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Female | 20

Why Is My Left Brain Twitching Above Ear?

i am 20 years old female i am having twitching on left brain above ear and its been 3 days its happening

1 Answer

Answered on 18th June '24

Twitching can be attributed to a lot of different things such as stress, being overworked, or too much coffee. At other times, the cause may be the nerve ability of the body. Make sure you sleep, eat healthfully, and drink enough water. You may wish to tell your medical provider that you are sleeping badly for this issue to be listed on your consultation form and assessed appropriately.

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

My son 21 years old. Struggling with migrains. Have now started to feel pressure in forehead and dizzy. Have just now taken paracetamol 1 gram. Is it ok to take migraine medication he got from doctor last time now already? He is really scared to wake up and get it like last time. It was really bad with vomiting.

Male | 21

Weakness and sensitivity to light, as well as vomiting, may be the result of migraines. He is on paracetamol which is great, but he can also take the migraine medication his doctor prescribed if it is the case, even though it is soon after the paracetamol. It is important that the doctor’s guidance is adhered to and the medication is taken as instructed which will also help to prevent the next similar episode from happening.

Answered on 21st Oct '24

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Been having bad anxiety and panic attacks

Female | 20

Seek help from a neurologist, psychiatrist or psychologist, who specialize in treating anxiety and panic attacks. They can provide you with the necessary support, guidance, and treatment options to manage your symptoms effectively. There are resources available to help youso get good treatment at the earliest.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm from the country and all waste water accumulates in a septic tank. My parents don't usually call that truck home to dump the contents, they take care of it by dumping all the liquid in their own garden on a corn crop. Indeed, we do not actually eat the corn, but we do eat the rest of the nearby plants. But the birds they have, and from which we consume the eggs, consume some of that corn. I am very concerned about my physical health, especially my brain, and my fear is that I may have ingested substances from detergents/toothpaste over time, such as fluoride, which I know is neurotoxic, or other strong substances, etc. . . The usual analyzes always turned out fine for me. I drew their attention to these things and they told me that there are other people who do the same thing and apparently nothing happened. Should I worry/do something about it? I'm thinking that maybe those substances in the detergents and everything that gets there affect the nervous system, the brain. The plants in the garden show no signs of damage, probably because the detergents contain substances similar to fertilizers. Also, I'm wondering if from the feces, if some guest is infected with some parasite, and they then end up on the soil, can I also get them through the plants and affect components of my SN? Does all this accumulate in them? I can't stop eating food/eggs from home because I just started college, I have 6 more years until I can choose what and when to eat, have my own salary. I was thinking that for my own peace of mind, I would have a brain MRI this year to make sure everything is ok, as well as the usual urine test, which he can arrange for from the GP. Do you think it's okay?

Male | 18

While it's natural to worry, it's unlikely that the small amount of substances from detergents or toothpaste in the water would cause significant harm to your brain. Eating the food grown in the garden is generally safe, as plants can filter out harmful substances. It's encouraging to know that your health reports are okay. Getting a brain MRI and urine test for peace of mind is a proactive step, and it's okay to do. 

Answered on 11th Sept '24

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Hi what causes fatigue , chest pain , pressure in my head , weakness in my left arm and leg , irregular heartbeat , I have bad dental and a lump at the base of my skull , low blood pressure

Female | 30

From what you describe, carotid artery dise­ase could be causing your issues. This condition blocks blood ve­ssels in your neck. It can lead to tire­dness, chest discomfort, head pre­ssure, and left arm/leg we­akness. The irregular he­artbeat, poor dental health, and skull base­ lump may relate. Reduce­d blood flow from the blockage could cause low blood pre­ssure. To properly address this, se­eking medical evaluation and tre­atment is vital.

Answered on 26th July '24

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I am 66 years old.Iam having sensorineural hearing loss since 2021.Iam not able to hear without hearing it possible to reverse my hearing.

Male | 66

Sensorineural hearing loss happens when hair cells in the inner ear are damaged. This condition is common and can't be reversed, but hearing aids can help by making sounds louder and reducing noise. It's important to protect your ears from loud noises to prevent further damage. Regular check-ups with an audiologist are essential for effective treatment.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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I have a mascular dystrophy since 10 year ago any treatment available of this disease

Male | 24

Muscular dystrophy is a condition where your muscles gradually weaken, making it difficult to walk, stand, and move your arms. It's usually inherited, so it often runs in families. While there’s no cure, physical therapy and medications can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

Answered on 20th Sept '24

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My father was unable to walk properly (not able to move the legs freely). Unable to lift the weights, foot drop, unable to write properly sometimes, some muscle loss was seen in limbs. We have gone to hospitals in Hyderabad but there was no improvement in his condition. Please help me in finding out the doctor and treatment for this condition?


Answered on 23rd May '24

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Headache and leg pain fever

Male | 12

Headaches and leg pain along with fever could be caused by several things. The most usual one is a viral infection such as flu which can cause pain in the entire body. Dehydration and not eating properly can also cause these symptoms. Drink enough water, rest, and try to eat healthy foods. If your symptoms do not improve or if they worsen, it is advisable to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

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