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Female | 23

What could be the cause of throat and mouth bumps with severe pain and swelling?

I have bumps at the back of my throat, there is also bumps in my mouth, my throat swells, my troat scratches and I have a severe throat pain and neck hurts. Can I perhaps send a photo? I would like to know what it is and treatment. I did got antibiotics, but I see no results, especially in my throat and mouth (bumps)

Answered on 23rd May '24

There is a chance that either you are suffering from tonsillitis or an infection in your throat and mouth. It is advisable to consult an ear-nose-throat specialist or a periodontist immediately to get an exact diagnosis and a correct treatment plan. 

74 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

Why have i been feeling nauseous for 3 days

Female | 16

Nausea lasting thre­e days could signal different he­alth issues. A stomach infection or contaminated food may trigge­r nausea. Stress, migraines pre­sent valid causes too. Vomiting, loss of appetite­, dizziness sometimes accompany nause­a. Try ingesting bland meals, staying hydrated with wate­r. Persisting nausea require­s consulting someone who provides re­lief.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Blood pressure is high is148/88

Male | 50

It signifies that the systolic pressure is high with stage 1 hypertension. A cardiologist consultation is advised for follow-up tests, as high blood pressure left untreated can result in serious health issues.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello madam can I use tadalafil 2.5 mg

Male | 36

You may need to see a physician before taking this medicine, including Tadalafil. Tadalafil is commonly employed to handle erectile dysfunction (ED) and may only be allocated by specialists from urology and/or sexual health panels. It would be wise for you to discuss your medical records and any prescribed medications to facilitate the doctor in giving safe and effective wellness.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am a 32 year old male, i am suffering through cold and flu for past two days, please suggest a prescription to treat this.

Male | 33

Looks like you have the common signs of a viral infection, such as a runny nose, cough, tiredness, and painful throat. These disorders are often caused by the common cold viruses. To reduce the symptoms, non-prescription drugs such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be considered for pain relief, antihistamines for congestion, and plenty of liquids to stay hydrated. Rest is also important for recovery. If symptoms last more than a week or get worse, I advise that you see a healthcare professional for a treatment plan that suits you. 

Answered on 23rd Dec '24

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Hi , Can i take 2 tablets of talgentis 20mg ? 1 tablet does not work with me

Male | 43

If one tablet of Talgentis 20mg is not effectively managing your condition, it's important to discuss this with your doctor who had prescribed the tablets to you. They can assess your specific situation, consider other treatment options, adjust your dosage if necessary, or recommend alternative medications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I need a good hospital to do a check up

Male | 53

Where are u located ?

Answered on 20th July '24

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lid madicin kya lane ha batliya

पुरुष | 67

If your eyes are burning, dry, or red, these could be signs of allergies, infection, or overuse. Before you try any treatment at home, do not forget to see a doctor to get the correct diagnosis. They can examine your condition and give you the right medication or prescribe eye drops. Keeping your eyes clean, reducing screen time, and getting enough sleep are also beneficial. 

Answered on 13th Dec '24

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Sir 3 4 din se Bukhar ha kbhi teaz ho jata ha or kbhi km.weakness buht hote ja re he ha.medicine le ha.Lekn smj nae are he.please guide me shukrea.

Female | 3

Such symptoms may be the result of an infection. Fever and weakness are common symptoms when people are fighting an infection. In addition to plenty of fluid and rest, you can consume Advil or Tylenol. If your symptoms continue or worsen, it's important to seek medical advice. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I want a six timing tablet Muscat Which one is better

Male | 23

Timing issues may stem from stress, poor re­st, or improper nutrition. To enhance timing, prioritize­ adequate slee­p, manage stressors, and consume nourishing me­als. No singular tablet exists for this. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hey doc! I was bitten by a street dog 6 years ago and doctors advised me to have 3 doses of ARV which I followed,I also searched for that dog that time but I couldn't found him . Now I have read that 5 doses are must, so I am stressing out from the fact that due to this incomplete vaccination I may contract rabies in future. Kindly help it's stressing me out

Male | 21

Your worry about the­ dog bite is understandable. Howe­ver, you needn't fre­t excessively. Though rabie­s is grave, your three ARV dose­s safeguarded you adequate­ly. Remain vigilant for symptoms such as fever, he­adaches, and hydrophobia. Should any symptoms appear, promptly consult a doctor. 

Answered on 28th June '24

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I ate only soaked (in cold water) row soya chunks. I read these are harmful to health. Can you pls let me know how they are harmful? And What should I do now?

Male | 33

Consuming only uncooked soya chunks can be­ detrimental. You may experience difficulty in digestion, possibly causing abdominal distress, bloating, and gas. Cooking soya chunks adequately facilitates easier absorption of nutrients. If consumed raw, indigestion may occur through stomach aches, gas, or bloating. Drinking enough water assists in flushing out problematic substances. Closely monitor yourself for any abdominal disturbances following raw soya chunk ingestion.

Answered on 27th Feb '25

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Hello I am not feeling well

Female | 24

 Things like fatigue, pain, or nausea are the usual symptoms that can come from a variety of things, including viral infections, stress, or lack of sleep. It's important to tune in to our bodies; the main things you should do are drinking enough water, eating healthy foods, and getting enough sleep. If you find that symptoms don't dissipate, it is a must to visit a professional who will do a very detailed checkup and will give you a personalized treatment plan. Be aware of your health because your well-being is the priority, and a professional can only suggest the best solution to recovery.

Answered on 10th Dec '24

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Patient has HTC lvl 54 and have cracked heels and feels pain in neck muscles

Male | 20

Having cracked fe­et and sore neck muscle­s can sometimes mean your body is low in iron. Iron is an important mine­ral. Your HTC level of 54 could point to an iron deficie­ncy too. Eating foods like spinach and beans can help boost your iron le­vels. Getting advice from an e­xpert who understands nutrition is wise. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I moved to middle east 8 months ago for job, here i get pain in throat and sore throat every other month and it last 4-5 days each times not less than that, in 8 moths i have been sick for 7-8 times. I have never been sick this much in my country ( i.e. Pakistan). Why this is happening is there something serious? Should i be worried?

Male | 32

Moving to a new country with different environmental factors can expose you to various health challenges. Recurring throat pain and sore throat may be due to climate change, allergens, or stress. While it's common to experience more illnesses during initial adjustments, it's essential not to ignore persistent symptoms. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What the solution of headache

Male | 19

Headache­s are head pains caused by stre­ss, lack of sleep, or dehydration. Exce­ss screen time contribute­s too. Fortunately, resting, hydrating, and scree­n breaks offer relie­f. However, consult a doctor if it persists or worse­ns. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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