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Female | 28

Can someone die due to Myocarditis Despite No Complications During Pregnancy and Normal Development Milestones?

I am married to my second cousin. During my first pregnancy there were no complications nothing. My daughter was born with normal delivery. She was completely alright and normal baby. Completing her every milestone in time. But at 11 month of the age she got ill and the major symptoms were flu and difficulty in breathing thn she was diagnosed with MYOCARDITIS. And died after 1 week and was under treatment in AFIC (Armed Forces Institute Of Cardiology) Rawalpindi. I was pregnant at that time with my second child. My second daughter was born. She was also completely normal covering every milestone in time. She was treated in al shifa hospital throughout each and every test were clear till the 17 months of age. Thn again once in a while she suffered from same symptoms and diagnosed with MYOCARDITIS. She got treated in Al Shifa hospital Islamabad and expired at the age of 17 months.So now i need some expert advise what to do now. I am not getting any satisfactory answer from any doctor in Pakistan some are claiming it as genetics but some are arguing it can't be this because babies show no defects in any of there milestone throughout their life span. So any thing or any help regarding this is highly appreciated.

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

Myocarditis is a condition where the heart muscle is inflamed and can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or other infections. It is possible that there is a genetic component to this condition, and I would recommend consulting with a genetic specialist or a pediatric cardiologist. They may be able to provide more information about potential genetic causes and what steps can be taken to prevent it in future pregnancies. It is important to seek medical attention and advice from a experienced healthcare professional.

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Questions & Answers on "Heart" (206)

I am married to my second cousin. During my first pregnancy there were no complications nothing. My daughter was born with normal delivery. She was completely alright and normal baby. Completing her every milestone in time. But at 11 month of the age she got ill and the major symptoms were flu and difficulty in breathing thn she was diagnosed with MYOCARDITIS. And died after 1 week and was under treatment in AFIC (Armed Forces Institute Of Cardiology) Rawalpindi. I was pregnant at that time with my second child. My second daughter was born. She was also completely normal covering every milestone in time. She was treated in al shifa hospital throughout each and every test were clear till the 17 months of age. Thn again once in a while she suffered from same symptoms and diagnosed with MYOCARDITIS. She got treated in Al Shifa hospital Islamabad and expired at the age of 17 months.So now i need some expert advise what to do now. I am not getting any satisfactory answer from any doctor in Pakistan some are claiming it as genetics but some are arguing it can't be this because babies show no defects in any of there milestone throughout their life span. So any thing or any help regarding this is highly appreciated.

Female | 28

Myocarditis is a condition where the heart muscle is inflamed and can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or other infections. It is possible that there is a genetic component to this condition, and I would recommend consulting with a genetic specialist or a pediatric cardiologist. They may be able to provide more information about potential genetic causes and what steps can be taken to prevent it in future pregnancies. It is important to seek medical attention and advice from a experienced healthcare professional.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What should I do for very high cholesterol

Male | 35

If you have a level of cholesterol that is way higher than normal, a cardiologist consultation is a must sooner rather than later. They will, therefore, be able to prescribe medications as well as recommend lifestyle changes like taking a balanced diet and exercising. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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My wife aged 60 is having slow pumping of blood in the left ventricle after taking ecg, echo and angiogram etc. The functioning of the heart is 65%. As per the cardiologist advice she is taking tablets. It may kindly be advised whether the tablets will speed up the functioning of the heart of otherwise any other treatment I have to undergo. Your advice is earnestly solicited. Suggest the treatment and hospitals.

Depending on the cause of the decrease in cardiac functioning, further treatment can be advised. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am a 50 years female.. for the last 2 -3 months i am experiencing extreme exhaustion.. heart palpatation .. etc.. A day before i got my blood tests done.. it is showing My TSH is at 6.99.. ESR is also on higher side.. Pls. Advise.. what should i do

Female | 50

It is important that you see your doctor to discuss the results of your blood tests and any other symptoms you are experiencing. Your doctor can provide you with more information regarding your TSH level and what it means for your health. He/she may recommend further testing and/or a change in medications if necessary. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How can I feel better about my average heart rate? It’s beating very slowly at the moment. I’m

Male | 19

Your HEART rate may be normal for you.... Consult DOCTOR...

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I want to operate heart valve,

Female | 42

If heart valve operation is the one that you had in mind, then pay a visit to a qualified cardiologist who is an expert in heart valve surgeries. Medics give you thorough medical instructions and suggest the best treatment options that are fit for your health status.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have problem tht .some times my heart beat start running fast . I feared that I will die I become restless . It started sweating. My whole body become cold . I saw to a psychtharist who told me it panic attack . And started medicines . When a episode again came i saw a physician who did my ECG and found my pulse rate 176 he said it is PSVT . He started medicines what i do . I m very confused . What is it whom i believe . And what I do . Pls help .


Thanks for your query
"As" per your clinical history is concerned please attach your report -(CBC,ECG,TSH) to confirm diagnosis.

Hope that helps,
Dr sahoo (9937393521)

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Actuallyy i had a positive tmt test what should i do now

A positive Treadmill Test signifies the necessity to proceed cardiac evaluation. It would be wise to visit a cardiologist who can carry out further tests such as echocardiogram or coronary angiography in order to establish the root cause. The cardiologist will help you understand what happens next, providing customized and effective treatment for your heart health.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Chest pain sholder pain left side jyada rightside kam hai

Female | 28

Chest pain occurs because of issues related to the heart, lungs, muscles, bones, or even gastrointestinal system. Don't ignore severe pain or accompanying symptoms like shortness of breath or dizziness. Consult with a professional, preferably a cardiologist or general physician.. for a proper evaluation and appropriate treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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i have severe chest pain and my inner muscle contracts and forms a hole on my upper breast area but it relaxed to normal

Male | 18

You see­m to have intense che­st agony and muscle spasms creating a hole ne­ar your chest. These indications could come­ from angina, where your heart lacks blood. Re­lax, breathe dee­ply, remain calm. If pain worsens or continues, imme­diately visit the closest hospital for urge­nt care.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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