Male | 23
Is persistent memory loss after head injury normal?
I met with a head injury and suffered inter parenchymal bleeding and after being 2 months now m still suffering from memory loss not remembering the incident also which led me to this brain injury

Answered on 25th May '24
Memory loss after intraparenchymal bleeding might occur because of harm to the brain. Failing to recall the accident that caused the injury and having problems remembering recent happenings or learning new things are among the most common symptoms. The best thing to do would be to get as much rest as you can and follow any advice given by your neurologist.
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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)
Since last 3 months i have been experiencing memory loss,weakness in legs and arms,blurry vision,maybe ear pain recently,wanting to urinate a lot since last few days,personality changes,increased heart beat since yesterday please tell if it's a serious issue or not and what is it?
Male | 21
The combination of symptoms you've described, such as cognitive changes, weakness, blurred vision, and changes in bladder habits, could be related to various conditions, including neurological or metabolic issues. It's essential to seek a thorough evaluation from a neurologist who can provide appropriate tests and diagnosis.
Answered on 14th Feb '25
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Does levonorgestrel effective if I'm under epilepsy medication
Female | 22
Levonorgestrel is generally effective, even if someone is taking medication for epilepsy. However, you need to be aware that some anticonvulsants can influence hormones and, as a result, make contraceptives less effective. Warning signs include unexpected bleeding or changes in the menstrual cycle. The best way to ensure that you are fully protected is to discuss your situation with a neurologist too. They may propose other methods or additional protection that matches your special requirements.
Answered on 24th Dec '24
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My body twitchs and also shakes from inside whenever I'm relaxed and I feel pains at the back of my head that doesn't allow me sleepn
Male | 26
Experiencing internal shaking and discomfort in your head can be distressing. These symptoms may stem from muscle tension, stress, or even anxiety. It's essential to explore relaxation techniques like deep breathing or gentle stretching. Additionally, ensuring a good sleep environment can help improve your rest. However, persistent pain and discomfort deserve professional evaluation to rule out any underlying issues. I encourage you to schedule an appointment with a neurologist to discuss your symptoms comprehensively. They can offer tailored advice and treatment options to support your well-being.
Answered on 21st Mar '25
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Dear Doctor, I'm reaching out because I'm concerned about my health I experience: - Constant headaches with a throbbing, knocking pain - Pain above, behind, under, and around my eyes - Bloody spit when I wake up in the morning - Facial pain - Pain behind my neck - Constant tiredness - Random struggles with finding the right words to say - Dizziness when standing up, similar to when I start up too fast I'm worried about what might be causing these symptoms, and I'd greatly appreciate any guidance or advice you can offer. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Female | 18
Your symptoms, including persistent headaches, facial discomfort, and fatigue, could stem from several conditions, such as sinus issues, tension headaches, or even dehydration. The blood in saliva may indicate an underlying issue that warrants further evaluation. I strongly recommend scheduling an appointment with a healthcare professional. They can perform a thorough examination and possibly recommend tests to identify the root cause. In the meantime, ensure you stay well-hydrated, rest adequately, and note any additional changes in your symptoms.
Answered on 21st Jan '25
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Hello, I underwent an anterior discectomy five months ago to address a disc herniation at the C6-C7 level. Initially, only my left hand was affected, but recently, both hands have been experiencing pain and soreness, I mean all the symptoms that had before surger came back again on both hands.
