Female | 21
I have been experiencing severe chest pain and already did an echocardiogram and nothing was found.

Surgical Gastroenterologist
Answered on 23rd May '24
There can be various causes of chest pain that are unrelated to the heart. an echocardiogram can rule out certain heart-related issues but still its imp to further examine your case.
There can be various causes of a chest pain like musculoskeletal issues (such as muscle strain or inflammation), gastrointestinal problems (such as acid reflux or gastritis), anxiety or panic attacks, respiratory conditions, or even issues with the esophagus. Check with a gastroenterologist.
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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1467)
I have constant gas every night in my belly for the last 3 years and recently my gas has been stuck beside my belly button.
Female | 36
Your belly feels gassy, right around the navel. That bloated sensation stings. Gas frequently results from meals being improperly digested. Rapid eating, chewing gum, carbonated beverages - these worsen it. Slow down while eating, avoid gas-causing foods, and hydrate well. If issues persist, consulting a gastroenterologist provides expert guidance.
Answered on 24th July '24
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I am 37 year old woman and have abdominal pain, for this I took too much medicine but it is still painful sir what should I do now?
Female | 37
Abdominal pains may be caused by increased gas, indigestion, or infections. Please drink enough water and eat light, easily digestible food. Go see a gastroentrologist if the pain is bad or lasts a while for a proper diagnosis as well as treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Please I need prescription for bloated stomach
Female | 25
I cannot prescribe medicines without proper evaluation. Please consult a gastroenterologist or a general physician. Although you can try some home remedies that can help. Eat smaller, more frequent meals, drink more water, reduce intake of gas-producing foods, do regular physical activities. hope this helps..
Answered on 23rd May '24
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online Doctor Dashboard / My Health Queries / Query Thread Query Thread Answered Your Query8 hours ago Consulted for: Mr.HARSHA K N (Myself) , Age: 22, Gender: Male Hello, I am Harsha K N In december 14th 2023, I got admitted for frequent bowel movements with mucus for whole night. I got colonoscopy done on 15th dec in which they indicated it as "Ulcerative Proctosigmoiditis" and they had suggested mesacol OD and SR fil enema . In the 3rd follow up on 21st march 2024, they did a sigmoidoscopy and there it was said as "ulcers in rectosigmoid are 75% healed and in rectum it has healed completely, and also in the indication they have mentioned as "healing SRUS". So i got a bit confused about my condtion that it is' ulcerative colitis' or 'SRUS'. And also it would be helpful if got an explanation of difference between UC and SRUS because i could not be able to find out.
Male | 22
UC and SRUS have some things that are the same, but they are a bit different. UC impacts your big intestine, making it red and sore. You may get loose poop, belly pain, and blood in your poop. SRUS often causes bleeding from your rear end, gooey discharge, and trouble controlling your poop. Meds that reduce redness help with UC, while SRUS may need food with lots of fiber and poop softeners.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My mother is having systemic sclerosis she is prescribed mycophenolalate mofitel 1000mg twice a day from last week the dose is increased to 1500mg twice a day from last week after 1500mg she is having diarrhea how to control it
Female | 41
Mycophenolate mofetil overdose might lead to diarrhea. It is one of the usual adverse effects. This can give rise to loose, watery stools and stomach upset. To lessen it, try to keep the fluid intake at a high level and eat small, light meals. If diarrhea is still there, notify it to a gastroenterologist. They may change the medicine or prescribe a drug to control the situation.
Answered on 11th Nov '24
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Two months before I was suffering from rectum pain and some time pain genital after urination but now I have noticed rectum pain after 2-3 of masterbution which remains 2-3 days
Male | 24
If you’re feeling soreness in your anus and genital region following sexual release or peeing, it could mean that you have an urinary or reproductive system problem such as infection or inflammation. For the best results, see your doctor for a checkup. Meanwhile, take lots of water, avoid spices and try sitting in warm bath to relieve the pain.
