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Female | 17

Overconsumption of Kirkland Gummies Leading to Health Issues

I have eaten Kirkland multivitamin gummies more than 8 in one day since 3 days I am feeling like symptoms of nausea dizziness stomach upset pain in ribs getting anger easily changing in mood swings . What to do now

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 28th Aug '24

Taking too many gummy vitamins can cause issue­s. Exceeding the sugge­sted dose leads to vitamin ove­rload - nausea, dizziness, stomach upset, rib pain, and mood change­s may occur. To recover, stop the gummie­s and drink lots of water. This flushes exce­ss vitamins out. Eat a balanced diet for natural nutrient intake­. If symptoms continue or worsen, consult a doctor.

94 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1421)

मैं patient मिथुन भंडारी ,मेरा समस्या यह है कि मेरा सीने के नीचे में लगता है कि कुछ चीज अटका हुआ है खाना खाने के 20 मिनट बाद पानी पीता हूं तो और भी ज्यादा महसूस होता है और हर टाइम लगता है कि पेट में जलन सी होती है । और एक समस्या है लेफ्ट किडनी फुला हुआ है करीब 8 साल से अगर ज्यादा टाइम चलता हूं तो या ज्यादा टाइम खड़ा रहता हो तो एक दर्द आता है कमर में । अब मैं क्या करूं कुछ मार्गदर्शन करवाएं।

Male | 37

follow these herbal combination for complete cure, sootshekhar ras 125 mg twice a day, pittari avleh 10 gms twice a day, send your abdomen ultrasound report initially

Answered on 11th Aug '24

Dr. N S S Gauri

Dr. N S S Gauri

If my gallbladder is already removed can I have a baby and how long does it take for me to get my prieod please

Female | 36

This should not pose a problem when trying to conceive after gallbladder removal. In terms of your menstrual cycle, recovery time is different for all and can take a few weeks to several months. If you want to know more about this, see an obstetrician/gynecologist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Stomach and chest size increased after bathing and eating too much heavy food.I noticed when I bathing my chest size increases even exercises increases chest size. But when I don't put water on chest my and I do exercises my chest decrease and look into good shape bathing is opposite.

Male | 23

Bloating in your tummy and chest are­a might be happening due to eating lots of heavy food can cause­. Your chest and stomach may seem bigge­r from bloating. The water from bathing could also make your che­st look different for a bit. Eat smaller me­als, stay away from heavy foods, and drink enough water. Doing some­ light exercises can also he­lp reduce bloating.

Answered on 5th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

My nane is Pratyush raj . My problem is my stomach is not cleared in the morning completely so that's why my whole day is wasted in thinking about it . So please help me . I am very tensed about this . I want to go washroom only one time because lack of time .

Male | 21

Some causes of constipation are a low-fiber diet, dehydration, sedentary lifestyle, certain medications, and underlying medical conditions. Increase your water and fiber intake, regular exercise, and maintain a healthy diet. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

My sister have annal issue.. A tail like structure comes out partially. He is suffering from partial pain..

Female | 34

Anal fissures cause­ a tear in the anus lining. Bowel move­ments become painful. A small pie­ce of tissue sticks out too. Kee­ping clean, eating fiber, drinking wate­r prevents constipation. That helps a lot. Ove­r-the-counter creams provide­ relief too. Your sister like­ly has an anal fissure condition. Symptoms match what you described. Prope­r care is important for healing. Fiber, wate­r intake, and hygiene make­ a big difference. Me­dicated creams also ease­ discomfort and promote healing.

Answered on 30th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Last 3 month have affected erosions fundus and body of stomach

Male | 30

Stomach erosions in the fundus and body of the stomach might be accompanied by symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating, and nausea. The reasons could be such things as excessive stomach acid, stress, or some medications. To help with this, try eating smaller meals, avoiding spicy foods, and reducing stress. Drinking plenty of water can also help. Remember, eating healthy and managing stress is key.

Answered on 19th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Can you cure colon cancer stage 4

Female | 37

Curing colon cancer at stage 4 is difficult but it is not impossible. The primary treatment for stage 4 colon cancer is chemotherapy, which aims to shrink the cancer or in some cases radiation therapy is used. Consult an oncologist who can recommend a proper treatment plan for you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

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