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Male | 43

Last 10 yr.I am suffering small stomach pain I don't comfortable in my stomach before 10 yr. I do endoscopy and colonoscopy So please suggest me

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

Longstanding stomach issues better to evaluate with basic USG abdomen and pelvis and also ogd and colonoscopy. You can also consult the Best Gastroenterologist in Pune for further information. 

64 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1467)

Fatty liver..abdominal pain since few days

Male | 31

You may have some stomach issues, which could be related to fatty liver. When the liver stores too much fat, it can cause discomfort. Other signs of fatty liver include tiredness, weakness, and weight loss. Eating well, exercising, and avoiding alcohol can improve liver health.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

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i drank too much alcohol im fine now though but want to make sure because im worried

Male | 21

After ingesting a large quantity of alcohol, it is fundamental to introspect about your body. Are you feeling better now? That's good! Most of the time, common symptoms of drinking too much include headache, nausea, and feeling tired. Heavy drinking can lead to damage to the liver and brain. For the sake of the body's recovery, water should be maintained high, healthy foods have to be eaten, and some rest should be taken. 

Answered on 28th Aug '24

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I can't eat because of side effects of previous medicine

Male | 23

Fee­ling queasy after taking medicine­ can be tough. Meds sometime­s cause side effe­cts like no appetite, nause­a, or tummy ache. They can bother your stomach lining. Eat tiny bland me­als and pause betwee­n bites. Ginger tea may he­lp calm things too. If worried about meds, let your doctor know. The­y can guide what's best.

Answered on 1st Aug '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hey, I am a 22-year-old boy, and I have stomach pain. I feel dizzy due to this; I have a vision issue. Since yesterday, when I go to the washroom to pee, when I pass the urine, it's got a dark yellow colour in it. It is not normal, and please suggest the best you can. 

Male | 22

Having inflammation in the abdomen, dizziness, unclear or distorted vision, and the fact that the urine is darker shade of yellow than usual might point to something. Make an effort to drink more water. In addition to this, you can consume simple and dry meals, as well as, avoid coffee, tea, and alcoholic drinks. If no improvement is experienced, then visit a doctor for a check-up.

Answered on 10th July '24

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Due to wartbin my genitals doctor asked to undergo HBS test and I got report with below value *Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (Anti HBs)* (Serum,CMIA) observed value 61 mIU/ml. Does that mean I am hepatitis b resistant and need not to worry?

Male | 35

The value of 61 mIU/ml for your HBs antibody is good! In other words, your body won with a hepatitis B virus infection. Hepatitis B is a virus that puts the liver at risk and may lead to yellowing of the skin, tiredness, and stomach pain. You are safe from the hepatitis B infection with your current value. 

Answered on 7th Oct '24

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I believe I have Pancreatolithiasis and I am pregnant what can I do?

Female | 27

I suggest you should seek help of a gastroenterologist .The doctor may prescribe a few dietary restrictions with medications to help with the symptoms and keeping the condition manageable.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello. I have been diagnosed with underactive thyroid since 3 weeks and I was prescribe with L Thyroxin 25. On the 1st week I started to take it everyday in the morning 30 min before breakfast, everything was fine. Then on 2nd week, I started again my birth control pills which is Asumate 30. And from the moment that I have started again my birth control pills and the L Thyroxin 25, I have been having diarrhea problem for 2 weeks until today still on going. I am not sure what is the issue , can you help please ?

Female | 28

I think you might have a stomach upset. When you take birth control pills with L Thyroxin, you might experience diarrhea. This could mean that the combo is affecting your gut. Keep yourself hydrated and consider taking the drugs at different times during the day. If it doesn’t stop, talk to a doctor so they can advise accordingly. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How to cope up with poop disorder after quitting tobacco

Male | 23

After quitting tobacco, changes in bowel habits can occur, possibly leading to digestive discomfort. Stay hydrated, opt for fiber-rich foods, and consider probiotics to support gut health. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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