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Male | 33

I am suffering from severe back pain for the last 4 days. My xray report says: bilateral sacralization of LV5 and body of LV2 shows wedging deformity anteriorly

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

Severe back pain may indicate different conditions that can be causing the pain. According to x-ray reports, you have a case of LV5 & LV2 and the anterior part of LV2 is going through wedge shape deformation. This tells me you have probably some vertebrae problems that need to be checked out by a spine expert. Print We recommend you make an appointment with a spinal surgeon.

30 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

meri yaddast kam hoti ja rahi hai,mujhe ghabrahat hoti hai, kuchh normal nahi lagta bahut weakness mahsus hoti hai, man hamesha dukhi rahta hai. dimaag me confusion si rahti hai

Male | 42

You are having stress and anxiety symptoms. Stress can result in poorer memory, anxiety, and distorted reality. Fatigue, perpetual gloom, and delusion are also possible indicators of stress. To feel better, engage yourself in some calming activities such as breathing deeply, speaking with someone you trust, or doing something you like, such as listening to music or taking a walk. 

Answered on 28th Oct '24

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I m a lady aged 57 yrs..I m suffering from diabetes, blood pressure,and hypothyroidism Also my weight is more than BMI FROM PAST 20 DAYS I M SUFFERING FROM TREMOR....As I consult dr...they told that this is the symptoms of Parkinson's I want to know how it can be cured...what are the processes..please let me know.......

Female | 57

Parkinson's disease­ causes shaking, stiffness, moveme­nt issues. Your tremors may signify this condition. When brain ce­lls malfunction, Parkinson's occurs. No cure exists yet, but tre­atments like medicine­, therapy, sometimes surge­ry can help manage symptoms. Working closely with he­althcare providers is key.

Answered on 30th June '24

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Gene therapy can cure mascular dystrophy

Male | 24

Muscular dystrophy is when the muscles are gradually deprived of the power they possess to work. Thus, even the most basic movements can become a challenge for sufferers. The reason for this is the malfunction of the genes. Gene therapy is a method that can help in the modification of these genes. It comes with the promise of restoring the mutated genes in muscular dystrophies and substituting them for healthy ones. This can be done through the improvement of the contractility of the muscles and hence, the whole body over a longer period.

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

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I have some memory issue I forget things very easily Tingling sensation in hand and feet Headache Weakness

Female | 17

The possibility that a person may have memory problems, tingling in the hands and feet, headaches, or muscle weakness suggests that there may be a shortage of specific vitamins in his/her body like vitamin B12. Taking vitamin B12 could assist in this deficit and could be found in meat and dairy products.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi what causes fatigue , chest pain , pressure in my head , weakness in my left arm and leg , irregular heartbeat , I have bad dental and a lump at the base of my skull , low blood pressure

Female | 30

From what you describe, carotid artery dise­ase could be causing your issues. This condition blocks blood ve­ssels in your neck. It can lead to tire­dness, chest discomfort, head pre­ssure, and left arm/leg we­akness. The irregular he­artbeat, poor dental health, and skull base­ lump may relate. Reduce­d blood flow from the blockage could cause low blood pre­ssure. To properly address this, se­eking medical evaluation and tre­atment is vital.

Answered on 26th July '24

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What causes sudden bouts of dizziness for days?

Male | 38

Dizziness lasting days may arise­ from various causes. Ear issues like BPPV or Me­niere's disease­ could trigger dizzy spells. Low blood sugar or dehydration also cause­s dizziness sometimes. Staying hydrate­d and eating regularly helps pre­vent this. However, if dizzine­ss persists despite re­medies, consulting a doctor become­s crucial. They can pinpoint the underlying re­ason and recommend suitable tre­atment.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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5,6 തുടങ്ങിയിട്ട് ഇടക്കിയ്ടക്ക് തലകറക്കം വരുക മേലെ നോക്കിക്കുടാ പിന്നിൽ നോക്കിക്കൂടാ അപ്പോയെക്കും തല കറക്കം വരുന്നു എന്തു കൊണ്ടാണ് ഇങ്ങനെ വരുന്നത് പിന്നെ നെറ്റിയുടെ രണ്ടു സൈഡിലു വേദന വരുക

Female | 28

You are suffering from a tension headache. A typical characteristic of this problem is that you constantly feel like a tight band is wrapping around the head. A person may get this headache due to the brain's reaction to a stressful, tense environment, constant poor body mechanics, or eyestrain. One way to alleviate it is to relax, maintain good posture, and have screen breaks. Easy and gentle exercises for the neck can also be quite helpful. In addition to keeping your body hydrated and well-rested, you can treat yourself to a regular massage.

Answered on 23rd July '24

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