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Female | 20

How to relieve post-fissure rectal pain?

I am 20 years old ,past 9 month I suffered from anal fissure so I consult doctor after consultation anal fissure tear completely gone but I feel pain after poop my rectum is tight I really dont know what to do I lost my quality of life ????‍????????‍????

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 19th Sept '24

Discomfort and constriction in the rectum after recovery from an anal fissure can occur. This may result from muscle spasms or scarring. Try soaking in warm water, eating fiber-rich foods, and staying hydrated. Gentle exercises like walking can also help. Discuss with a gastroenterologist for more information if the pain persists. 

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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1467)

I have gastric ulcers which I have treated for more than three years

Male | 30

Chronic gastric ulcers require proper diagnosis and management to prevent complications. Treatment options may include medications to reduce stomach acid production, antibiotics if required, lifestyle changes, and dietary modifications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I wanted to ask why is there blood in my stool? I have had some blood in my poop before because of hemorrhoids, but I'm concerned now because this time it was more than just blood on the toilet paper, it was also on the toilet water and in the stool. When I did try to poop, it was hard and some part was sharp too, which is making me think that it was because of that, but I googled why and it made me overthink that I might have a serious problem.

Female | 15

Blood in stool can be caused by different causes like hemorrhoids, anal fissures, inflammatory bowel disease, infections, polyps. But, since there is also blood in the toilet water, so it will be prescient to consult a gastroenterologist immediately. They can do the physical examination, suggest tests, and give the required treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Am suffering in stomach pain stomach bloating and pain below left rib cage food not digesting properly

Male | 30

You likely have gastritis, which refers to the inflammation of the stomach lining due to irritants. Gastritis can result in various symptoms including pain, bloating, and digestion difficulties. Pain that occurs below the left rib cage may also be a possible result of gas accumulated in the colon. The causes of these problems may be attributed to eating too fast, spicy foods, stress, or an infection. To improve your health, eat smaller meals, avoid spicy foods, and practice stress management.

Answered on 19th Sept '24

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I am 21 and I have this sharp pain in the both sides of my lower stomach,just below my ribs,it comes when I take a deep breath or talk loudly or make sharp sudden movements

Female | 21

Judging from the information you have shared, there are chances of you having lower abdomen pain caused by diaphragmatic strain or inflammation. It is necessary to seek medical assistance, such as a gastroenterologist or a GP doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have eaten Kirkland multivitamin gummies more than 8 in one day since 3 days I am feeling like symptoms of nausea dizziness stomach upset pain in ribs getting anger easily changing in mood swings . What to do now

Female | 17

Taking too many gummy vitamins can cause issue­s. Exceeding the sugge­sted dose leads to vitamin ove­rload - nausea, dizziness, stomach upset, rib pain, and mood change­s may occur. To recover, stop the gummie­s and drink lots of water. This flushes exce­ss vitamins out. Eat a balanced diet for natural nutrient intake­. If symptoms continue or worsen, consult a doctor.

Answered on 28th Aug '24

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||han pasado 144h desde la ingesta de 9g de paracetamol junto a 20mg de polaramine, 200mg de bilaxten, 50mg de aerius, 40mg de fuoxetina, solo tiene sintomas como palpitaciones, taquicardia, insomnio, vomitos,mareo, vision retardada, pero que se fueron a las 13h de las ingesta, sexo de adolescente femenino, peso 66.3kg , altura 164cm, sin atencion medica desde la primera ingesta, sin ningun sintoma desde las 13h de ingesta, dia 4 a las 91h de la ingesta he estado sintiendo nauseas pero no he vomitado, tampoco he tenido dolor, ademas me he dado cuenta que he bajado de peso desde la ingesta, ahora son 2.7kg , antes de la ingesta pesaba 68kg ahora 66.3kg, el adolescente a tomado 11g de paracetamol a 95h de la primera ingesta solo siente una leve presión encima de la nariz, ligero dolor de cabeza, fatiga/letargo ,mareos y nauseas ligeras que desvanecieron a las 20h d la segunda ingesta, ahora solo siente un ligero mal estar en el abdomen, a 120h de la primera ingesta a tomado 9g de paracetamol, nausas, ligero malestar en el abdomen, diarrea, letargo, como saber que tiene insuficiencia hepatica aguda irreversible? o en cuanto tiempo lo desarrollara teniendo en cuenta su historial, el dolor y nauseas están empeorando||

Female | 16

Answered on 23rd May '24

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