Answered on 30th May '24
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These are the symptoms: *Sweating *Chills *Dehydration *Pains in the chest - using clopidogrel tablet & Omeprazole *General weakness of the body *Loss of appetite And I get this discomfort that disturbs me a lot.
Male | 31
Clopidogrel and Omeprazole may cause unwanted effects. You might sweat a lot. Getting the chills could happen. Dehydration is possible too. Chest pains may occur. Weakness and loss of appetite are common side effects of these drugs. To improve your condition, drink lots of water. Stay hydrated. Take it easy and rest. Eat small portions of light foods. If symptoms persist or intensify, contact a gastroenterologist immediately.
Answered on 13th Aug '24
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I 37 years of age. I wanted to ask, i usually experience motion sickness when i travel. So i do take meds to ease up the nausea. Last week i went to get my normal meds over the counter coz am to travel next week. The pharmasist adviced me i take dulcolax 5mg a day or 2 before i travel to clean out my bowels as he said it will reduce the nausea. Please advice coz i dont want to take the medicine and it ends up interfering with my trip. I also have a case of haemorrhoids so
Female | 37
Motion sickness can be defined as nausea and dizziness when one travels. The phenomenon can be caused by the confusion in the brain between the signals sent. Motion sickness meds are usually taken. However, Dulcolax is a laxative intended to be used for constipation treatment, not motion sickness. It may result in cramping and diarrhea. It is crucial to refrain from any other drugs and consult a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 5th Aug '24
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Digestive system new plastic etiology
Female | 76
Symptoms such as the feeling of fullness, flatulence, or the fact that your bowels are not working as they normally do can be caused by various reasons: diet, tension, and infections. Gradually, simple changes in diet, drinking enough water, and stress control will help in dealing with these problems. A gastroenterologist may give you a comprehensive evaluation and personalized advice to manage your condition.
Answered on 13th Dec '24
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should I be having liver pain between 10 and 15 years after my gallbladder removal? it is intermittent in frequency, but when it happens, it is excruciating enough that I have to pull the car over and it has caused me to call off work. But when it does happen, it may only last for an hour, and it leaves as quickly as it came on. Is there something else going on with my liver or is this from my gallbladder removal?
Male | 38
Experiencing liver pain years after gallbladder removal isn't typical. Post-cholecystectomy syndrome might cause it, where fatty foods bring pain, bloating, or nausea. However, your severe, intermittent pain suggests another liver issue like gallstones or inflammation. Consult a gastroenterologist for proper evaluation and treatment.
Answered on 24th Sept '24
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Acidity problem hoche gesher bori ba tonik kheye valo hoyechi kintu purota noi ekhono buk jala hoche majhe majhe kof utche rogao hoye jachi,doctor bolechilo vitaminer ovabe hote pare kintu kon vitamin ba kivabe valo hobo bole dile valo hoto prochur problem hoche
Female | 22
You have the symptoms of acidity and chest burning sometimes, as well as a cough. These signs are possible indicators of acid reflux. Eating a lot of spicy or oily food may cause this. You can start to avoid such foods and eat smaller meals more frequently. Drinking lots of water can also be beneficial. Vitamin supplements may not help this directly, but eating a balanced diet can enhance your general health.
Answered on 30th Sept '24
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I have stomach pain after a two day water fast it comes and goes. It can start up if I lay down on my left side.
Male | 26
Gastritis, an irritation of the stomach lining, seems likely. Fasting may have contributed to this issue. The pain is usually a dull ache that comes and goes. Lying on your left side might worsen it because of your stomach's position. To manage this, try eating small, frequent meals for a while. Avoid spicy or acidic foods for a few days. If the pain continues, consult a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 3rd Sept '24
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I am having a stomach ache since one year. Symptoms are - gas , vomiting feeling, appetite losing, headache, and nothing else . I have done many examination and test and fortunately all are okay and good. So how can i cure this stomach ache permanently?
