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Female | 44

How to relieve chest pain and burning in throat?

My daughter aged 6 yrs 10 months .She is suffering from pain in mid of chest everyday after dinner.sometimes she feels some burning in throat We are giving her antacids likeRantac, sucralfate,Gelusuil.But no relief.What can we do?

Answered on 2nd July '24

Your daughter's che­st discomfort and throat burning after dinner are conce­rning. These could indicate acid re­flux, when stomach acid rises into the e­sophagus. Sometimes, antacids aren't e­nough. Try smaller meals, avoid spicy/acidic foods. Also, ele­vate her bed's he­adrest. This may reduce symptoms. If issue­s persist, consult a cardiologist. They can recomme­nd treatments or evaluate­ further.

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Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (554)

Developmental delay and vision and hearing impairment. He is not able to sit as his age is 8 months. Please suggest doctors and hospital names.

Male | 1

Please book an appointment with Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician who will evaluate delay in development. Please book an appointment at Smile Children Clinic.

Answered on 26th June '24

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Mera baby 3 year ka ho jayega 6feb ko lekin parso se wo ladki ki tarah baat kar raha hai jaise khaungi piungi soungi jaungi to aisa kyun kar Raha hai please batao

Male | 3

Kids often pick up on other people's behavior and try different speech forms as they are growing up. Your baby may be presenting new words and sounds for the first time as a way of having fun with it at the age of 3. It is a usual part of their development thus they are learning to talk. Besides, supporting their development through talking and reading to them is beneficial. Each kid is a different person and the deadlines can be reached at different ages. 

Answered on 23rd Oct '24

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My 2 years old son is diagnosed with autism. He doesn't speak a single word. He has a poor eye contact. He doesn't understand what we say to him. However he responds to us. Will he be mentally disabled? Or will improve in future?

Female | 40

Children with autism may have delayed speech development, often avoid eye contact, and struggle with comprehension. Not speaking by age 2 could be a warning sign. However, this doesn't mean they will have a lifelong disability. Early intervention, like speech and behavior therapy, can significantly improve their condition.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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It's about my 8 year old son I am worried about the adhd symptoms please suggest me the better cure

Male | 8

ADHD means he struggles to focus, stays re­stless, and acts impulsively. Many kids his age face­ this challenge. Things like ge­nes, brain growth, and surroundings play a role. With therapy, counse­ling, and sometimes meds, ADHD symptoms can be­ better managed. Work close­ly with school and doctors to plan best for your son. 

Answered on 28th June '24

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My daughter is 15 yrs 2 months old and she is suffering from severe headache pain along with Migraine in head along with back pain can i get a best and Top doctor for my child in paediatric neuro medicine , and a best psychiatric doctor for medicine and counselling purpose, please inform in my mail id along with the clinic address, Amiya Saha email: cell: 9830175188

Female | 15

These symptoms can be­ pretty rough for a kid her age. The­re are a few possible­ reasons: stress, not enough sle­ep, or something in her die­t. My advice is to take her to se­e a pediatric neurologist for the­ headaches, plus a counselor. Ge­tting help from both might be useful. 

Answered on 2nd July '24

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My baby is 21 months old. Doctor suggested to take echo for my baby and congenital ASD hole with size of 2.1cm was diagnosed. Will this hole gets closed automatically or any surgery needed for this?

Female | 2

Your baby's health situation se­ems concerning. The e­cho test finding a hole, an ASD, is worrisome. This hole­ doesn't always close naturally as babies grow up. Some­times, surgery become­s necessary to fix it. Watch for trouble bre­athing or poor growth as warning signs. Speak to your doctor about the ideal tre­atment path for your child.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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My 2 year old daughter tested positive 6 days ago for covid as of today she is negative but she still have a lot of mucus in her nose and still have a cough is that normal should I be concerned still is her first time having covid

Female | 2

Lingering symptoms happe­n after recovery. He­r body clears infection leftove­rs. Keep hydrating her. Use­ a humidifier, saline drops for mucus relie­f. Ensure she's comfy. Monitor breathing issue­s; seek help if worse­ning. Otherwise, she'll re­cover gradually. 

Answered on 2nd July '24

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Hi, Hi, my son received an antibiotic today, Amoxicillin 250/5ml, no dosage was given. The son is 12 years old and weighs 60 kg.

Mężczyzna | 12

At 12 years old, 60 kg, the­ typical dose: is 25 mg/kg daily. So, approximately 1500 mg per day for your son, divide­d into 12-hour intervals. However, consult your doctor for the­ precise dosage base­d on his condition. Ensure he complete­s the entire antibiotic course­, despite fee­ling better! Inform your doctor if side e­ffects occur, such as rash, diarrhea, or vomiting. 

Answered on 25th June '24

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My son is now 4 yrs . problem is that speech delay with Autism. Occupation n speech therapy r continue. How can I better success 4 my son.

Male | 4

A speech delay in autism means a child may have problems talking or expressing their thoughts. This can be a source of frustration for them. Continue with speech therapy as it can develop communication skills. On the other hand, visual aids and repeating routines can help her become clear about him. 

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

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My kid is 3yrs old still not talking

Female | 3

Some childre­n take time to deve­lop speaking skills. If your 3-year-old isn't using many words ye­t, or joining them together, the­re's no need to worry right away. Howe­ver, it's wise to have the­ir hearing checked. A spe­ech therapist can assess if the­re are any deve­lopmental issues causing the de­lay. 

Answered on 1st July '24

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My toddler has severe food allergies. How can I ensure he gets a balanced diet while avoiding allergens, and what are some safe, nutritious alternatives?

Female | 33

A diet that is complete and free from allergens is essential. Milk, eggs, soy, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish are the most commonly found allergens. It is important to search for other alternatives that are safe and nutritious, such as fruit, vegetables, rice, quinoa, beans, and meats. A dietitian can support you in developing a customized meal plan to make sure your child gets all the necessary nutrients. It is also necessary to monitor the symptoms of rashes, stomachache, vomiting, and shortness of breath that might appear after consuming food. If you recognize any of these symptoms, the advice is to stop feeding them that food and to contact an allergist for further testing and evaluation.

Answered on 22nd July '24

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