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Female | 43

Chronic Knee Pain: Symptoms and Treatment Options

knees pain of legs last of 1 year

1 Answer
Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 14th Aug '24

A whole ye­ar with pain in your knees must've be­en tough. Many factors could cause this issue - injury, ove­ruse, or even arthritis. You might e­xperience swe­lling, stiffness, trouble moving your knee­s. Try resting, icing the area, ge­ntle exercise­s, and pain medication for relief. But don't he­sitate to consult an orthopedist if the discomfort persists, as the­y can provide professional guidance tailore­d to your specific situation.

70 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1296)

What is the best pain relief for degenerative disc disease

Female | 61

For pain relief in degenerative disc disease, 
As per alternative medicine therapy, pain is due to imbalance in the body I.e. acid/ alkali imbalance or yin or yang imbalance
So first step is to give balancing acupuncture points and then target points, when 50% pain reduction is achieved, moxibustion, cupping, electro stimulation and seed therapy, diet tips and physical exercise is given

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Suffering from right hand joint pain since 4 months

Male | 67

Repetitive pain caould be due to arthritis, repetitive strain injury, or some previous injury.. Consult an orthopedic specialist or rheumatologist, for proper evaluation and diagnosis. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Painful swollen foot in 85 y old lady since 20 days after possible eversion injury Treated conservatively with walking air cast but little improvement Your kind opinion

Female | 85

An outward roll of the ankle may cause immediate pain and swelling, so an eversion injury is likely. There could be mild fractures or other problems missed by the initial examination or X-rays. I would advise you to get it checked again, if not much progress has been made in the next 3 weeks even while using an air cast for support.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm 17 years old. My man. I had joint and muscle pain, especially in the neck, for a while. There is pain in the neck, elbow joints, arm muscles, wrist and fingers, and the bone between the elbow and hand. However, what is disturbing is the leg pain. It starts from the waist and hips and goes towards the feet. The most severe pain is the left upper leg, thigh and knee. I have pain in the calves of both my feet. Even my toes hurt. I have a burning and stinging sensation in my left upper leg. And worst of all, I have extreme weakness and fatigue. I can never open my eyes in the morning, I can't even wake up, I'm always tired. The pediatrician looked at it 1 month ago. At that time, there were no such severe symptoms, there was some joint pain and fatigue. He did a detailed blood test and nothing came up. Just this CRP 10 The doctor didn't say anything and we never went back. What diseases can it be a symptom of? Could it be a sign of leukemia? Someone said it. But my family thought I was exaggerating everything, so I didn't say anything to them again about going to the hospital. I just want to know your opinion What do you think it could be? I'm sorry for keeping you busy

Erkek | 17

Answered on 24th Sept '24

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What is seropositive rheumatoid arthritis?

Female | 45

Blood reports are in favour of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Dr Rufus Vasanth Raj

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My father is extremely overweight and has COPD and Emphysema, can he have a hip replacement

Male | 78

YES, your FATHER can have a hip replacement surgery.. However, his weight and lung problems can increase the risk of complications during and after the surgery. He will need to work closely with his doctors to prepare for the surgery and manage his conditions. Losing weight and improving lung function before the surgery can help reduce the risk of complications and improve the outcome.. It is important that he follows his doctor's advice and instructions for a safe and successful surgery..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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wrist pain alternating between both wrists, lower back pain, knee pains resembling bruising above the knees and sometimes bruise like pain in the thighs and sharp hip pain all the way to the foot (like a pulled string feeling) - most are often after overuse (phone, walking, sleeping wrong). They don’t always happen at once but sometimes all together. Other discomforts involve stabbing pain inside the foot from under when walking for too long, finger joint pains usually worse the second day after overuse and shoulder and elbow pains after sleeping slightly wrong or overuse. Occasional Tingling/numbness in fingers (I can’t feel my fingers for a few seconds sometimes) and most often stiffness in finger joints occur in the mornings. Occasionally, affected areas exhibit slight redness and warmth. Recently I’ve found that stretching the pained areas helps a lot. General tiredness persists. These symptoms have persisted for nearly a year, fluctuating in severity. There haven't been any major accidents. Tests * anti ds dna is negative * HLA-B27 is negative * Ana is positive — * RF factor negative. * Knee X-Ray shows some cartilage thinning * MRI done: report says Signal loss due to degeneration was observed in the L4-5 disc * vitamin d3 at 28

Female | 24

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

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Reed ki haddi ki NAS dabbi Hui hai uska upchar bataen

Male | 58

You need to rest and avoid excessive strain. You may take pain killers, try heat or cold therapy. Do gentle stretching exercises and maintain good posture. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Suggest the best doctor for lower back pain

Male | 68

You can try alternative therapy like Acupuncture and Acupressure.
Acupuncture points help in balancing and stimulating the body points. 
Acupuncture and moxibustion help in releasing and relaxing the body from trauma of pain to ultimate relaxed state.
Spinal correction is achieved with Acupuncture, Acupressure and physical therapy
 Natural remedies help to boost and support the therapy there-by giving quick results and permanent cure.
Take care

Answered on 23rd May '24

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