headaches as often now, but when I get them, the pain can't be explained. I've diarrhea constantly & I have for years. My shoulders were in unreal pain this past year a few times, for a few days. I'm not asking for a recommendation bc again, I fear doctors due to them overdosing me in a coma & keeping medical info & records from me. I just want an idea of what this is!! Yes I smoke. I have since I was 14 (26years). No I DO NOT AND WILL NOT DO DRUGS!!! Biggest reason being my epilepsy, but I've also lost a friend who gave his life to drugs when he got out of the military. I do smoke pot right before bed (I do it to put me in another world to help me sleep bc I have flashbacks of abuse from my x and honestly, i will say that sometimes it'll help the pain im in). I HAVEN'T TOUCHED ALCOHOL IN 3 YEARS! From the end of 2018 to 2020, I was an alcoholic due to doctors refusing to help me, abuse from my x and the pains I was experiencing. However, when I left my x, I stayed w christian friends & w/in 1 month, I gave my life to Christ ???? When pains act up or symptoms, I simply pray ?. BC God IS ? Im living proof to that!! He's the only reason I made it out of my coma. It's on the records that, they didn't comprehend my coming too. However, it's also on the records of an eeg when I was in it that I was having a dream while in the coma. (& Its A dream that I will never forget!!?) There's times when I'm indescribably nautious! The pains and issues I've explained come and go non stop. What is this and why is it ignored by my new docs who tested everything and diagnosed what was found?

Female | 40

According to your symptoms, it is critical for you to see gastroenterologist in order that the doctor will make proper evaluation and diagnosis. The symptoms show that you may be suffering from gastrointestinal concerns like liver disease and kidney complications. Prompt addressing these issues will prevent further complexities. We suggest to visit a specialist who will give you the necessary treatment and care.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Di I have to eat anything after taking a reglan pill

Female | 67

Reglan can be taken with or without food. It helps relieve nausea and digestive discomfort by improving your digestive system's function. After taking it, you may feel less hungry temporarily if your symptoms improve.

Answered on 31st July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Sir I am a 37 years old female I was having Anal fissure last year so I went to 2 to 3 doctor The last doctor I don't why without any reason he gave me escitolpram nexito 5mg after taking medicine I got tingling sensation in my both hand severely for 3 hrs and from that day till now no medicine is giving me peaceful sleep I tried restil Ventab melatonin zolpidem Amitone Amitryn clonafit Atonil mirtaz Gabapentin dayvigo and finally I am taking calmtra 10 mg and whole day there is continuously sleep on my eyes kindly someone help

Female | 37

The issues could be connected to the medicine you were given. In truth, sometimes Escitalopram, also called Nexito, is capable of causing side effects such as tingling sensation and sleeping disorders to the patients who take it. Inform the doctor and be involved in the treatment process. 

Answered on 27th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Hi Sir, kindly help me out to get out of this pain, confusion and frustration. I am Rohan from Pune. This is my Clinical summary -Rohan, a 29-year-old male, presented with chief complaints of reflux symptoms and severe abdominal pain persisting for the past 3 months.And episodes of diarrhea.Upon examination, his vital signs were stable. Diagnostic procedures, including gastroscopy and colonoscopy, were performed, leading to the diagnosis of a duodenal ulcer, pan gastritis and pathological findings of lymphocytic colitis. The treatment approach involved the administration of medications, as mentioned in the prescription, to manage the condition. Regular follow-up visits were recommended to monitor the progress and adjust the treatment regimen accordingly. After two and a half months of treatment, significant improvement was noted, with no abdominal pain reported, and the patient's overall well-being has improved. Consequently, the dosage of medications has been reduced. Continued monitoring and adherence to the prescribed treatment plan are necessary to ensure complete resolution of symptoms and prevent recurrence. This was my condition eight months ago. Right now I am very frustrated because of gut problem. It's paining even after following treatment and strict diet for eight months. I almost lost 8 kg. I went for second opinion(Leading Gastroentrologist in pune) . That doctor told me that your ulcers are healed completely.And lymphocytic colitis was misdiagnosed. Now It's a IBS that causing the pain and not colitis.He prescribed me Librax(Clinidium+chlorobenzodioxide) two times in a day along with Amixide h(chlorobenzodioxide +amitryptiline) . Whenever my gut starts paining I took it and pain goes away completely like that problem doesn't exist.I am very confused about this.Stomach pain goes away and comes back. About year ago this problem has started. And just took those above medicines to cope up with pain One more thing to add here is that I was diagnosed with GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) few years back. I was taking escitalopram( Lexapro 10 mg)on and off prescribed by psychiatrist.But My Gastroenterologist told me to stop using lexapro as it can cause ulcer. So I stopped using it completely since year. I want to get completely rid of these medicines and want to live normal life.

Male | 29

Gut issues can be challenging. You've successfully healed ulcers, which is great, but IBS challenges remain. IBS is common and can cause belly pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits. Often, stress or certain foods trigger it. Medications like Librax and Amixide H, prescribed by your gastroenterologist, can help manage the symptoms. However, lifestyle changes are also important. Stress relief methods, regular exercise, and a fiber-rich, healthy diet can make a significant difference. 

