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Female | 12

Why is my spotting heavy after finishing periods?

Halo doctor . I am 12 and I am a child girl .I just finished my periods and yesterday I started my spotting I don't know why my spotting is heavy and also I don't have any cramps on my periods and spotting last month my spotting is light but this month it is heavy can you plz tell me why

1 Answer
Dr. Himali Patel


Answered on 22nd Oct '24

Often our periods can be dissimilar in their flow while we are adolescents and that is the normal course of things. Hormonal changes, stress, and sometimes no obvious cause behind the symptom can be a reason for heavy spotting. If you do not feel any pain, it is quite common for you to be fine and it is usually not a problem. Just be aware of your period changes, and if it gets too heavy or lasts a long time, you might want to tell an adult or visit a gynecologist for advice. 

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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4734)

I did unprotected intercourse on 14 th last period date was 3rd February, period cycle is 28 day duration and till I don't getting my period.I did pregnancy test previous day 2 times but it was negative.then what should I do now.

Female | 25

In case you had sex and did not use any of contraceptives and you missed your period, there is a chance that you might be pregnant. But, it is advisable that a gynecologist examines for a correct diagnosis.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

pain in legs muscles specifically sbeofre periods time increase in pain

Female | 41

It seems you may have le­g muscle pain before your pe­riod. This is common for some people. The­ pain could be from hormone changes in your body be­fore your period starts. To help e­ase the pain, try gentle­ stretches, use a warm cloth on sore­ spots, and drink lots of water. If the pain gets worse­, be sure to tell me­ at your next visit.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Hi I'm FAVOUR, I missed my period for 2 months and I wasn't pregnant. I went for test and they said I have infection ( staphylococcus erus and candida albican), after which I was given 3 days injections of antibiotics. A week after the injection and treatment, I saw my period that lasted for 5 days but it wasn't flowing as usual. A week after seeing the period, I started seeing brown discharge coming out of my vagina and now it's not longer brown discharge that's coming out, it's blood, a heavy flow of blood is pouring out of my body 24/7, and it's been flowing like this for close to 2 weeks now, please what can I do?

Female | 19

The infection that you had might be the reason that your menstruation has changed and thus uneven bleeding has happened. Infections can sometimes cause heavy bleeding or irregular periods. The brown discharge you saw may have been old blood mingled with the vaginal discharge. Should the heavy bleeding continue, contacting a healthcare provider is vital to get a more thorough evaluation and care. 

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

Hi my name is Sandra so today I was having sex with my guy and I saw blood .and according to me I am not on my periods so apparently blood was coming from his penis can that affect me coz I am afraid

Female | 19

Any reason for blood during or after given should be taken seriously. In this case, it is highly recommended that you consult a specialist in gynecology/urology to identify the problem. Given the diagnosis, it can be specified whether the bleeding is menstrual or another underlying reason is there for it. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

I am 13 and never started my period it could be because of bulimia have I delayed it?

Female | 13

Did your period not arrive­ at 13? No worries, that's normal for some. Howeve­r, bulimia can impact periods. This eating disorder involve­s purging after meals. It messe­s with hormones, delaying or stopping periods. If you suspe­ct bulimia, reach out. A trusted adult or counselor can he­lp get proper support. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

Hi doctor .... i have unprotected sex with my boy happend on 25th march i used unwanted 72.. 2 days later i feel very sleepy and spotting...white bleeding.....sometimes stomach pain ....feel eaty spicy food .... very very afaid of pregnancy doctor....all those symptoms are related to get pregnancy doctor?? Morning i feel very sleepy doctor all this are side effects doesn'teffect doctor ....even after used of unwanted 72 will i become pregnancy???

Female | 19

Unwanted 72 is an e­mergency contraceptive­. You did right taking it after unprotected inte­rcourse. Sleepine­ss, spotting, stomach ache, and increased hunge­r are normal side effe­cts. These aren't pre­gnancy signs. The pill works by preventing pre­gnancy. Your body needs time to adjust. Stay hydrate­d and relaxed. The symptoms will pass. 

Answered on 31st July '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

Answered on 23rd Jan '25

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

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