Female | 22
I found one worm in my stool

Surgical Gastroenterologist
Answered on 23rd May '24
Discovering a worm in your stool might be due to a parasitic infection. Parasites can enter your body through contaminated food, water, or surfaces. Consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment, maintain good hygiene, and practice food and water safety.
76 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1421)
Hello, I am a 19yo male. Months ago, I had some neurological symptoms and went to hospital. There, a blood test showed that I had really low B12 vitamin (under 90 pg/mL). I had some shots to increase B12 levels and hospital adviced me to go to GP and have gastroscopy and colonoscopy to find the cause of the deficiency, because it was not normal at that age to have that low b12 levels. So, the days I was taking the B12 shots and planning to go to a GP, I had some bowel symptoms, including changes in stool size (small-thin and rounded / however not hard to pass), and rarely a little blood on them. When I went to the GP, I told him the whole story and told me that I had to do some other blood tests first to see if there is any gastric inflammation and then we would see if endoscopy is needed. After doing several blood tests (ECR, CRP, etc..) and faecal calprotectin test, GP told me that results were normal and did not show any inflammation in stomach or colon, so no endoscopy was needed. He told me that these symptoms were from functional gastrointestinal disorders and hemmorhoids. All of these happened like 6 months before. Now, I still have small-thin and rounded stools (rarely i pass normal stools but most of times they are like that) - blood is very rare and in small amount. Generally, my diet is normal (includes fiber), i drink a lot of water, no anxiety, not anaemic, normal weight and I exercise. So, these changes in bowel habits that happened months ago (without having any lifestyle change) + little blood rarely + the B12 defficiency I had, make me think I should visit another GP and push for a colonoscopy. I tried to search if increasing B12 would cause such changes in bowel habits, but did not find something. The only family history I know are that some first degree relatives had a small B12 defficiency without symptoms and second degree relative had gastrectomy a lot of years ago. I am a little panicked because Ive been seeing colon cancer is on the rise among young people and unreasoned bowel changes that dont leave soon + blood (however mine is very rarely and little) may be red flag. Especially most cases in young people are advanced stages becaus they are not caught early. Thanks for reading till the end, what do you suggest me to do? Go to another GP? And even push for endoscopy? Finally, could the cause of hard pebble stool be somehow (?) the elevation of B12 so my system need some time to go back to normal again? Because B12 deficiency was slowly developing for years.
Male | 19
While low B12 levels can affect the body in many ways, they usually don’t impact bowel habits like this. It’s great that you’ve had some tests, and they’ve ruled out any inflammation in your stomach or colon. Your symptoms might be due to functional gastrointestinal disorders or hemorrhoids, which are quite common and generally not too serious. Keep an eye on your symptoms, and try not to worry too much. However, if you’re still concerned, getting a second opinion from another doctor might help give you peace of mind.
Answered on 11th Nov '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Pain in lower left abdomen when sitting but no pain when standing or laying down
Female | 25
You have discomfort in your belly's left lower area. This happens when sitting down. Little pouches in your colon may be inflamed; that's diverticulitis. Other signs: bloating, hard or loose stools. To ease the hurt, eat foods high in fiber and drink lots of water. But, if pain persists, it's wise to consult a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 11th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am recentlt diagnozied by chrohn disease, can you please confirm that I am suffering 100 percent from chrohn disease
Male | 25
Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease affecting the digestive tract. It results from the immune system attacking the gut lining, causing inflammation and various symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, and fever. Complications include blockages, ulcers, and fistulas. Treatment involves medications, dietary changes, and sometimes surgery. Consult a gastroenterologist for a personalized treatment plan.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
cronic constipation for four years with blod in stool. taken many madicine but no cure yet
Male | 50
Chronic trouble with bowel movements accompanied by blood can stem from various issues, including dietary choices, inflammation, or structural problems in the digestive tract. It's crucial to remain hydrated, consume a fiber-rich diet, and consider regular exercise to support regularity. Over-the-counter supplements may help, but it's important to keep track of all symptoms. Given the persistent nature of your condition, I strongly recommend consulting a gastroenterologist who can provide tailored diagnostics and treatment options.
Answered on 12th Feb '25

