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Female | 20

My menstrual cycle is irregular and very long. Its vary every month from 35-45days. I had sex using a condom 13 days after the first day of my last period. The condom didn't broke or tear. After 6 days i am feeling breast soreness and mild pelvic pain. Am i pregnant?

1 Answer
Dr. Shweta Shah


Answered on 23rd May '24

The first sign of pregnancy is missing periods so u have to wait till you don’t get periods on your expected date , let 7 days pass by from the expected date , u can then do urine pregnancy test to confirm the pregnancy. These are the earliest sign of pregnancy . You can also visit dermatologist near you for quick result

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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4875)

I am having periods two times in this month gap of only four days

Female | 25

Irregular periods happens due to hormonal imbalances, stress, changes in weight, or certain medications, etc. Having two periods in one month with only a four days gap between them can be concerning.. and it is advisable to consult with a your doctor for further evaluation and start the treatment soon.

Answered on 15th Aug '24

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We are planning for a trip via air travel on feb 23 and my wife just got confirmed for pregnancy yesterday.. Flight travel is around 3 hrs. is it safe to travel?

Female | 23

Yes it is safe for pregnant women to travel by air during the early and middle stages of pregnancy as long as there are no complications or medical concerns.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Mere kaan se mavad arha hai 8 month pregnancy bhi hai

Female | 21

You seem to have an ear discharge that could be due to the fact that you are in the last trimester of your pregnancy. However, pregnancy causes changes in one’s body, thus it can be an ear infection that is easier to happen during this period. Ensure that your ear is always clean and dry. In the case where the discharge persists or the patient suffers from pain or hearing loss, consulting a healthcare provider is the best course of action for the proper diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 13th Dec '24

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I had a really strange blood clot that had some blood and grey tissue, I am scared that I was pregnant and then started taking the birth control and did not know. I had nausea, and tender breasts prior. I am scared I had a miscarriage . I am worried its a decidual cast but there was a small sac like thing with 2 transparent dots. I am still nauseas, have a mild headache, cramps and bleeding. After the clot was released, the bleeding and cramping slowed down a lot.

Female | 29

It's difficult to determine the cause of the blood clot without a proper medical checkup. It's possible It could be a decidual cast, from the uterus during menstruation or after pregnancy. It's also possible that it could be a sign of a miscarriage or another medical condition. I suggest get it checked as soon as possible to determine the cause of your symptoms and get appropriate treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Im 31 weeks pregnant got my growth scan report where it represents my baby hc is less 27.5 cm im really worried about it .is this a major complication wat should I do next

Female | 24

Genetics might be one reason, or perhaps there are some constraints on growth. Sometimes this isn’t significant but follow-up with a healthcare professional is necessary for more assessment and observation. They will direct you accordingly so that the health and growth of your little one are right on track. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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for a whole week straight, my labia has been itchy. i have also been having white sticky discharge and sometimes it could be a faint yellow. there is no odor and no pain, just itchiness. today, i felt a bump like feeling on my labia and i’m guessing it’s a cyst.

Female | 17

Itching and discharge could me­an a yeast infection. A common issue, causing irksome­ itchiness, thick yellowish gunk, and sometime­s bump too. Ove­r-the-counter antifungal creams can provide­ relief. Kee­ping clean and dry down there also he­lps. Drink lots of water, and wear breathable­ cotton undies. 

Answered on 1st Aug '24

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I have light bleeding which started today not sure if its period or implantation bleeding Symptoms tiredness Nausea slightly Headache Tender breast

Female | 42

Light bleeding can be difficult to spot. If you are always sleepy, feeling a bit nauseous, having headaches, and your breasts are sore, it may be your body adjusting to some changes. These signs can be noticed during your period or implantation when a fertilized egg attaches to the uterus. To be sure, take a pregnancy test.

Answered on 19th Sept '24

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I'm having irregular periods but I've cured it by taking medication from last 4months I've got my period regular last time it came 7 days before the time and this month it's been late for 14 days and I'm having pregnancy symptoms so I decided to test tomorrow but today I'm not having any symptoms

Female | 21

Irregular periods can have various causes, and taking medication to regulate them is a positive step. However, even with regular periods, occasional variations in timing can still occur. It mostly happens in maximum no. of women. if you feel you're experiencing pregnancy symptoms it may be a good idea to take a pregnancy test to rule out the possibility of pregnancy.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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