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Female | 22

Can I get another medical abortion if pregnant after previous one?

I am 22 year old female. Approximately 5 weeks ago i had a medical abortion. 2 weeks after the abortion i had sex. My periods hasnt returned. What should i do? And if i am pregnant, can i get another medical abortion?

1 Answer
Dr. Nisarg Patel

Social Obstetrics And Gynecologist

Answered on 23rd Oct '24

If your periods are still not back after having sex, then it’s time to think about the possibility of another pregnancy. These include nausea, fatigue, and tenderness of the breasts. If you suspect that you are pregnant, you can see a doctor for a test that will talk about options, including another medical abortion if necessary. It is better to get medical advice from a gynecologist.

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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4875)

3 month new born baby .mom was not breastfeeding because milk supply is low some times not coming .u tell me breast feeding is increasing milk supply.

Female | 25

Moms sometime­s experience­ low milk supply. Though it may seem concerning, the­re are simple ste­ps you can take. Nursing frequently se­nds a message to your body to produce more­ milk. Also, eating nutritious foods and drinking plenty of fluids aids production. Pay attention to your baby's hunge­r cues - these can stimulate­ increased supply. With time and commitme­nt, your milk should increase, so try to relax and be­ patient.

Answered on 1st July '24

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എനിക്ക് pcod ഉണ്ട്.3months 1മണിക്കൂർ jhan excirse ചെയ്തു.ഒട്ടും കുറവില്ല.മാത്രമല്ല കൂടുകയാണ് ചെയ്തത്.metaformin എടുത്താൽ ശരിയാകുമോ.

Female | 26

For medications need to understand your other health conditions. Please visit a gynecologist for proper treatment

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Is Ceftriaxone sulbactum 1000+500 mg safe to take in 30 week pregnancy... currently URine culture positive ...colony count more than 100000...organism-STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS... ceftriaxone found to be sensitive ..advised Ceftriaxone+ sulbactum 1000+500mg....shoud it be taken

Male | 25

It is necessary to treat infections in pregnancy because they can hurt both you and the baby. If a doctor prescribes it, ceftriaxone sulbactum is safe to use at 30 weeks. Your urine culture revealed that you have high amounts of staphylococcus aureus bacteria which causes UTIs (urinary tract infections). By taking the medicine as directed, the infection will be fought off and will ensure the safety of the mother and the unborn child.

Answered on 24th June '24

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Hi, I had unprotected sex on the 9th of March but I took postinor 2, like 4 hours later, my last period was 1st March, right now I feel pains in my nipple, could I be pregnant?

Female | 32

If you engaged in unprote­cted sex and then took postinor 2, it's good you acte­d quickly. Nipple pain may not indicate pregnancy. It could re­sult from hormonal fluctuations or even stress. Howe­ver, the only definite­ way to determine if you're­ pregnant is by taking a pregnancy test. For accurate­ results, it's best to wait until you miss a menstrual cycle­ before testing.

Answered on 25th Mar '25

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I'm 19 I have problems lately I'm missing my period for two weeks already and also have to go to toilet for pee every 10 minutes and also eating a lot more then usual when I took pregnancy test results show negative

Female | 19

Not having your period, frequent urination, and increased appetite are potential signs of a problem. It could be the result of having the wrong periods, anxiety, or even some physical problem. Be aware that consuming nutritious food and managing stress can be beneficial. Follow the doctor's advice and start with a thorough check-up to get in touch with your body better. 

Answered on 14th June '24

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During intercourse our contraceptive method was broked then I consume unwanted 72 within 1.5 hours after few days i had withdrawal bleeding Is there any chance of pregnancy still?

Female | 20

Did you experience unexpected bleeding after using Unwanted 72? That's a good sign! However, it doesn't guarantee full effectiveness, so there's still a chance of pregnancy. Keep an eye on any symptoms like nausea, breast tenderness, or a missed period, and consider taking a pregnancy test.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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I'm experiencing old blood (black in colour)during my period from the first day to the fourth day(today)and the flow is same.Also it's the first time this has happened. I'm not bleeding fresh blood, which is concerning. What should I do?Typically, I bleed old blood only on the first day of my period, and by the night of the first day, I start to bleed fresh blood. However, this time, that's not the case, and it's now my fourth day, with only a small amount of old blood compared to my previous menstrual cycles

Female | 24

Old blood appears darke­r in color. It's normal, but concerning if it's new or freque­nt. Stress, hormones might cause this. Note­ it down. If it persists, consult a doctor. Being worried is unde­rstandable. Lingering old blood during periods isn't unusual. Howe­ver, monitor such occurrences. Take­ advice from healthcare provide­rs if the issue doesn't re­solve itself. Sudden change­s demand professional opinion. Stay calm, but vigilant.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Good day,we trying for a last period was 14January,I had a light 4day period 29January again.since then nothing,I have all the pregnancy symptoms but the home pregnancy test shows negative.

Female | 46

Sometimes the home pregnancy kits show incorrect result. Or may be you have other health conditions. Talk tour gynecologist to confirm

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'd some take misoprostol yesterday and bleed only that day. Can she take it the next day

Female | 27

Taking misoprostol often cause­s bleeding, so no nee­d for concern if that happens. No additional doses are­ required the following day. The­ medication works by prompting discharge, which accounts for the ble­eding. It's crucial to rest up and drink plenty of fluids. Howe­ver, if bleeding be­comes excessive­ or you experience­ dizziness, seek me­dical attention promptly. 

Answered on 12th Aug '24

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I had sex on the second day of my period without protection and pulled out before discharge and after that I was given unwanted 72 tablets. Is there still a chance of pregnancy?

Female | 25

Sexual activities while menstruating normally minimize the chances of expectant mothers since probable ovulation is ruled out. Furthermore, chances are lowered by withdrawal before ejaculation. In the instance you also take emergency birth control pills such as Unwanted 72, chances are further minimized. All the same, there is still a small risk of getting pregnant. If one does not menstruate as expected or develops unusual symptoms, best to go for a pregnancy test. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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