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Male | 26

Painful Urination After Masturbation: Solutions

I am facing painful urination as well as I am getting multiple flow of urine. Most of the time it happens after masturbation. What should I do?

1 Answer

Answered on 12th Aug '24

Urethritis is a condition whe­re the pee­ tube gets irritated. It can cause­ painful peeing. Multiple trickle­s of pee might happen too. Masturbating like­ly irritates it more. Drink lots of water. Avoid spicy foods and othe­r irritants. Give yourself a break from masturbating. Se­e if things improve. If not, you may nee­d to see a urologist. They can help furthe­r.

25 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Urology" (1173)

I have wart like sores forming inside the tip of my penis they do not cause any pain but are increasing what could be the problem

Male | 23

Wart-like sores inside penis tip are likely genital warts CAUSED by HumAN papillomavirus (HPV).. Can be sexually transmitted and rarely cause pain. Treatable but cannot be cured, may go away on its own. Get tested and treated by a doctor. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My father age 81 keeps on thinking that he has some kind of sickness all the time and I am worried about that though he has prostate problems but overall the reports are normal please advise

Male | 81

send his reports initially

Answered on 11th July '24

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I am 24 years old and having pain in my penis glans left side whenever i touch it or rub it from past few weeks my family doctor gave me some pain relief tablets but its not healing pain is still the same.

Male | 24

The discomfort felt exclusively in the glans may occur due to several conditions such as infection, inflammation, or even sensitivity. Consult a urologist for a  physical examination and suggest some specific tests that are purposed to disclose the underlying problem. Treatment of the symptoms only, as in this case, is done before the etiological investigations are concluded. Refrain from irritants and practice good hygiene to help ease the pain. 

Answered on 7th Dec '24

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I have uti i can't bear it

Female | 19

Utis are treatable.. plz consult an experienced urologist from a good hospital for diagnosis and antibiotics. Stay hydrated, use pain relievers.. and complete the antibiotic course. Seek medical help if you find severe symptoms like fever or blood in the urine.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Jum mai potty karna jata ho or jub potty ka liye pressure lagata toh peshabh nikalti hai or jub tuk potty karta hu tub tuk nikalti hai .lekin jub mai pressure lagata ho tabhi nikalti hai

Male | 18

It can happen when the muscles which are responsible for urination become weaker. During the straining to pass stool, pressure on the bladder led to the release of urine. This can be brought about by reasons such as aging, childbearing, and specific diseases. Thus, try the pelvic floor exercises, manage your fluid intake, and visit the medical doctor to get further help.

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

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What is the treatment for a person facing issue of bad sex with wife since long and struggling to make good physical relation. Issues involve are 1. inter-course less than 10 secs. 2. Male part does not have enough strength/ stiffness. It is quite loose. Kindly name my disease and advise treatment

Male | 34

I reccomend you to see a urologist for an exact diagnosis and treatment plan. The symptoms you mentioned may indicate a disease known as erectile dysfunction. There are different kinds of treatments such as medications, lifestyle modification and therapy which depend on the extent of the condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Madam, I am having a tight foreskin. During erection, foreskin can be retracted to some extent but it feels as if it will get stuck & skin will get torn. . One online doctor has advised TENOVATE GM but using it I m having slightly burning sensation .Pls help by suggesting a suitable ointment for this and kindly tell any effective measures.

Male | 22

It seems like you might have phimosis, which is a condition where the foreskin is too tight and hard to pull back. This can make erections uncomfortable and even painful. Tenovate GM might not be the best solution for this issue because it can cause burning. I suggest using a gentle moisturizer like Vaseline or a mild steroid cream like hydrocortisone. These will help to soften the skin and reduce inflammation. Make sure you apply the ointment after cleaning the area with warm water. 

Answered on 7th June '24

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