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Female | 43

mental health , depression , anti depressants

1 Answer
Dr. Vikas Patel


Answered on 24th Oct '24

Depression is a mental health problem that can deeply affect a person and their life. Seeing a qualified therapist who is either a psychiatrist is essential. They are in a position to make a comprehensive assessment and to outline appropriate treatment approaches, including the prescribing of antidepressant drugs where necessary

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Questions & Answers on "Psychiatry" (494)

Am fully stress and i can't sleep all night. I wand to cry i don't know the reason but i wand cry

Female | 18

That's normal - e­veryone expe­riences those fe­elings now and then. Stress builds up. It make­s sleeping difficult and brings tears e­asily. That's okay though. Try opening up to someone you trust about what's bothe­ring you. Deep breaths or listening to calm music might help too. Don't forget: taking care of your me­ntal health matters just as much as your physical health.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My daughter is special child do u have experience with special child

Female | 12

Yes we treat special child.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 2nd July '24

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I'm 26 year old and male. I've a some issues, if i saw something bad or nasty things like shit or dirt or smell stink i use to spit for something and i feel the stink inside me whenever I don't do vomit. Plz help me. What should i do. Is it any major problem.

Male | 26

You may have a gag reflex. This happens when your body is more sensitive to certain things you see, smell, or taste. It isn’t usually serious but it can be unpleasant. Try to steer clear of anything that makes you feel like this. If it won’t go away and bothers you, too, it might help to speak with a doctor about how to handle it.

Answered on 10th July '24

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Hello so i am a 13y old boy. Since this month i had some panick attacks and hyperventillation(i had 2 one today and one 2 weeks ago) i would ask how i can stop making having panick attacks or hyperventillation.

Male | 13

Commonly, everyone gets scared or anxious from time to time, even when experiencing panic attacks and hyperventilation. These are most likely caused by stress, fear, or anxiety. Signs are quick breathing, chest tightness, and dizziness. Apart from doing deep breathing exercises, training in mindfulness, and talking to a trustful person, can also reduce panic attacks. 

Answered on 8th July '24

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"I ingested 50 mg of amitriptyline all at once on Sunday, December 1, 2024, at 1 pm. It has been more than 48 hours since the ingestion, and I haven't experienced any severe symptoms. After taking the medication, I slept for almost around 24 hours. I also have IBS, and I'm concerned about any potential long-term effects or complications related to the overdose. Am I now in the safe zone? When would it be safe to resume my prescribed amitriptyline dose of 10 mg twice a day? Should I undergo any tests or monitoring before resuming the medication, or would it be safe to wait for a week and then restart my regular dose?"

Female | 23

Glad to know that you have not been experiencing any severe symptoms after taking 50 mg of amitriptyline. The fact that you slept for a long time could be a side effect of the medication. If you're feeling alright now and the time gone is more than two days there's probably nothing serious about it. Whatever the case, you should stay off your usual dosage of 10 mg twice a day for a week first. The best thing to do is to see a doctor if you experience any peculiar signs during that period.

Answered on 4th Dec '24

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Im not sure but I think I had a eating disorder I'd go days on end with eating or even moving I'd just cry all day Im finally feeling better but I'm gaining to much weight and I have zero stamina I feel awful and I keep eating so much I feel fat, and now everyone is starting no notice how unfortunately it am and I can't do it anymore

Female | 19

See a psychologist or psychiatrist as soon as possible and get treated for any possible mental health issues that may be influencing your symptoms. In addition, go to a nutritionist or dietitian and have them compose a meal plan which will be a part of a healthy weight maintenance.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm 23 years old, I'm facing anxiety disorders from past 5 years and taking antidepressants from last 4 years irregularly. But, still i get panic attacks and now the condition is that i feel a high pulse rate and then suddenly my left arm gets numb even somtimes my left leg and shoulder also feels the same and i also feel headache only in left side which is unbearable. What should i do?

Female | 23

The symptoms you're describing could be due to a panic attack, which can sometimes mimic a heart attack. It's important to address this issue promptly. Make sure you take your antidepressants consistently as prescribed and consult a mental health expert for the best way to manage your anxiety. Stress management techniques, like deep breathing exercises, can also help with these symptoms. 

Answered on 10th Sept '24

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I hv stop sizomant after 45 days and facing some withdrawal side effects....withdrawal symptoms means what.. I changed dr..he gave toficalm, arip mt 2, nexito ls, trymptor... Taken 3 days, I m not getting sleep...and saw in Google arip mt 2 has serious side effects. Can I restart sizomant at half tablet after stopping above medicine

Female | 43

Withdrawal symptoms are the body's reaction to the sudden cessation of the drug. Confusion, insomnia (the inability to sleep), and anxiety are just a few of the usual symptoms. In order to deal with these symptoms, it is very important to gradually taper off the medications than to abruptly stop them. However, using sizomant at a lower dose might also help relieve the withdrawal symptoms, but seek medical advice first.

Answered on 4th Dec '24

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I have savere anxiety dipprestion can't go outside delusion of people are against me or they will harm me or they are making plans against me from a 1 year I spend my time in isolation in a room can't go outside everything is worse of life I checked to many psychiatrist and take many medicines but no relief what I do now

Male | 23

Delusions of people opposing you are­ troubling. Brain chemical imbalances or past trauma could cause the­se symptoms. Since psychiatrists and medications have­n't helped yet, ke­ep trying different tre­atments. Cognitive-behavioral the­rapy, group therapy, or new medications might be­ beneficial. Keep see­king help until you find what works best. Supportive, unde­rstanding individuals can make a difference­ too. 

Answered on 23rd July '24

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My daughter who is 4 and half years was still unable to have speech command following is there but whenever she stand in attention position her legs used to shakes and she raises her hands while walking like she is balancing

Female | 4

 Do contact a clinical psychologist for detailed psychological evaluation , she needs tobe examined to rule out of development issues 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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