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Female | 40

Can Stomach Medicine Affect Head Injury from Fall?

I am a female, fell during loose motion & my head hit the floor, have taken some stomach medicine before that incident

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 3rd July '24

It's important to get evaluated by a neurologist or an emergency physician if you hit your head after falling. Even seemingly mild head injuries can sometimes have serious consequences, so it's best to seek medical attention promptly. They can assess for any potential concussion or head injury and provide appropriate guidance based on your symptoms and medical history.

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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1464)

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My is vomiting blood big, blood clots

Male | 40

Throwing up blood clots is concerning. It could me­an an ulcer or esophagus tear. Watch for black stool, dizzine­ss, and stomach aches. Act immediately and go to the hospital now. Your well-be­ing is vital, don't delay getting checke­d. Tests can identify the right cause so the treatment can begin as soon as possible.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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While taking potassium citrate magnesium citrate and vitamin b6 the loose motion is going so it is good to take

Male | 20

Loose motions, diarrhe­a as doctors call it, can be troublesome. Ce­rtain medicines like potassium citrate­, magnesium citrate, and vitamin B6 may cause it. The­se can upset your stomach sometime­s. To help, stay hydrated, eat mild foods. Pe­rhaps ask your pharmacist about adjusting the B6 dose or trying a different form. 

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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i am 31 year old i diagnosed with acute calcolus cholecystitis , my gall bladder stone size is 18 mm , my doctor already did key hole method to remove the stone but due to inflamation and infection around my gall bladder my doctor stop the surgery , while surgery they fine severly distended gallbladder, dense omental adhesions, pericholecystic fluid, frozen callots triangle, features suggestive of acute calcolus cholecystitis . so my doctor suggest to do the surgery after 2 month , my question is that gall bladder get rupture or is there any any life threatening issue

Female | 31

Problems with the gallbladder can be difficult. If they’re left untreated, there is a slight chance that it may burst which could be very serious. When this happens you’ll have piercing pain all over your stomach area, fever and feel weak all the time. Dealing with the infection before anything else is vital. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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From yesterday night hiccups on and off

Male | 74

Hiccups are little jumps in your body when the muscles around your chest and stomach twitch. They can arise from eating too quickly, excitement, and anxiety. Typically, they pass away on their own after a brief period. You may attempt drinking water more slowly or breathing deeply, to calm them down. If they continue for a long time and are a nuisance to you, let someone know to make sure everything is okay.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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My friend is 44 years old woman.She's bleeding for many days from anus.Now she is bleeding continuously for 2 to 3 hours and she's also having a burning sensation in stomach and she is feeling to vomit

Female | 44

Your friend might be having a serious issue like internal bleeding. The bleeding from the bottom, stomach burning, and feeling sick could mean something is wrong inside her tummy. She needs urgent medical help to figure out what's happening and get the right treatment to stop the bleeding. 

Answered on 28th May '24

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Will dorn therapy helps in curing ibs/ibd disease because am taking dorn treatment till now 12 sessions completed but no improvement.

Male | 24

Ibd and Ibs are complex conditions that involve inflammation and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal system. They require medical management and treatment approaches that are specific to these conditions. Treatment for IBD and IBS needs a combination of medication, dietary modifications, lifestyle changes, and sometimes psychological support.
While alternative therapies and complementary approaches may have their benefits it's crucial to rely on evidence based treatments for conditions as complex as Ibd and Ibs.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello, here rupa and my problem is im suffering from GERD problem how to rid from this problem ,and how many time does it take to control my acidity. What is the medicine?

Female | 30

You have GERD, where stomach acid goes back into the food pipe and causes discomfort. Symptoms of GERD include heartburn, chest pain, and a sore throat. To reduce the intensity you may use smaller quantities of food. Antacids or proton pump inhibitors also affect stomach acids, so when needed, these medications are advised to be taken. Determining the right course of action may be lengthy and difficult for you. But with your commitment and those new lifestyle changes, you may feel many improvements.

Answered on 3rd July '24

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