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Female | 22

Late Periods: Negative Pregnancy Test Causes

Mara periods na 1 month 10 day thy gya. Pregnancy test negative avyo che to su reason hoy sake

1 Answer
Dr. Nisarg Patel

Social Obstetrics And Gynecologist

Answered on 6th Aug '24

It worries pe­ople when their pe­riod delays but pregnancy isn't dete­cted. Sometimes stre­ss, weight fluctuations, or hormonal changes trigger this. The­se factors disrupt the menstrual cycle­'s regularity. Relaxing, eating nutritious foods, sle­eping sufficiently, and reducing stre­ss helps. However, if irre­gularity persists, consult a gynecologist for an examination.

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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4875)

I AM 15 Weeks pregnant and my TSH Harmone is 3.75 is it normal or I have required medicine

Female | 30

When you are 15 weeks pregnant, the TSH level at 3.75 is a minimally higher value than the ideal range for pregnancy, but it remains on the safer side. So if you are not at the stage of subclinical disease, this parameter indicates that your thyroid is not far from the ideal range for pregnancy.

Answered on 14th June '24

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I am 9 years old female and I had intercourse on 6,7 june but from 7 june I had experience a itching and buring in my vagina after that I got to know that i had yeast infection and i had applied cadid b cream and took lactobac plus capsules from 10 june as i had yeast infection in january and the doctor prescribed me lactobac plus for 21 days and traco 100mg for 6 days. I am taking lactobac plus from 10 june but on 11 june i had my periods and from that I am experience more itching as I have experience a relief after applying the cream but after periods i think it got worse now what to do should i continue taking lactobac plus and traco or any other treatment? also i had taken birth control pills on 6..7 june.

Female | 19

You could have a yeast infection, they can make your vagina itch and burn. You did well starting to use Candid B cream and taking lactobacillus capsules, but I'm afraid things have only gotten worse since your period started. Keep taking the traco exactly as directed along with the lactobacillus capsules. Make sure that you continue keeping the affected area clean and dry while avoiding scented products too. If these measures fail to relieve your symptoms please make an appointment with your doctor for further advice.

Answered on 13th June '24

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I have long periods since 10 days

Female | 21

Consult a gynecologist for evaluation and proper diagnosis. It can be caused due to hormonal imbalances, medical conditions, or medication changes. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and tracking your menstrual cycle can help.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am having periods two times in this month gap of only four days

Female | 25

Irregular periods happens due to hormonal imbalances, stress, changes in weight, or certain medications, etc. Having two periods in one month with only a four days gap between them can be concerning.. and it is advisable to consult with a your doctor for further evaluation and start the treatment soon.

Answered on 15th Aug '24

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How long do ovaries work after hysterectomy?

Female | 35

If the uterus is removed, as in a hysterectomy with preservation of ovaries, they usually work normally until natural menopause. But this may differ from person to person and the surgical approach. You should talk to your gynecologist and with the surgeon that did your surgery for details about you case. They will inform patients about post-surgery ovarian function recovery.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Single wide loop of cord around fetal neck

Female | 21

Finding a cord loop around a baby's neck is common. Normally, this doe­sn't cause issues. The cord wraps whe­n the baby moves. Babies can be born vaginally without issue­s. During delivery, doctors monitor the baby closely to e­nsure smoothness. 

Answered on 1st Aug '24

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