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am urmila devi i am 62 years old i am female I had fever last 4-5 And also have lose motion problem i guess i have typhoid because i can't able to eat and also has weakness
Female | 62
Your signs like high heat, loose poop, and low energy could be from typhoid fever. Typhoid fever is caused by a germ called Salmonella typhi that can be found in dirty food or water. The cure is antibiotics and drinking lots of water. It is important to see a doctor for the right help and cure.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am 18 year old girl. I am getting blood in my stool since 1 week. What I have to do?
Female | 18
The appearance of blood in your stool can be worrisome. It could signify that there is something wrong in your system that requires immediate help. As it has been for a week, it is better to consult a gastroenterologist as soon as possible. They will have the knowledge to determine what is really going on and they can suggest you the best possible treatment.
Answered on 24th Oct '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I'm 26 year old, I have ulcer caused by H-pylori and i have tried different medications to cure it but it didn't work. What should i do ?
Male | 26
I understand your concern about the persistent ulcer associated with H. pylori. Common symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating, and nausea. If previous treatments have been ineffective, consider discussing alternative therapies with your doctor. They may recommend a different combination of antibiotics or medications to reduce stomach acid. It's also beneficial to review your diet and stress management, as both can impact healing. I encourage you to schedule an appointment with a gastroenterologist for a comprehensive evaluation and tailored treatment options.
Answered on 21st Jan '25

Dr. Samrat Jankar
When saftypin stay in my stomch since 2 years what's happened
Male | 22
Carrying a safety pin in your stomach for 2 long years can result in dangerous situations. You may get a tummy ache, feel like you are going to throw up, or actually, throw up. The pin can cause a tear in the lining of your stomach and be the reason for the infection. It is important to have it done through surgery. If the pin stays there it can cause other problems. A doctor must be seen immediately to get help.
Answered on 22nd Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I m 40 years old. I m suffering from fissure in anus. It gives me pain
Male | 40
Fissures are little rips in the skin around the anus. Passing hard stools, diarrhea, or inflammatory bowel disease can cause them. To heal the fissure, drink plenty of water, eat foods high in fiber, and use stool softeners. You might need creams or ointments too so that it does not hurt as much and heals faster.
Answered on 27th May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am 25 and I've been experiencing abdominal cramps, fever. The cramps are fine now. But now I have diarrhea and the stools are yellow and foamy and very frequent. I don't know what to do.
Female | 25
The following is an attempt to explain what could be the reason behind frequently going to the loo with a yellow, foamy stool and the way the body deals with unwanted substances. It is possibly diarrhea caused by the stomach flu or eating something that didn't sit right. To restore electrolytes, drink plenty of water and be properly hydrated. If you experience the loss of appetite, diarrhea, and vomiting that come with the condition, avoid high-fiber foods and processed carbs.
Answered on 18th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I was diagnosed gallbladder polyps and can it causes bad breathing
Male | 40
Gallbladder polyps are growths inside the gallbladder which can be described as tiny bumps. These types of polyps generally aren't related to any form of bad breath. Bad breath usually comes from poor dental hygiene or problems with the lungs. Sometimes they may cause pain in your abdomen or make it hard for you to digest food. If they do and are still there when this happens again then taking out your gall bladder might stop anything else like that from happening in the future.
Answered on 29th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
My daughter 5 years old always complaining about stomach pain and nausea. whenever we are trying to get him eat food she denied and cant eating properly. we done Ultrasound and urine tests and all are normal. can you please advise.
Female | 5
Since the ultrasound and urine tests turned out normal, possible reasons for the symptoms may be. Typical causes in little ones can be food intolerance, stress, or anxiety. It is advisable to monitor if she is grey with certain foods before experiencing them or if she is angry all of a sudden and feels sick. Keeping a food diary and trying relaxation techniques such as deep breathing may be helpful. If the symptoms persist, talk to a pediatrician to get a proper diagnosis of the problem.
Answered on 21st Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am 18 year old female. Every morning while pooping I get a normal (not solid) bowel followed by loose stools like diarrhea , every morning after waking up I feel a huge urge to poop and then within 10 minutes a lot of poop comes out of my body and its normal one (although it is not solids) it seems like i am done but then very loose stool starts coming in very small amounts for which I have to strain and I end up with 50 minutes in toilet but that loose stool never gets out completely , its been more than an year now.
Female | 18
You have a problem with a condition called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The sure signs of IBS are the combination of constipation and diarrhea, in addition to often urgent bowel movements. It may be instigated by stress, some foods, or hormonal changes. For IBS to be controlled, it is important to eat a balanced diet, to drink enough water, to control stress, and to use medications if necessary.
Answered on 9th Oct '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am suffering from mild gastritis and have been adviced to take medicines for 4 weeks, can you tell what diet should I have in these 4 months. I am shifting to a hostel, I need to take care of what things over there ?
Female | 23
If you're suffering from mild gastritis and prescribed medication for four weeks, it's important to follow a bland diet. Avoid spicy, oily foods, and opt for easily digestible meals like khichdi, yogurt, and boiled vegetables. Consult a gastroenterologist for personalized dietary advice and monitor your symptoms closely during this period.
Answered on 3rd July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
For over 10 years I have been experiencing a gas like illness and light headedness, and hungry all the time what can cause this to keep repeating itself?
Female | 37
Frequent gas, dizziness, and persistent hunger might be caused by different issues that range from nutritional problems, digestive system problems, or hormonal problems. Stress and anxiety are also factors that may influence the way your body reacts. Swapping bad habits of eating, hydrating yourself, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle apart may help you identify the triggers you are facing. Developing a food diary can be a way for both you and your healthcare provider to find patterns. It is a good idea to book an appointment with a gastroenterologist so that you have a detailed discussion about your symptoms.
Answered on 19th Dec '24