Female | 14
Stress or certain foods may cause stomach issues. Try tracking what you eat to pinpoint problem foods. Relaxation techniques like deep breaths, meditation, or gentle exercise could help reduce stress. Eat smaller meals more often, and drink plenty of fluids. However, if symptoms worsen or persist, consult a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I haven't pass poop for 4 days now. I've tried laxative and stool softener suppository to make it out but it doesn't work. What should I do?
Male | 25
Please seek medical attention consider a gastroenterologist. Also you should increase your fiber intake, stay hydrated, and engage in physical activity it may help relieve constipation, but it's important to consult with a for proper evaluation and guidance. Few tests/examinations can help determine the exact issue.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Suppose there is a foreign body like a small fish bone or chicken bone which got stuck in small bowel or has perforated small bowel and entered peritoneal cavity. As we know upper endoscopy and colonoscopy cant reach small bowel then how do we diagnose such small object and which imaging would be the best for diagnosis?
Male | 22
In case you accidentally swallow a fish bone or a chicken bone and it gets stuck in your small bowel or pokes a hole, it can cause serious problems. These conditions can be the cause of symptoms like strong abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and fever. To diagnose this, a CT scan of the abdomen is the best imaging test. It is capable of revealing if there's a foreign object or a hole in the bowel. When this occurs, surgery may be necessary to remove the object and fix the bowel. Don't wait if you have these symptoms, visit a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 10th Oct '24
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There are weird sounds coming from my stomach. I sometimes feel vibrations lower my stomach. I am having gas from sometime. I feel like suddenly going to toilet many times in a day sometimes after eating food.
Male | 15
It is possible that you have gastrointestinal disease. It is advisable to see a gastroenterologist for proper diagnosis and management. Digestive illnesses may manifest in sounds from the stomach, vibrations of abdominal muscles, gas and frequent need to go to the toilet. A gastroenterologist will be able to make the proper diagnosis and treatment plan.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I m suffering from Lax LES III. What is the best treatment?
Male | 40
The valve separating your food pipe from your stomach isn't functioning properly, causing Lax LES III. This lets acid goes up your esophagus, leading to heartburn and reflux. You may experience chest pain, trouble swallowing, or feel something stuck in the throat. Being overweight, smoking and certain foods can trigger it. Making some lifestyle adjustments like eating smaller meals helps treat it. Taking medications or surgery may also provide relief. Visit a gastroenterologist for further treatment.
Answered on 1st Aug '24
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I’m 21 I had a beer a Long Island alcoholic drink and a slurpee alcoholic drink and after 12 hours I took exedrin 250mg of acetaminophen will I be okay?
Male | 21
Pairing up acetaminophen and alcohol can have dire consequences, you know. Such a combination might hinder the body's processing of acetaminophen. Eventually, you may end up suffering from liver complications, thanks to alcohol. Puking, headaches, and stomach pains are what you should watch out for if you suspect an overdose.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have fatty liver and my gamma is 150U/I and i have fever from about 6 days i am suffering from pain in stomach and tummy and now my stool color is green what should i do ?
Male | 32
You have informed me that your high gamma level together with the fatty liver, fever, stomach pain, and green stool color can be a sign of a liver-related issue. This could be a result of a malfunctioning liver. The best approach is to have plenty of rest, consume ample water, and avoid spicy or fatty foods. See a gastroenterologist as soon as possible for further evaluation and treatment.
Answered on 30th Nov '24
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I have done blood test (LFT), below are the results. Can you please comment something on below result. Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/SGOT) result is 38. Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT/SGPT) result is 67. Alkaline Phosphatase result is 166.
Male | 30
Your liver looks a little stressed. The ALT level is high, which shows possible liver damage. The Alkaline Phosphatase is also elevated. Causes could be alcohol, fatty liver, or medication side effects. Eat healthy foods. Avoid drinking alcohol. See a gastroenterologist for more tests.
Answered on 5th Sept '24
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