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Female | 27

Why do I have tingling and burning in right hand?

I'm having tingling and burning sensation in my right wrist and hand and i can't feel anything at all and I need a diagnosis

1 Answer

Answered on 20th July '24

You could have carpal tunne­l syndrome. It occurs when a nerve­ in your wrist gets compressed. Symptoms include­ tingling, burning, numbness. Repeate­dly using your hand, like typing extensive­ly, may cause it. Try resting your hand, wearing a brace­, and doing hand exercises. If it pe­rsists, consult an orhopedist.

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

Feeling Dizzy vomiting headache

Female | 21

It may be caused by the virus for instance, and your body is struggling with it, or it may be a simple dehydration issue. Drink water frequently, rest, and eat well-cooked bland foods (crackers being one of the great options indeed). If your symptoms do not improve, consult a doctor.

Answered on 21st Nov '24

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HI I am worried about my forgetfullness, I am 20 years old and forgot a password yesterday that I have been doing at list 6 times a week for the past 2 years and today I was sure I brought my bag with me, but it ended up being at home, but I am convinced I took it with me. Is it dangerous that I am forgetting things?

Female | 20

It's normal to misplace or forget things sometimes especially when life gets busy or when you are feeling overwhelmed by the things to do. Forgetting a password or misplacing your bag occasionally is usually nothing to worry about at your age. Get enough sleep, eat healthily, and manage stress to help boost memory. If you're unsure, consider keeping a task list ready or utilizing the reminders on your phone to keep you structured. But if you have worries, getting in touch with a healthcare provider is a great alternative to get yourself tested and put your mind at ease.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Why I feel suddenly dizziness

Female | 24

It’s normal to feel lightheaded every once in a while and it’s totally natural to panic. There are a bunch of different reasons why this might happen. Maybe you haven’t eaten much today or haven’t had anything to drink in a few hours. Perhaps you’re working out too hard and getting dehydrated, or you stood up really fast and got dizzy from the blood rush. Some people even feel faint when they’re anxious.

Answered on 11th June '24

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Dear sir, I am Yasir. I am 25 years old. I am very upset for this. My both foot drop problem since 2 years. So please give me suggestions. What should I do now.

Male | 25

You please contact a doctor for the best advice on managing your condition. Depending on the severity of your condition, you may be able to receive physical therapy and/or medications that can help improve your mobility. A variety of assistive devices and adaptive strategies are there that may beneficial to you. It is important to discuss your options with your doctor to ensure that you are taking the most effective steps to manage your condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, Doctor. I am 14 years old. I eat gingko biloba to improve memory but I seem to be allergic to it. what should I do, can I take these two pills (Allergic medical )at the same time or alternately? What are the doctor's recommended supplements that I can eat to improve memory? Best greats, sharifah

Female | 14

It's great that you're looking to improve your memory, but it's best not to take anything you're allergic to. Rash, itching, or even difficulty breathing can occur as allergic reactions to ginkgo biloba. You should stop taking it if you are allergic. Instead, maybe try omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, or magnesium. These are good for memory too.

Answered on 24th June '24

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What causes muscle and nerve pains in my legs thighs and arms that comes and goes with no fever

Female | 25

Fibromyalgia causes achy pains. The­se pains go away and come back without feve­r. Fibromyalgia hurts muscles and nerves in le­gs, thighs, and arms. It makes you feel tire­d too. Stress worsens fibromyalgia pains. Lack of slee­p and weather changes worse­n it also. Gentle exe­rcises and relaxation me­thods might help too. Getting enough sle­ep is important. Eating healthy foods can help fibromyalgia. Managing stre­ss levels might help as we­ll.

Answered on 28th Aug '24

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Good day, I am 37 years old, Please i have been feeling dizzy for the past 3 days now with severe headache, i have ran an MP test shows PM NOON SEEN, Typhi DO 160, Paratyphi BO 80 while all others are 20. RBS 7.4 which was done in the morning while the one done in the evening same day was 4.5, BP at the hospital reads 140/90 while with my equipment at home i got 120/80 Please am confused is there any explanation Please. I was given Tab Stemestil 10 mg daily, Tab Hyncipro 500mg, Tab D-Artepp T, Cap Vitacap T. But am still feeling that dizziness.

Male | 37

Your elevated blood pressure readings and fluctuating blood sugar levels may also contribute to these feelings. The medications you've received, including antihistamines and antimalarials, should help address your condition. However, if dizziness persists or worsens, I recommend reaching out to your healthcare provider for a follow-up. They can offer further evaluation to ensure you receive appropriate care and guidance.

Answered on 16th Jan '25

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I’ve had a headache for the past five days. Usually behind the eyes and sometimes a stabbing pain behind the head.

Male | 19

This is a common type­ called a tension headache­. These types of he­adaches can cause pain behind your e­yes. They can also make you fe­el a stabbing pain at the back of your head. Stre­ss, bad posture, or lack of sleep ofte­n cause them. Try to relax and drink lots of wate­r. Do some easy neck stre­tches too. If the headache­s keep happening, talk to a doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have a headache especially temples crushing headache at night

Female | 26

You’re dealing with some pretty intense headaches, especially in or around your temples at night. There are a few reasons why this might be happening. One possibility is that it’s caused by stress, not getting enough sleep, or too much screen time – which can strain your eyes. Drinking plenty of water and trying to relax before bed could help make it hurt less. If this keeps going on though, talking to a doctor would be a good next step.

Answered on 11th July '24

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im facing a problem in which my legs start to become hot for just of 5-10 seconds. Whats the reason behnid this?

Male | 27

Many people­ feel sudden warmth, calle­d hot flashes. These happe­n frequently for women, but me­n can get them too. Hormonal changes or re­actions cause hot flashes. Stress, caffe­ine, or alcohol may trigger them. Staying cool, avoiding spicy foods, and re­laxing can help manage hot flashes. If the­y continues being problematic, spe­ak to your doctor.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

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my name is lhamo I have come here for my mother's illness, my mother's name is Bimla My mother has heart failure and one of her kidneys is damaged since 2 years, so now my mother's body has become completely stiff suddenly and she is not able to speak anything, she is just breathing, she is not able to eat or drink anything, it has been 2 days Mummy's hands and feet have become cold and she also has epilepsy. It has been 2.5 years and she is 40 years old.

Female | 40

The symptoms you described, such as stiffness, trouble speaking, cold hands and feet, and epilepsy say serious things to me. With her previous medical records including heart failure, kidney damage, and extreme variations, this may be a life-threatening issue. It is of utmost importance for her to get appropriate attention as soon as possible to receive the right treatment and the right care for her. The doctors may need to deal with the heart, kidney, and neurological issues together to make your mother feel better.

Answered on 25th Oct '24

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