Male | 28
The point to notice is that the symptoms may return even if the surgery is successful. It is strongly recommended that you contact your neurosurgeon's office or orthopedic spine clinic to uncover the title source of your bilateral hand symptoms.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My mother had a stroke on her right side a week ago Tuesday , she was still talking , memory was intact . After been Zyprexa, Antivan was administered by a nurse. She couldn't talk nor open eyes Thursday morning. Saturday she started responding but after given dextrose she was not responding no more. Nor able to move her right arm due to a blood clot from IV ...what is wrong with my mother
Female | 63
It seems that your mother experienced a stroke on her right side, which initially affected her ability to talk but left her memory intact. It's possible that the administration of Zyprexa (an antipsychotic medication) and Ativan (a sedative) may have been done to manage symptoms related to the stroke, such as agitation or anxiety.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Dear Sir, Below i am sending my father MRI report, kindly guide me. MRI REPORT – BRAIN WITH CONTRAST TECHNIQUE: T1W Sagittal, DWI - b1000, ADC, GRE T2W FS Axial, MR Angiogram, FLAIR Axial & Coronal Post contrast images after administration of 5 ml of gadolinium contrast. OBSERVATION: The study reveals an intrasellar mass lesion, with enlargement of the right half of the anterior pituitary gland, extending to the suprasellar cistern. The mass lesion is predominantly isointense to gray matter on T1-weighted images. On T2-weighted images the mass is predominantly isointense to gray matter with internal areas of T2 hyperintensity suggestive of ?necrosis/cystic change. Dynamic postcontrast images revealed decreased/delayed enhancement of the mass lesion as compared to the rest of the pituitary gland. The mass lesion measures 1.2 AP x 1.6 TR x 1.6 SI cm. Superiorly the mass displaces the infundibulum to the left side. A clear CSF plane of cleavage is seen between the superior aspect of the mass lesion and the optic chasm. No significant parasellar extension of the mass lesion is seen. The cavernous segment of both internal carotid arteries show normal flow void. The mass causes mild thinning of the floor of the sella turcica, with slight bulge toward the roof of the sphenoid sinus. MR findings likely represent pituitary adenoma. Confluent and discrete areas of T2/flair hyperintensity are seen in bilateral supratentorial periventricular and subcortical deep white matter, likely representing nonspecific ischemic changes with a combination of leukoariosis, microvascular ischemic changes, lacunar infarcts and prominent perivascular spaces. Basal ganglia and thalami are normal. Midbrain, pons and medulla are normal in signal intensity. The cerebellum appears normal. Bilateral CP angle cisterns are normal. The ventricular system and subarachnoid spaces are normal. No significant midline shift is seen. The cranio-cervical junction is normal. Post-contrast images reveal no other abnormal enhancing pathology. Bilateral maxillary sinus polyps are noted.
Male | 70
THE MRI SHOWS a mass lesion in the pituitary gland. It measures 1.2x1.6x1.6 cm and causes mild thinning of the sella turcica floor . Post-contrast images reveal delayed enhancement of the mass, suggesting PITUITARY ADENOMA.. Bilateral maxillary sinus polyps are noted . ISCHEMIC CHANGES with leukoariosis, microvascular ischemia, lacunar infarcts, and perivascular spaces are present .. Basal ganglia, thalami, and brainstem are normal ..For detailed discussion and treatment plan need to visit a neurosurgeon.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I’ve had a headache for the past five days. Usually behind the eyes and sometimes a stabbing pain behind the head.
Male | 19
This is a common type called a tension headache. These types of headaches can cause pain behind your eyes. They can also make you feel a stabbing pain at the back of your head. Stress, bad posture, or lack of sleep often cause them. Try to relax and drink lots of water. Do some easy neck stretches too. If the headaches keep happening, talk to a doctor.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Patient got fever at first, in local hospital it was diagnosed as typhoid and she took treatment for 2 weeks then she was feeling good . Then after 3 days she again started vomiting and not able to drink aswell , so she was admitted to city hospital but nothing happened , they suggested neurologist visit. The neurologist did MRI and meanwhile she was loosing her eye sight gradually . Neurologist suggested to immediately move to bigger hospital , on the same night patient was admitted to jipmer multi-speciality hospital (Govt owned). From then last 25 days they are doing multiple tests for MS, NMOSD, AUTOIMMUNE, SPINAL ,EYE ,BLOOD,MRI. But all the reports are coming as negative nothing is diagnosed, meanwhile they are providing treatment like plasma therapy and patient totally lost vision, speech, mobility. Not sure what to do , can someone help us with further directions.
Female | 21
The person who lost vision, speech, and mobility is not positive news. Given the negative reports so far, it's clear that we have other plans in mind. Rare conditions also are a factor that needs to be considered. This included Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) or any other rare unknown, and often under-reported neurological disorders that might be the cause of these symptoms. Discuss these issues with a neurologist for the best treatment.
Answered on 12th July '24
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Hi . I have doubts that may i have brain Tumor . So i have so much headaches and weaknesses all the time but especially once in a month pain becomes really serious. Pain in forehead and back side of head area with weakness low blood pressure and high temperature and also pain in knees and eyes . Once was a case that i lose mind
Female | 19
See a neurologist right away for all the symptoms you have mentioned. These could be caused by a brain tumor or other serious conditions. Need physical checkup to give proper diagnosis.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My name is Anurag Kumar age 30. For the last 4 months, every month between 15th to 20th, I am having very high fever till 102-103. On taking medicines, I am getting relief from fever, then it has also increased again, sir, I am having severe pain. The fever is still on medicine but the headache is not reducing, the fever is also getting filled with walking.
