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Male | 13

Can my son get cancer treatment at Tata Hospital?

My 13-year-old son has been suffering from cancer for a long time and he is not getting any treatment in Bangladesh, so I want to get his cancer treatment at Tata Hospital in India.

1 Answer

Answered on 27th Nov '24

Cancer can be manifested in symptoms such as losing weight, fatigue, and pain. Tata Hospital in India is one of the best hospitals for treatment. They have innovatively designed technology and skilled doctors who can change your life. Ensure that you speak with the Oncologist to get the best care for your child.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Cancer" (366)

One lady suffering from uterus cancer have you any option for treatment without kimo

Female | 55

Chemotherapy is a common treatment option for uterine cancer, however there are some alternative treatment options available depending on the specific situations, like surgery, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy to help fight cancer.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

My relative has mixed ovarian tumour (serous/mucinous type)...what is it and can it be treated successfully ?

Yes Can be treated, 
Contact Clinic

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Dr Deepa Bandgar

What is the AML blood cancer and is it very serious issue and what exact treatmnet it requires to get recovered?

Male | 45

It's a type of blood cancer that affects the bone marrow and blood cells. It is considered a serious and aggressive form of leukemia. Treatment aims to achieve remission, which means having no signs of leukemia in the blood and bone marrow. The treatment plan includes chemotherapy, stem cell transplant, targeted therapy, and supportive care. Recovery chances vary based on individual factors, 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

A 45 year old woman just had surgery of left kidney removal due to renal cell carcinoma. A report came back saying “Microscopically; - left side radical nephrectomy ; - Sections show; renal cell carcinoma, nuclear grade Ill according WHO/ISUP grading system (composed of 4 grade), the growth composed of diffuse, tubular micropapillary patterns, the cells having granular eosinophilic cytoplasm, with invasion of pelvicalyseal system and renal sinus. Minimal tumor necrosis. Positive Lymphovascular and renal capsular invasion (but no invasion to perirenal fat). No renal vein invasion. Pieces of rib was tumor free. The growth limited to kidney, no extra renal extension. AJCC TNM staging 2N0Mx group stage I| (T2= mass > 7 cm< 10 cm limited to kidney)”. Some doctors are stating that chemotherapy is needed now because there is a risk of it being spread in the body (not necessarily organs). So my question is what does this report summarize or mean? Can you explain it to me and how chemotherapy really is needed?

Female | 45

Che­motherapy aims to eliminate unse­en cancer cells, pre­venting future recurre­nce. It serves as a pre­cautionary measure against the dise­ase. Chemotherapy targe­ts potential residual cancer ce­lls undetectable through scans. This additional tre­atment bolsters defe­nses, reducing chances of cance­r's return. It provides an extra safe­guard, increasing the odds of successful manageme­nt.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dr. Donald Babu

Dr. Donald Babu

My Sister aged 67 has been diagnosed with malignant epithelioid mesothelioma. Please recommend good hospitals and doctors in Ahmedabad or around the country with expertise in treating mesothelioma cancer.

Female | 67

Mesothelioma can be successfully treated by the use of systemic therapy and appropriately selected surgical options. Please consult and let us formulate a personalised treatment plan for her.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shubham Jain

Dr. Shubham Jain

Her 2 POSITIVE Right Breast Cancer ,after Chemo sessions planned for surgery, how many methods of surgeries are available, is there any difference of methodology from other hospitals of Hyderabad to Tata Memorial one. want to have opinion for the surgery sir,

Female | 57

There are several different methods of surgery that can be used to treat right breast cancer. The most common treatments are mastectomy (removal of the entire breast), breast-conserving surgery, and lymph node dissection. The type of surgery for you will depend on the size and location of the tumor, the stage of the cancer, and the your individual preferences. The methodology for performing surgery at Tata Memorial Hospital is likely to be similar to that of other hospitals in Hyderabad. However, there may be slight differences due to the individual expertise and experience of the surgeons at each hospital. You discuss your options with your doctor and ask for their opinion on the best type of surgery for you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

I think i have skin cancer but i don’t know how to tell

Female | 14

If you suspect skin cancer, consult a dermatologist. Monitor any changes in moles or spots using the ABCDE rule. Take photos for documentation and avoid self diagnosis. A dermatologist can perform a thorough examination and potentially conduct a biopsy if necessary. Early detection is key for successful treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

What treatment of uterus cancer in India is available?

Female | 53

well, every possible treatment is available in India. it depends on what is needed for the patient. it may be Robotic surgery to radiotherapy to precision oncology treatment. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Sandeep Nayak

Dr. Sandeep Nayak

How does the immune system recovery after chemotherapy lymphoma?

Male | 53

For lymphoma patients, immune system recovery after chemotherapy can vary, often taking several months to years to fully rebound.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Hemithyroidectomy surgery was done of my wife,age'-48yrs in Augst 2019.But unfortunately biopsy of the lump opened was not done.from january she feel pain in cold in the lower front portion now and then.wound is fully cured. Please advice me for further treatment.

You could start evaluation by doing USG - Thyroid and also take a Surgeon's opinion. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Soumya Poduval

My uncle 67 years old had a surgery to remove colon cancer and one liver metastasis, the tumor tests are : mismatch repair proficient, her 2 +ve score 3+ , braf for v600e negative, what is next?

Male | 67

After the surgical removal of colon cancer and a liver metastasis, the next steps may involve targeted therapy, given the HER2-positive status, possibly with drugs like trastuzumab. Since the BRAF V600E mutation is negative, certain chemotherapy options may be effective. Your uncle's oncologist will tailor a treatment plan based on these findings, incorporating adjuvant chemotherapy and possibly targeted therapies. Regular follow-ups and open communication with the healthcare team will be essential for ongoing care and monitoring his response to treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Donald Babu

Dr. Donald Babu

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