Answered on 27th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Hey, I am a 22-year-old boy, and I have stomach pain. I feel dizzy due to this; I have a vision issue. Since yesterday, when I go to the washroom to pee, when I pass the urine, it's got a dark yellow colour in it. It is not normal, and please suggest the best you can. 

Male | 22

Having inflammation in the abdomen, dizziness, unclear or distorted vision, and the fact that the urine is darker shade of yellow than usual might point to something. Make an effort to drink more water. In addition to this, you can consume simple and dry meals, as well as, avoid coffee, tea, and alcoholic drinks. If no improvement is experienced, then visit a doctor for a check-up.

Answered on 10th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Stomach and chest size increased after bathing and eating too much heavy food.I noticed when I bathing my chest size increases even exercises increases chest size. But when I don't put water on chest my and I do exercises my chest decrease and look into good shape bathing is opposite.

Male | 23

Bloating in your tummy and chest are­a might be happening due to eating lots of heavy food can cause­. Your chest and stomach may seem bigge­r from bloating. The water from bathing could also make your che­st look different for a bit. Eat smaller me­als, stay away from heavy foods, and drink enough water. Doing some­ light exercises can also he­lp reduce bloating.

Answered on 5th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

মুখ দিয়ে কফের মত প্রায় উঠছে খাবার পর হজম হচ্ছে না ঠিক ভাবে গ্যাস এর বরি হজমের টনিক খেয়েও ঠিক পুরোপুরি হচ্ছে না,রোগা হয়ে যাচ্ছি এটা কি ভিটামিনের অভাবে হতে পারে বা কিভাবে ভালো হবো বলে দিলে ভালো হতো ।

Female | 22

The signs you mentioned suggest you are experiencing gastric distress, which happens when the stomach can't process food properly. This often leads to gas buildup and causes discomfort. It's not related to a lack of vitamins. Try eating smaller portions, avoid spicy and oily foods, and chew your food slowly. Drinking a glass of warm water can also help you feel better.

Answered on 30th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

My query is gluten free meal good for high blood pressure

Male | 44

Meals without gluten may help high blood pre­ssure. High blood pressure ofte­n has no symptoms, but it can bring headaches, chest pain, e­xhaustion. A gluten-free die­t with veggies, fruits, lean prote­ins, and whole grains may lower blood pressure­. 

Answered on 16th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Hello Doctor! I'm 26 year old male and today during brushing my teeth i have swallowed tootpaste after that my stomach is feeling uncomfortable and i also vomit.What can i do to overcome it should i visit nearby hospital

Male | 26

Toothpaste contains ingredients like fluoride that can sometimes cause stomach discomfort and vomiting. Your symptoms are your body’s way of reacting. Be sure to drink plenty of water to help flush it out. If the discomfort continues or worsens, it’s best to visit a doctor to avoid any complications.

Answered on 9th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

From last few months I am observing the bleeding with my stool very offen, but there is no pain. It continue 2 to 3 days and The blood amount is not very less. Is there any risk of any critical disease or cancer?

Male | 44

BLOOD IN STOOL for months needs medical attention.. Non-painful bleeding may indicate COLORECTAL CANCER. Other causes include HEMORRHOIDS and INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE.. Consult a doctor for proper DIAGNOSIS and TREATMENT.. Early detection improves the chances of successful treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to discuss my ongoing gastrointestinal issues that have persisted despite my recent surgery for chronic constipation and rectal prolapse. I underwent a laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy, but I am still experiencing significant problems related to anal hypotension and hypocontractility, as well as prolonged Balloon Expulsion Test (BET) results indicative of Type 1 Dyssynergia. Despite the surgical intervention, I continue to struggle with inadequate anal sphincter tone and a reduced ability to contract effectively. These issues have led to ongoing difficulties with bowel control and frequent episodes of constipation. The prolonged BET results suggest that my pelvic floor muscles are still not coordinating properly during bowel movements. Given my history and the current symptoms, I would greatly appreciate your expertise in identifying the next steps for management. Specifically, I am interested in exploring options such as pelvic floor rehabilitation, biofeedback therapy, or any further diagnostic evaluations that may be necessary to address these issues effectively. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your guidance on how we can best proceed to improve my condition.

Male | 60

These issues might be due to problems with the pelvic floor muscles not functioning properly during bowel movements. Pelvic floor rehabilitation could help by improving muscle coordination and strength in the pelvic area, potentially aiding in better bowel control. Another option is biofeedback therapy, which uses sensors to teach you how to coordinate your muscles during bowel movements. Discuss these options with your medical team to find the best approach for you. Additional diagnostic tests might be needed to understand the situation better. 

Answered on 20th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Mujhe khana khate samay man ulti jaisa hota hai aur FIR bad mein Latin jaisa hota hai aur aur Pani Peete Hain to kaise man karta hai

Male | 13

You're like­ly dealing with indigestion. It causes vomit-like­ feelings or chest burns afte­r eating. Consuming liquids quickly fills you up. Reasons include e­ating rapidly or spicy, fatty fare. Eat smaller portions slowly, avoid trigger foods. Pe­rsistent issues warrant medical guidance­.

Answered on 28th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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