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Male | 19

19-year-old male with severe ass pain & bloody stools?

I am 19 years old male patient having severe ass pain for 10 days and suffering from blood coming along with stool and my pain is staying the same day by day which causing more severe pain in my ass

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 18th June '24

Pain in the back end along with blood in the stool is a dangerous situation. The cause of this situation might be an easily treatable condition such as hemorrhoids or an anal fissure or even an infection. To get rid of the pain and to find out the exact causes, you need to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. They can set the stage for treatment with a check-up and that may include some medication or even a surgery.

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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1464)

I found one worm in my stool

Female | 22

Discovering a worm in your stool might be due to a parasitic infection. Parasites can enter your body through contaminated food, water, or surfaces. Consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment, maintain good hygiene, and practice food and water safety. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Suggest me best gastroliver surgeon for my uncle.

Male | 48

It is recommended to see a specialist gastroenterologist, who will help diagnose and treat disorders of the digestive system. Should your uncle require surgical intervention, you may be advised to work with a gastroenterology surgeon.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have issues in my anal as lymph came out of anal n it's hurts when poop tym it's very unbearable pls suggest me what's this so I can get treatment.

Female | 44

It seems that you have an ailment known as an anal crack. This condition is characterized by cracks in the skin around the anus, which can lead to blood and/or injury in the rectum. This may be from being constipated, having diarrhea, or simply surviving hard stools. To relieve the pain and the healing process, you should see a dietician who will give you foods rich in fiber. Also, a glass of water every day and the use of over-the-counter creams to cover the corroded area can be used to help ease the pain and promote the area to heal. For sure, the area troubles you, however, you are urged to seek help if the techniques have failed and no improvement has been noticed.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Recently now i am taking rifaximin 1100 mg two times a day for 14 days i feel dioreha in morning two times or may be three times but in evening i dont feel much diareha I dont know what to do i am so much fed up from all this Before i took mabrin itopride vonoprazole omeprazole but now i am taking rifaximin but no relief in my symptoms I still have diareha may be three times in morning They did my colonscopy in september 2023 but my symptoms got more severe in december And my colonscopy was clear and i dont feel like Still i have severe diareha and cramps in morning

Female | 24

Infections or certain medical conditions are the possible causes of diarrhea. When you are already taking rifaximin and still not feeling better, it is crucial to communicate again with your doctor. They can go for more examinations or try other methods to cope with your situation.

Answered on 10th July '24

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I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to discuss my ongoing gastrointestinal issues that have persisted despite my recent surgery for chronic constipation and rectal prolapse. I underwent a laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy, but I am still experiencing significant problems related to anal hypotension and hypocontractility, as well as prolonged Balloon Expulsion Test (BET) results indicative of Type 1 Dyssynergia. Despite the surgical intervention, I continue to struggle with inadequate anal sphincter tone and a reduced ability to contract effectively. These issues have led to ongoing difficulties with bowel control and frequent episodes of constipation. The prolonged BET results suggest that my pelvic floor muscles are still not coordinating properly during bowel movements. Given my history and the current symptoms, I would greatly appreciate your expertise in identifying the next steps for management. Specifically, I am interested in exploring options such as pelvic floor rehabilitation, biofeedback therapy, or any further diagnostic evaluations that may be necessary to address these issues effectively. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your guidance on how we can best proceed to improve my condition.

Male | 60

These issues might be due to problems with the pelvic floor muscles not functioning properly during bowel movements. Pelvic floor rehabilitation could help by improving muscle coordination and strength in the pelvic area, potentially aiding in better bowel control. Another option is biofeedback therapy, which uses sensors to teach you how to coordinate your muscles during bowel movements. Discuss these options with your medical team to find the best approach for you. Additional diagnostic tests might be needed to understand the situation better. 

Answered on 20th Sept '24

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Hi I have a very silly question. I had a gastroscopy without sedation. Is it safe to have 1 glass of wine with a friend ? The numbing throat spray has worn off.

Female | 46

After a gastroscopy, do not take too much force on your body. The glass of wine can hurt your throat because the numbing spray has already worn off. You might feel some mild discomfort or have a little acidity. It's better to wait one or two days before relishing that wine. 

Answered on 6th Sept '24

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REAL TIME ULTRASONOGRAPHY OF THE ABDOMEN AND PELVIS WAS PERFORMED LIVER: Normal in size, shape and outline. Parenchymal echotexture normal. No sold mass lesion. No intrahepatic biliary dilatation. Intrahepatic portion of IVC is normal. Portal vein is normal. Portahepatis is normal. Few cysts noted in both lobes of liver largest measuring 33.2x17.6 mm noted in right lobe of liver. GALL BLADDER: Wall thickness normal. A calculus measuring 15.3 mm noted in GB lumen. C.B.D: Not dilated. Measuring: 4.7mm, PANCREAS: Parenchymal texture normal. No ductal dilatation. No calculi. SPLEEN: Measuring: 7.5cm. Normal in shape and echotexture. AORTA: Normal. KIDNEYS: Right kidney measures 10.7cm with a parenchymal thickness of 1cm. Multiple cysts noted of variable sizes, largest measuring 1.9x1.8 cm noted in inter polar region of right kidney. Left kidney measures 10cm with a parenchymal thickness of 1.3cm. Few cysts noted of variable sizes, largest measuring 3.9x2.7cm noted in inter pole region of left kidney which is exophytic.

Female | 52

Answered on 1st Oct '24

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I got a swallowing bump at the top of my butox what can I do to make it go down

Male | 38

I would suggest that you see a gastroenterologist who will give you the right medical help and care. A lump at the top of your buttocks that's more difficult to swallow could suggest any condition, including a perianal abscess or a pilonidal cyst. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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