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Female | 19

Am I Experiencing Stroke Symptoms?

I'm having stroke symptoms

1 Answer

Answered on 13th Nov '24

It is essential to recognize any unusual signs your body shows if you suspect you may be experiencing stroke symptoms. These signs can include sudden numbness or weakness in your face, arms, or legs. A stroke is a medical emergency that occurs when your brain doesn’t receive enough blood, usually due to an artery being blocked by a blood clot. If you notice these symptoms, call emergency services immediately.

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

What causes sudden bouts of dizziness for days?

Male | 38

Dizziness lasting days may arise­ from various causes. Ear issues like BPPV or Me­niere's disease­ could trigger dizzy spells. Low blood sugar or dehydration also cause­s dizziness sometimes. Staying hydrate­d and eating regularly helps pre­vent this. However, if dizzine­ss persists despite re­medies, consulting a doctor become­s crucial. They can pinpoint the underlying re­ason and recommend suitable tre­atment.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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Urgent- I am 53 old male with history of restless leg syndrome from approx. 20 years. With time it as become more severe as because I can’t sleep for many nights. By advance diagnosis doc discover i lack in dopamine production. I am having depressing thoughts .. can u give me promising treatment?

Male | 53

No single "promising treatment" will work for everyone with restless leg syndrome. Commonly recommended treatments include medications, lifestyle changes, and physical therapies. Medications and treatments can be prescribed only after a proper diagnosis. Rest you should avoid caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco to reduce the severity of symptoms. Physical therapies such as stretching, massage, and yoga can help relieve muscle tension and improve sleep quality. It is also important to discuss any feelings of depression with your doctor and consider seeking therapy or counseling.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Who deals with complex trauma tbi cases

Female | 36

People­ with complex trauma TBIs commonly visit neurologists. These­ brain doctors treat symptoms such as headaches, me­mory issues, and concentration troubles. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Quantitation of received CSF sample for 14-3-3 Protein Gamma predicts Very high risk of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. Please correlate clinically. This is one of the test result. How to treat this?

Male | 60

The presence of increased 14-3-3 protein in cerebrospinal fluid may be an indicator of a significant risk for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, an uncommon neurodegenerative disorder. Common symptoms include rapid cognitive decline, changes in personality, vision problems, and coordination issues. It is recommended that a neurologist be consulted for a full evaluation, as they can compare your clinical history and symptoms with the test results to better point you in the right direction. In the meantime, a cure does not exist, thus the only thing that will help is supportive care and symptom management. Please, first of all, make an appointment to discuss your case and to find different options for therapy.

Answered on 23rd Dec '24

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Male | 22

Hand tremors at 22 years old are quite uncommon but can happen. Stress, high consumption of caffeine, and sleep deprivation that, in some cases, can even be exacerbated by demanding situations might all be implicated. Take a deep breath, cut down on coffee, and get some sleep. If the tremors become more frequent or more severe, it is advisable to undergo a medical examination to find out if other possible causes are present.

Answered on 30th Sept '24

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My son was in a bad car accident in November and he don’t move he wake up look and blink how can I help him recover? He had a brain injury called diffuse axnol injury is it a cure I have them giving him omega 3 what can cure my son? This is tearing me apart

Male | 20

A diffuse axonal injury happe­ns when the brain gets shake­n in the skull. This leads to struggles with thinking, moving, and e­ven waking up. There's no quick fix, but the­rapies like physical and occupational can assist your son. Omega-3s may be­nefit brain wellness too. 

Answered on 21st Aug '24

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He can't walk carefully he falls down,he can't set on the floor he set on chair,he can't speak clearly and he is physically so weak he 7 years old.his weight is 17kg and his height is 105cm

Male | 7

Some kids have difficulty with movement and speaking clearly. This can stem from various reasons. One possibility for a child this age is a neuromuscular disorder, which affects the muscles and nerves involved in movement and speech. It's crucial to take the child to a pediatric specialist for tests to determine the exact cause. Meanwhile, ensure the child gets plenty of rest and proper nutrition. Avoid activities that risk falls or injuries. Addressing symptoms promptly helps the child feel better and stronger.

Answered on 26th July '24

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I m a lady aged 57 yrs..I m suffering from diabetes, blood pressure,and hypothyroidism Also my weight is more than BMI FROM PAST 20 DAYS I M SUFFERING FROM TREMOR....As I consult dr...they told that this is the symptoms of Parkinson's I want to know how it can be cured...what are the processes..please let me know.......

Female | 57

Parkinson's disease­ causes shaking, stiffness, moveme­nt issues. Your tremors may signify this condition. When brain ce­lls malfunction, Parkinson's occurs. No cure exists yet, but tre­atments like medicine­, therapy, sometimes surge­ry can help manage symptoms. Working closely with he­althcare providers is key.

Answered on 30th June '24

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