Male | 30
You might have recurrent fever together with a terrible headache. This could be the case for many reasons for example infections or inflammatory conditions. It's necessary to consult a neurologist to establish the very cause. In the meantime, drink lots of fluids, get lots of sleep, and try to avoid exercise.
Answered on 18th Sept '24
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Hello my grandfather had a paralyse on left arm and left leg 6 years ago. For this years was good, only arm and leg has difficulty to move.yesterday he has a blood pressure was 20, and couldn’t move.Now is in his bed and just stays with close eyes. We speak to him and he just open the eyes and didn’t speak since yesterday. One doctor said that he may have Covid and is ranked. I am worried about this
Male | 80
A sudden drop in blood pressure, especially to a level as low as 20, is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention. It can lead to less blood flow to vital organs, including the brain, and result in symptoms such as loss of consciousness and difficulty moving. These are serious symptoms pls don't ignore those. Your neurologist and their hospital team can guide you with treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have been having persistent headache for about a month accompanied with double vision. Why is this?
Male | 15
Headache of long duration combined with double vision might be a symptom of a brain tumor or a ruptured aneurysm.I recommend that you visit a neurologist at your earliest convenience. It needs precise diagnose and treatment
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have a huge headache all the time
Male | 30
You're dealing with a persistent headache, which can be tough to endure. Common causes include stress, dehydration, or lack of sleep. It might also stem from eye strain or tension in your neck and shoulders. To help, try drinking more water, getting enough rest, and practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or gentle stretching. If the headache persists, consider consulting a neurologist for further evaluation.
Answered on 28th Oct '24
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I am 62 years old. i m parkinson patient hand compon body works प्रोसेसेस slow
Male | 62
If you're noticing symptoms of Parkinson's disease, it might indicate you're experiencing it. The disease can cause slow movement in the hands and other body parts due to malfunctioning brain cells that control movement. Medications and physical therapies like exercises can help manage these symptoms. It's important to consult a neurologist for the best advice.
Answered on 23rd Sept '24
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Bell's pasly treatment suffering since last 2 months
Male | 28
Bell’s palsy is a disease that affects the facial muscles on one side of the face. It is believed that the exact cause of BVD is a viral infection. In some cases, the treatment options may differ based on how serious the condition is and it is recommended that one should seek medical attention from a neurologist or an ENT specialist as quickly as possible.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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What causes suddenly dizziness and visions blur
Male | 19
This might happen because your blood pressure suddenly falls, you are dehydrated, or your blood sugar has dropped. Apart from this, this may also come from inner ear problems or a change in the prescription of your eyes. Continuously, ensure to drink plenty of water, have meals regularly, and if it continues, see a physician.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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In 2016 I felt on my back of my head and I had a injury I didn't go to the hospital I was just treates home and I was healed from there I lived a normal life until 2022 I started experiencing headache problems which was paining on my back of the Head the carenial part the same part I had a injury on from 2022 until now I have been having headache problems in addition to that I also experience difficult in speaking, and heart burn
Male | 19
You might experience some side effects from your old head injury. Back-of-head aches and talking troubles could relate to it. The heartburn may differ yet matter too. Many causes bring headaches, like injuries in the head area. Speaking difficulty could link to brain functions. Heartburn could connect to stomach matters. The best step is to see a neurologist for a full evaluation and treatment planning.
Answered on 27th Aug '24
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I've been suffering from chronic headaches for nearly 10 years, and I've been taking Vasograin daily to manage the pain. If I don't take the medicine, the headache starts again, and it happens every day.Why is it happening ?
Female | 38
You are possibly having a kind of headache referred to as a "medication overuse headache." The condition may arise if you are too dependent on medications such as Vasograin which brings about pain relief. The medicine is responsible for daily headaches that return if not taken. The method is to use Vasograin less frequently and under medical supervision. This way, the cycle of overuse will be interrupted, and the treatment of your headaches will be more efficient.
Answered on 10th Sept '24
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My daughter is suffering cerebral disrhythmia? How can this problem cure?
Female | 1
Based on your description, your daughter might have a condition called cerebral dysrhythmia. This means her brain may not be communicating properly due to disrupted electrochemical signals. Symptoms can include headaches, dizziness, and difficulty concentrating. These issues could be caused by a brain injury, infection, or another underlying problem. The treatment will depend on the exact cause. It is essential to consult a neurologist or another specialist for a proper diagnosis and to determine the best treatment to help your daughter recover.
Answered on 22nd Nov '24
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