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Male | 18

Am I at risk with lower right abdomen pain?

I am 18 year old male and i have stomach ache from 2 days and i have taken no medications the pain is more in lower right side of abdomen and my abdomen hurts when breathing and walking basically when moving

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 25th July '24

The location of the pain in the lower right of your stomach, especially when walking, may be a sign of appendicitis. The swelling of the appendix is called appendicitis. The primary clues may also be loss of appetite, nausea, and fever. A doctor must be sought immediately for a full checkup and proper therapy as appendicitis might be dangerous and can involve surgery as a remedy.

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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1421)

She is 2years 7months old baby. She is facing constipation problem (3days / 2days once) the stole also very hard while coming out. She is very struggling because of it. Am giving spinach weekly thrice and giving vegetables daily in her meal. Apple everyday. She is not comfortable in chewing it and taking lot of time so am offering her in smoothy form.

Female | 2

Constipation means less number of bowel movements or finding of it difficult to do so. This can happen due to the lack of fiber and water in the diet. You did a good job with spinach, veggies, and apple. You can also try giving her more water and whole grains along with her meals. 

Answered on 5th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I am 25 and I've been experiencing abdominal cramps, fever. The cramps are fine now. But now I have diarrhea and the stools are yellow and foamy and very frequent. I don't know what to do.

Female | 25

The following is an attempt to explain what could be the reason behind frequently going to the loo with a yellow, foamy stool and the way the body deals with unwanted substances. It is possibly diarrhea caused by the stomach flu or eating something that didn't sit right. To restore electrolytes, drink plenty of water and be properly hydrated. If you experience the loss of appetite, diarrhea, and vomiting that come with the condition, avoid high-fiber foods and processed carbs.

Answered on 18th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Hello, I am a 19yo male. Months ago, I had some neurological symptoms and went to hospital. There, a blood test showed that I had really low B12 vitamin (under 90 pg/mL). I had some shots to increase B12 levels and hospital adviced me to go to GP and have gastroscopy and colonoscopy to find the cause of the deficiency, because it was not normal at that age to have that low b12 levels. So, the days I was taking the B12 shots and planning to go to a GP, I had some bowel symptoms, including changes in stool size (small-thin and rounded / however not hard to pass), and rarely a little blood on them. When I went to the GP, I told him the whole story and told me that I had to do some other blood tests first to see if there is any gastric inflammation and then we would see if endoscopy is needed. After doing several blood tests (ECR, CRP, etc..) and faecal calprotectin test, GP told me that results were normal and did not show any inflammation in stomach or colon, so no endoscopy was needed. He told me that these symptoms were from functional gastrointestinal disorders and hemmorhoids. All of these happened like 6 months before. Now, I still have small-thin and rounded stools (rarely i pass normal stools but most of times they are like that) - blood is very rare and in small amount. Generally, my diet is normal (includes fiber), i drink a lot of water, no anxiety, not anaemic, normal weight and I exercise. So, these changes in bowel habits that happened months ago (without having any lifestyle change) + little blood rarely + the B12 defficiency I had, make me think I should visit another GP and push for a colonoscopy. I tried to search if increasing B12 would cause such changes in bowel habits, but did not find something. The only family history I know are that some first degree relatives had a small B12 defficiency without symptoms and second degree relative had gastrectomy a lot of years ago. I am a little panicked because Ive been seeing colon cancer is on the rise among young people and unreasoned bowel changes that dont leave soon + blood (however mine is very rarely and little) may be red flag. Especially most cases in young people are advanced stages becaus they are not caught early. Thanks for reading till the end, what do you suggest me to do? Go to another GP? And even push for endoscopy? Finally, could the cause of hard pebble stool be somehow (?) the elevation of B12 so my system need some time to go back to normal again? Because B12 deficiency was slowly developing for years.

Male | 19

While low B12 levels can affect the body in many ways, they usually don’t impact bowel habits like this. It’s great that you’ve had some tests, and they’ve ruled out any inflammation in your stomach or colon. Your symptoms might be due to functional gastrointestinal disorders or hemorrhoids, which are quite common and generally not too serious. Keep an eye on your symptoms, and try not to worry too much. However, if you’re still concerned, getting a second opinion from another doctor might help give you peace of mind.

Answered on 11th Nov '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Hi I have a very silly question. I had a gastroscopy without sedation. Is it safe to have 1 glass of wine with a friend ? The numbing throat spray has worn off.

Female | 46

After a gastroscopy, do not take too much force on your body. The glass of wine can hurt your throat because the numbing spray has already worn off. You might feel some mild discomfort or have a little acidity. It's better to wait one or two days before relishing that wine. 

Answered on 6th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Will dorn therapy helps in curing ibs/ibd disease because am taking dorn treatment till now 12 sessions completed but no improvement.

Male | 24

Ibd and Ibs are complex conditions that involve inflammation and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal system. They require medical management and treatment approaches that are specific to these conditions. Treatment for IBD and IBS needs a combination of medication, dietary modifications, lifestyle changes, and sometimes psychological support.
While alternative therapies and complementary approaches may have their benefits it's crucial to rely on evidence based treatments for conditions as complex as Ibd and Ibs.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Water keeps coming out of the mouth

Male | Yaran

It may be that excessive drooling is what you have. Certain medications, and how the muscles of your mouth work can cause this. To help with it, try swallowing more often and sitting up straight. Have a cloth nearby to wipe away any saliva that bothers you. If this does not stop soon, try talking to a doctor about why they think it is happening. 

Answered on 11th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I was going through fever this week, after taking proper medical treatment fever gone but after that lose motion get started and now they're also gone but now there is heavy weakness.

Male | 31

You've had such a bad time with fever and diarrhea. Both could be the cause of your weakness later. The fever and the diarrhea ached your body thus, making you feel tired. You must hydrate yourself with water and soup. Light and easily digestible meals should be your priority. 

Answered on 20th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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