Dr. Kapil Sharma
Am Sam I have malaria and on malaria drug but now feeling stomach upset when trying to eat and seriously loose appetite
Male | 28
It’s normal to get a tummy ache and not feel like eating when you’re on antimalarial medication. These medicines may sometimes bother your stomach. Remember to continue taking them, but try to ease the discomfort by consuming small and soft meals. Drinking fluids such as water or tea frequently could also be helpful. Should the symptoms persist, consult your doctor for further assistance.
Answered on 22nd Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
My mother is experiencing stomach ache in the previous month at the lower left abdominal portion. The pain is neither too sharp nor too dull. But it happens continuously. Whenever I give the medicine it goes away. Otherwise not any symptoms were noticed. What should I do now?
Female | 58
This kind of pain can be a result of constipation, air in the bowels, or even a muscle strain. You are lucky that the pain is relieved by the medicine, but it is crucial to establish the issue that is causing her pain. Keeping track of her dietary choices and doing activities that might be causing pain is a good idea if you do it like this is important. Instruct her to consume more liquids and fiber-rich foods, while you take care to eliminate any foods which might cause her discomfort. If the pain persists, you should visit a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 18th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am 59 year 59-year-old male having symptoms such as acidity, throat burn, abdominal pain, and gas for the past 2 months and now not getting relief from even antacids. I have piles and hernia also!
Male | 59
Acidity, throat burn, stomach ache, and gas are some of the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or an acid reflux condition. To relieve them, avoid spicy and salty foods, and have your head elevated when you sleep. You should consult a gastroenterologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 19th Nov '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am 16 year old and have been facing nausea and feeling of fullness after eating.I also feel heart burn once in a week and these increase when I am in public or have exams comming up. I have have these for 6 months .Is it possible to have these symptoms because of anxiety?please tell that I don't have something like functional dyspepsia
Male | 16
You mentioned numerous problems that have tortured you in the last 2-3 months - like nausea, fullness after a meal, and heartburn. That can be a sign of anxiety. However, you say that they tend to become aggravated during high-pressure situations such as exams that may lead to that. Anxieties can lead to digestion problems and anticorrelated symptoms. Do some techniques like deep breathing or walking to reduce the stress level. Smaller and more frequent meals can also be of help to avoid your pain.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
golbleder stoe hai usko nikalna hai
Male | 78
Agar aapko gallbladder se related koi dikkat ho rahi hai, jaise dard, nausea, ya digestion mein mushkil, toh yeh kuch samasyaon ki nishaani ho sakti hai. Iske kaaran mein gallstones ya inflammation shamil ho sakta hai. Aapka doctor diagnostic tests se sahi samasya ka pata laga sakte hain. Agar zaroorat padti hai, toh gallbladder ko nikalna ek aam procedure hai aur isse aapki takleef door karne mein madad milegi.
Answered on 9th Feb '25

Dr. Samrat Jankar
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