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Female | 30

Why do I have neck and back pain with disc bulges?

I have huge pain in neck and whole back. I have seen many dr therapy and medication but still it’s paining.recently I have done mri and in mri shown my c4,c5 and c5,c6 level indenting the thecal sac,m and l5,s1 disc. Diffuse posterior disc bulge noted what is the meaning and what ptob I hv.

1 Answer
Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 11th July '24

It sounds like you're experiencing severe pain in both your neck and back. The MRI results indicate that some discs in your spine are pressing on your nerves, causing this ongoing pain. This could be due to the gradual wear and tear of the discs over time. See an orthopedist to discuss treatment options and help manage your pain effectively. It's important to follow your doctor's advice closely to aid in your recovery process.

30 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1296)

Good morning, Myself chowdri I got a question if scraped bone got a gap of 1.6mm Whether want to do surgery or it will get ready with POP

Male | 28

Surgery is typically necessary for a 1.6mm gap in scraped BONE, as a POP alone is usually not enough for complete healing...

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Подагра, лечиться ли полностью эта болезнь? Если да, то какими препаратами?

Мужской | 54

Подагра – это заболевание, связанное с накоплением мочевой кислоты, что может приводить к болезненным воспалениям суставов. Симптомы включают сильные боли, покраснение и отек. Полностью излечить данное состояние не всегда возможно, однако его можно эффективно контролировать. Препараты, такие как нестероидные противовоспалительные средства, колхицин и препараты, снижающие уровень мочевой кислоты, могут значительно облегчить симптомы. Важно обсудить с врачом индивидуальный план лечения, включая изменения в питании и образе жизни. Профессиональный медицинский совет поможет вам справиться с заболеванием и улучшить качество жизни.

Answered on 10th Mar '25

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What is seropositive rheumatoid arthritis?

Female | 45

Blood reports are in favour of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Dr Rufus Vasanth Raj

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I’m 25 year old female. Wanted to know if I can take oxycodone 5mg with 325 mg of acetaminophen for pain.

Female | 25

Yes they are both combination medications, such as the one you mentioned (oxycodone 5 mg with 325 mg of acetaminophen), are commonly prescribed for pain relief. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi I need some advice on having pins removed from my kneecap.

Male | 32

Before having pins removed from your kneecap, consult your orthopedic surgeon to discuss the procedure and timing. Prepare according to their instructions. The removal is usually done under local anesthesia, involving a small incision to remove the pins. Expect some discomfort and swelling post surgery.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 9th Sept '24

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Knee pain i need permanent solution

Female | 30

Check with an orthopedic near you to get the pain examined, and accordingly the doctor can prescribe you medications. They would prescribe pain relief medications and physiotherapy if required..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello my name is Rohan. Yesterday I fell under a car and my leg is swollen. I went to the doctor but it didn't make any difference. Please tell me how to remove leg swelling because I have an exam tomorrow

Male | 15

Swelling in your leg can occur due to the injury. It is your body's way of safeguarding itself. If the swelling does not subside, try elevated rest, ice pack application, and wear a compression bandage. These measures can help you swell less and thus, ease your pain and make your exam successful. 

Answered on 21st Aug '24

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Hi I'm a 16 yo male and I have poor posture, I used to think that I have minor kyphosis , forward neck , rounded shoulders with scapular winging for which I had consulted a orthopedic doctor he told me to do spine and chest xray, After looking at the xray he told me that my posture is not seen as a deformity and it will cause no problems THE FINDINGS IN MY XRAY REPORT ARE ~Xray report of lumbo sacral spine (ap+lat) • sacralization of lumbar vertebra noted • straightening of lumbar curvature noted • reduced disc space noted between lumbar vertebrae ~Xray report of cervical spine (ap+lat) •Mild straightening of cervical curvature noted •bilateral cervical ribs noted •impression - cervical spondylosis ..........but I think due to my posture I get injuries while heavy workout and few months before I got injured while doing wide arm push up. The injury resulted in pain in shoulders for 3 days and a lower soilder for days until I watched a video on YT how to stretch to fix ever it was gone and now Im left with uneven collar bones at the chest due to which the mobility is different in both hands. WHAT SHOULD I DO?

Male | 16

pl take some acupressure, cupping and moxa sessions
if you feel confident i would also suggest acupuncture which will give permanent cure for your problem. Take care

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi I'm Sunaina Arora Residing At Juhu Versova Link Road, I'm Suffering From Right Hip Groin Pain from last 3months, My arthritis Doctor Consult Me To Check With Orthopaedic Doctor For Hip and Joint Issue, As Seen By Pelvis Hip AP X-ray, she said their is right hip joint space reduced with sclerotic changes in Femoral head. Please Assist For The Same

Female | 32

Based on the pelvis hip AP X-ray, it shows that you mayhave reduced joint space and sclerotic changes in the femoral head. Follow up with your orthopedic doctor for further treatment. They may recommend additional MRI test, to get a more detailed look at the problem area.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am mainul afsar.I live in Chittagong, Bangladesh. How much will total hip replacement surgery cost?

Male | 37

Please 9000900937 call this number sir.... We will explain you clearly...

Answered on 23rd May '24

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