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Female | 30

I am 30 yrs old girl suffering from knee pain from last few days unable to fold my leg it is kind of piercing pain .

1 Answer
Dr. Rufus Vasanth Raj

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 23rd May '24

The pain can be because of many reasons. Better to see you clinically once and diagnose 

Dr Rufus Vasanth Raj

44 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1296)

পায়ের আংগুল ভাজ হয় না কেনো?

Female | ৭০

পায়ের আঙুলের ভাজ না হওয়া বিভিন্ন কারণে ঘটতে পারে, যেমন পেশির দুর্বলতা, আঘাত, অথবা জয়েন্টের সমস্যা। হবে মনে হচ্ছে যদি বেশি সময় ধরে বসে থাকেন বা হাঁটার সময় যথার্থ দৃষ্টি না দেন। এর সমাধানের জন্য প্রতিদিন কিছু হালকা ব্যায়াম করুন, যেমন পায়ের আঙুলের ঠেলার অভ্যাস বা স্ট্রেচিং। যদি সমস্যাpersistent হয়, তবে একজন চিকিৎসকের সঙ্গে যোগাযোগ করা উচিত। তাঁরা আপনার অবস্থা ভালোভাবে বোঝাতে এবং সঠিক নির্ণয় দিতে সাহায্য করবেন। আপনার স্বাস্থ্যকে গুরুত্ব দিন এবং সঠিক পদক্ষেপ নিন।

Answered on 9th Mar '25

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Im suffering from knee burning pain

Female | 22

Knee burning pain can have various causes. Gentle exercises and physical therapy may be recommended once the acute pain subsides. To alleviate the pain try resting and applying ice or heat therapy, and taking over-the-counter pain relievers if appropriate.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sir I injected dexa and diclofenac injection in one syringe any problem

Female | 34

A slight error occurre­d - you injected two medicine­s together. This could irritate, or impact how the­ medicines function. Monitor for redne­ss, swelling, and pain at the injection site­. If any of these symptoms arise, promptly consult a doctor.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

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She fell off on her wrist which causes fracture

Female | 54

If you fall and break your wrist, you may end up with a fracture. In addition to hurting, the occurrence of welling can be felt. It may be difficult to move your wrist as well. The reason for this is that the bone was forced to bear so much weight that the bone practically shattered. The first step to get it to heal is to put it in a cast or a splint so the bone can repair itself gradually. It's important to keep your wrist relatively immobile until it gets well.

Answered on 13th June '24

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Vitamins or medication for joint and bone health because I have knee pain

Male | 25

It is suggested to get in touch with an orthopedic doctor while you suffer from knee pain. They can advise you to receive X-rays or CT scans to find out what is the cause of the pain and how severe it is. Based on the diagnosis, they might offer some medications or supplements like the vitamins of type D and Calcium because they are bone health essentials.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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No relief in pain at all in hand even after frozen shoulder process/operation

Male | 72

If the pain does not go away and is not responding to pain management techniques, you should see a doctor. An orthopedic surgeon could further evaluate the problem and suggest the most effective treatment options.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have a problem with my lower waist for years now

Male | 18

Back pain comes and goe­s. But hurting for years is very bad. It might mean you have­ muscles that are tight or weak. Poor posture­ or not exercising can cause this proble­m. Also, sit and stand up straight. Going to a physical the­rapist can give you exercise­s to make it better.

Answered on 30th July '24

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I have a foot drop and my leg was parlese what I do too recover my injury

Male | 22

You're like­ly dealing with foot drop and leg paralysis. These­ concerning symptoms stem from nerve­ or muscle damage. It's crucial to get e­xamined by a medical professional for an accurate­ diagnosis. Treatment options may involve physical the­rapy exercises to fortify your le­g muscles and enhance mobility. Additionally, re­sting your leg, performing prescribe­d exercises, and utilizing assistive­ devices like brace­s could potentially aid your recovery proce­ss. 

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

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My sister met with and accident in oct 23, brain surgery (right side) was done and now her left hand (elbow joint) is not moving. Doctor said there is calcification in elbow joint. And surgery is also complicated. Physiotherapy also is not useful.

Female | 20

The calcification problem may occur when the elbow joint becomes the cause. The relative may have experienced either damage or inflammation and thus begins to notice a calcification disorder in the joint. The surgery may not be a simple one for sure. Always consult the doctors in charge of West to understand how to handle the treatment issues.

Answered on 14th June '24

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I am suffering leg pain including knee due to my old age 63 , best possible treatment for relief. Please guide

Female | 63

As a medical expert, I suggest that you go to an orthopedist to examine your knee and leg. It is not unusual fat this age group to be hit by joint wear and tear. A orthopedic doctor will diagnose the actual reason for the pain, and will propose the most appropriate treatment, which may range from medications, physical therapy and surgery if needed.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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